August 24 2024
Today, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joined forces with President Donald J. Trump in Glendale, Arizona. During the event, President Trump announced that upon returning to Washington, he would establish a Presidential Commission to investigate the root of chronic illnesses and one to investigate assassinations, including the attempt on his life and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Here are highlights from the event:
PRESIDENT TRUMP:“Robert Kennedy, a great man, and his uncle, President John F. Kennedy. I know that they are looking down right now and they are very, very proud of Bobby. I'm proud of Bobby!”
PRESIDENT TRUMP:“Bobby and I will fight together to defeat the corrupt political establishment and return control of this country to THE PEOPLE. To all who supported Bobby’s campaign, I ask you to join us in building this new coalition in defense of liberty, safety, prosperity, and peace. We need your vote!"
PRESIDENT TRUMP:“We are welcoming support from millions of disaffected Democrats, Independents, moderates, and old-fashioned liberals who still believe in things like borders, democracy, liberty, and the right to FREE SPEECH.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP:“Gone forever is the old Democratic Party of FDR, JFK, and even Bill Clinton. Kamala Harris’s Democrat Party is the party of free healthcare for illegal aliens, communist-style price controls, de-fund the police, banning gas-powered cars, and sex changes for minor children.”
RFK JR: “Don't you want a president who's going to get us out of wars and rebuild the middle class in this country?”
RFK JR:“Don't you want a president who's going to make America healthy again?”