June 28 2024

President Donald Trump rallied a huge crowd Friday in Chesapeake, Virginia.


Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin said: "All roads do lead through Hampton Roads, and Joe Biden's road to retirement is going right through Hampton Roads...it is time to elect strength back into the White House...let's join together and welcome the next President...Donald J. Trump."


Highlights from President Trump's speech: 


President Trump: "As you saw on television last night, we had a big victory against a man that really is looking to destroy our country. He's the worst -- he's the most corrupt, the most incompetent president in the history of our country."


President Trump: "He got the debate rules that he wanted. He got the date that he wanted. He got the network that he wanted, with the moderators he wanted. No amount of rest or rigging could help him defend his atrocious record. It's indefensible."


President Trump: "The Joe Biden on stage yesterday was the same Joe Biden who gave us open borders, crushing inflation, rampant crime, two new wars, a disastrous Afghanistan embarrassment...and one international humiliation after another."


President Trump: "Joe Biden's radical-left Democrat Party is now the party of open borders, massive tax hikes, the destruction of Social Security...endless wars, weaponization of law enforcement...The Republican Party is now the party for all Americans."


President Trump: "Yesterday's debate should make it clearer than ever how important it is to elect a competent president, who will prevent World War 3. I'm the only one that can say that."


President Trump: "Under the Trump administration, we will not rest until we have found every radical Islamic terrorist who Joe Biden has let into America. We will arrest them or we will throw them the hell out of our country immediately."


President Trump: "12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray was laid to rest by her grieving mother, who I spoke to yesterday...her precious daughter became yet another victim of Biden migrant crime...Crooked Joe proved last night he has no regret, no remorse...no compassion."


President Trump: "Instead of a Biden tax increase, I will deliver a Trump middle class tax cut."


President Trump: "Under the Trump administration, we fully rebuilt the U.S. military and we created Space Force. We totally defeated the ISIS territorial caliphate -- 100%."


President Trump: "So if you want to save America, get your family, get your friends, get everyone you know and vote. Vote early, vote absentee, vote on Election Day...you have to go out and vote. And if you want to ensure election integrity sing up: ProtectTheVote.com."

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