June 28 2024

Joe Biden is an election denier.


In 2016, Joe Biden said that he thought "Al Gore won" the 2000 election. 


Joe Biden has additionally abused his power as president to target his political opponents.


  • Biden directed his Justice Department to indict his main political opponent. 
    • The New York Times reported in March 2023: "In the past, Mr. Biden privately told his close circle of advisers that Mr. Trump posed a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted for his role in the events of Jan. 6, according to two people familiar with his comments. He also told confidants that he wanted Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to stop acting like a ponderous judge and to take decisive action."
    • In November 2022, at a press conference, Joe Biden declared, "Well, we just have to demonstrate that he will not take power by — if we — if he does run.  I’m making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again."



  • Biden-aligned Democrats backed efforts to remove President Trump from the ballot.
    • Colorado's Secretary of State Jena Griswold attended a private Biden campaign fundraiser in November.
    • Maine's Secretary of State Shenna Bellows was a Biden elector in the 2020 election and took a selfie with Biden when she visited the White House.


  • The Biden FBI raided conservative journalist James O'Keefe's home.
    • Not only did the Biden administration raid the home of a prominent conservative journalist, but it secretly accessed Project Veritas' emails.
    • University of Minnesota law professor Jane Kirtley said the FBI's raid is "beyond belief."
    • Biden has a record of targeting journalists. Journalist James Risen wrote in 2016, that under the Obama-Biden administration, "the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases."



  • The Biden FBI targeted concerned parents at school board meetings, pro-Life activists, and Catholics. 
    • Fox News: "The FBI targeted pro-life groups, Catholics, and parents attending school board meetings with investigations in an effort to 'inflate' the sense that they were a domestic terrorism threat, according to new whistleblower reports."
    • The Judiciary Committee found that "evidence shows the White House was heavily involved in the Administration’s targeting of parents."
    • The Washington Times: "Catholic pro-life activist Mark Houck and his wife Ryan-Marie Houck are seeking $4.3 million in damages from the Biden administration, accusing the Justice Department and FBI of targeting him over his anti-abortion views."



  • Biden attempted to create a "disinformation czar" to censor speech.
    • New York Post: "Biden’s new board is part of a concerted liberal attack on free speech."



  • Biden colluded with Big Tech companies to censor speech.
    • The Washington Times: "More than 50 government officials across 13 agencies 'threatened, cajoled and colluded' with social media companies to silence online speech about topics the Biden administration disliked such as election integrity, the origins of the novel coronavirus and COVID-19 restrictions, according to a lawsuit filed by state attorneys general."
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