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November 05 2024
President Trump Will Never Stop Fighting for You
It’s Time to Make America Great Again!
Today is Election Day!
President Trump Will Deliver for ALL Americans:
- When he’s elected, Trump's promised to END CRUSHING INFLATION.
- In his first term, President Trump delivered the LARGEST TAX CUTS in history and household net worth reached all-time highs.
- Trump will deliver no tax on tips, no tax on social security, no tax on overtime and a tax credit for family caregivers, and an increase to the child tax credit.
- He will cut burdensome government regulations that are stifling growth and driving up the price of homes.
- Trump will put back in place his successful border security policies that will stop the massive numbers of migrants from being released into our country.
- He’s promised MASS DEPORTATIONS starting with rapists, murderers, and violent gangs.
- He will restore peace throughout the world–including ending the war in Ukraine and Israel.
Kamala Harris’ Failed and Her Values Have Not Changed:
Meanwhile, Kamala Harris is assuring the American people that a vote for her is a vote for four more years of woke and failed policies that have started wars through weakness, record inflation, and the worst border crisis in CBP history. From the economy to border security to foreign policy she has failed by every measure.
- Comrade Kamala’s economic policy has caused record-high inflation with prices increasing nationwide by more than 20 percent.
- Under the Biden-Harris Administration, interest rates have gone from 2% to 10%.
- Electric Vehicle Mandate enriched China and costs American auto workers their jobs.
- Open border policies that have let in a record number of illegal immigrants—including half a million criminals and terrorists into our country.
- The disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that led to the death of 13 servicemembers and put our military equipment in the hands of the Taliban.
- Kamala and Biden have emboldened Iran by allowing the regime to profit billions on illicit oil sales. Now, they are using this money to attack Israel and get nuclear weapons.
- Kamala’s weakness allowed Putin to invade Ukraine and empowered Hamas terrorists to carry out the horrific attacks on October 7th.
BOTTOM LINE: Americans are worse off now than they were four years ago. We need President Trump to Make America Great Again…AGAIN. America is going to Fire Kamala Harris today.
November 04 2024
Kamala’s Out of Control Spending Reaches New Highs
The national debt now hits highest in history
New reporting confirms the Biden-Harris Administration has increased the deficit by $1.8 trillion this year. This administration’s uncontrolled spending and record inflation are driving our country off the fiscal cliff faster than Kamala can say ‘coconut tree.’
The national debt now hits highest in history- OVER $35.8 TRILLION.
Interest payments on our national debt have surged 34% under Kamalanomics costing taxpayers $950 billion on interest ALONE. Without a change of leadership in the White House the next generation will inherit the mistakes of the Biden-Harris Administration and be strapped with crippling debt to pay for their progressive Far-Left agenda.
Kamala and her Democrat cronies reckless spending has led to record high inflation and a historic national debt crisis. If we don’t stop Kamala’s out of control spending, we will leave our children and grandchildren with a weaker economy and nation.
BOTTOM LINE: Kamala’s proposals include even MORE GOVERNMENT SPENDING and tax hikes. For the sake of our children and grandchildren, we need Donald Trump back in the White House.
November 04 2024
Truckers for Trump 🚚
Biden-Harris Regulations Wrecking America’s Truckers
📺 WATCH: Trucking Exec tells Fox News truckers are ‘concerned’ about regulations under Harris, most support Trump.
- “Mike Kucharski, co-owner and vice president of JKC Trucking, the city’s biggest specialty contract carrier, told Fox News on Thursday there are five main reasons why truckers are supporting former President Donald Trump over the vice president. Costs, increased regulatory burdens, infrastructure, driving range of the trucks and less cargo capacity due to the battery” are the top issues of many truckers Kucharski has employed and communicated with, the outlet reported.”
- “Right now, a lot of small business owners in the trucking industry are seriously concerned about Kamala Harris’ impact on our industry if she takes office.”
- "Truckers are already struggling to stay afloat due to issues like skyrocketing diesel costs. It's pouring too much for diesel. Truckers are driving less miles, paying more for fuel,’ he said. ‘Another blow to truckers is this increased regulatory burdens. Truckers are overregulated."
- “Truckers really have hope that he’ll walk back on just some of these regulations, because we’re overregulating the trucking business,’ Kucharski explained. ‘Truckers are very excited because when Trump was talking about the economic plan, he brought up tariffs. And Trump is saying that he wants to bring more businesses, more production back into the U.S., which would be awesome.”
November 04 2024
Food Bank Demand Hits Historic Highs in Battleground States as Economic Crisis Worsens
“It’s a Hunger Crisis”
From rural Michigan to mid-sized towns in Pennsylvania, and even the suburbs of Wisconsin, food banks across key battlegrounds are experiencing an unprecedented surge in demand as the cost of living continues to Skyrocket under Kamala Harris.
📺WATCH: Historic Reliance on Food Banks in Key Battleground States📺
Read More: NBC News: In key swing states, the lines at food banks are growing longer
“Across the rural communities and industrial towns of western Michigan, semitrucks hauling thousands of pounds of food are pulling up to church parking lots and community centers where growing lines of people are waiting for a few boxes of free groceries.”
“One truck can carry enough food for up to 600 households, but some days even that isn’t enough to meet the demand, which has gone up by 18% over the past 12 months, said Ken Estelle, president of Feeding America West Michigan.”
“We have never seen this level of need in the 43 years we have been serving this community. It is significantly higher than during Covid and has pressed us beyond our capacity,” said Estelle.”
“... many households continue to struggle with escalating costs that have depleted their savings and increased credit card debt, leaving little money left over at the end of the month to put food on the table, food bank directors said.”
“Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — critical states in the upcoming presidential election — have become the focus of campaign efforts by former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, who are both seeking to address voters’ economic concerns.”
“ A pound of ground beef costs 42% more than it did four years ago, a gallon of milk is up 17%, and a loaf of bread is 32% higher. In areas where prices have begun to decline, like rent and gas, costs still exceed pre-pandemic levels.”
“In central Pennsylvania, where Arthur said his food banks are serving as many as 275,000 individuals a month, housing costs have become a major pressure point on household budgets.”
“In Lancaster County, rents for a one-bedroom apartment have risen nearly $300 since 2020 to over $1,300, while in Dauphin County, which includes Harrisburg, they’ve increased by over $200 to $1,275, according to apartment rental website Zumper. At those prices, someone making $20 an hour, working 40-hour weeks with no time off, would have to spend more than 30% of their income on rent.”
November 04 2024
ICYMI: Las Vegas Review-Journal Editorial: Harris-Biden failures continue to crush many families
- “The rampant inflation unleashed by this administration’s irresponsible spending binges continues to drain the finances of U.S. families.”
- “Over the past four years, consumer prices in American cities have risen 26 percent faster than private-sector wages, note Sens. Ted Cruz and Rick Scott in a Wall Street Journal commentary this week. The average price of a new car is up nearly 20 percent since January 2021. Throw in rising insurance costs, higher gasoline prices and more expansive financing terms, and the cost of owning and maintaining a vehicle for a year has risen 32 percent under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the two Republican senators calculate.”
- “Thanks to higher mortgage interest rates — triggered by the Fed’s efforts to fight the 9 percent inflation created by the White House and congressional Democrats — ‘the total cost of buying and financing a home has more than doubled’ since Donald Trump left office. Add escalating utility and insurance costs, Sens. Cruz and Scott report, and the cost of ‘owning and living in a home rose from $19,119 a year in 2021 to $36,736 today.”
- “A report from Moody’s Analytics this year determined that Americans are paying for goods and services “on average $784 more each month compared with the same time two years ago and $1,069 more compared with three years ago, before the inflation crisis began.’ That’s nearly a $13,000 annual increase since 2021.”
- “Inflation is, in fact, a silent tax that falls most heavily on poorer Americans, who can least afford it.”
- “As Fox Business reports, prices are up 18.94 percent since January 2021, leading many Americans to eat up savings or turn to high-interest credit cards — a recipe for future financial distress.”
- “Yet Ms. Harris — who says she would have done nothing differently than her boss over the past four years — promises price controls, rent caps, a more aggressive regulatory state and continued handouts for favored green special interests.”
- “Is it any wonder that many American voters have concluded that they simply can’t afford a repeat of the past four years?”
BOTTOM LINE: Nevadans cannot afford four more years of the Left’s failed policies. But help is on the way, President Trump is on his way back to the White House to restore economic prosperity for all Americans.
November 04 2024
Seniors: We Need Trump
"I need Trump back…I can't do it another 4 years" - Senior Michigan Voter.
An 84-year-old Michigan senior told Fox and Friends that she, like many seniors nationwide, was forced to go back to work after retirement to make ends meet due to the Biden-Harris failed economic agenda.
"I need Trump back because during the Biden Administration, I had to take a job at 84-years-old to subsidize my social security, and I know I can't do it another four years...We need Trump because he's going to save our Social Security, he's going to save our Medicare."
Kamala's crushing inflation has hurt those on fixed incomes, including America's seniors, the most. As the prices of groceries and other necessities like electricity and gas have skyrocketed, many of our seniors are forced to go back to work in order to make ends meet.
- President Trump will prioritize at-home senior care, removing obstacles that lead to care worker shortages, and supporting unpaid family caregivers through tax credits.
- Previously, the Trump administration provided new Medicare Advantage supplemental benefits to help keep seniors safe in their homes, respite care for caregivers, transportation coverage, additional in-home support services and assistance, and non-opioid pain management alternatives.
- President Trump will protect seniors Social Security and Medicare and will end taxes on seniors' Social Security.
Seniors across the country agree, “We need Trump.”
November 04 2024
Trump: More Money, Kamala: More Problems.
The choice could not be more clear:
Kamala Harris' policies have led to historic inflation, causing hard-working Americans to pay an additional $27,000 under the Biden-Harris Administration. Nationwide men and women are feeling the pinch as they PAY MORE for just about everything while MAKING LESS. This inflation crisis, essentially a tax on all Americans, has forced families to rely heavily on credit cards, leading to record-high credit card debt of $1.14 trillion.
Kamalanomics is to blame, a failed economic agenda that has COMPLETELY DRAINED more than 80% of Americans' personal savings. And for this reckless endangerment of our economy, Kamala Harris owns the legacy of delivering the "Most unaffordable housing market in history." Everywhere you turn the Biden-Harris economic policies have put the American Dream out of reach, look no further than 30-year fixed mortgage rates that have now more than doubled from the historic low rates under President Trump.
It's time to FIRE KAMALA HARRIS and put a tested and proven economic leader in the White House, Donald J. Trump.
President Trump is one of the most successful businessmen in the world. While in office, Trump ran the Government like a business, driving the Swamp and the Elitist in Washington D.C. CRAZY.
Trump delivered an economic agenda that put the people first—not beholden to bureaucrats, he will be a President for ALL Americans, who always prioritize Main Street over Wall Street.
Bottom Line: Trump: More Money, Kamala: More Problems.
November 03 2024
Kamala the “No Comment” Candidate
Kamala Harris is running for the highest position in the country while simultaneously running away from her true stances. Her flip-flops have left voters wondering where she truly stands, and if they can trust her to hold the position of leader of the Free World.
ICYMI: “The "no comment" candidate: Harris strategy clouds how she'd govern”
- “Harris is the 'no comment' candidate — purposely and strategically. She has calculated that it's safer to be vague on policy matters than lampooned as a flip-flopper or left-winger.”
- “Harris and her staff have refused to detail her position on more than a dozen of her previous stances the past three months in response to questions by Axios. The response to those inquiries: No comment. This makes her actual governing plans a mystery even to many Democrats — given her past liberal record and current promise to govern from the middle. If she wins, this will be seen as shrewd, thread-the-needle politics. But if she loses, she and her team will be blamed for leaving voters foggy about her true views and self. And President Biden will be blamed for backing a candidate with such a liberal track record.”
- “Since Harris became the Democratic nominee this summer, Harris' team has declined to say whether she still supports:
-Executive actions to unilaterally give a path to citizenship to 2 million 'Dreamers' — undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.
-Ending the death penalty on the federal level. Harris has opposed capital punishment since 2003.
-A mandate for automakers to only build electric or hydrogen vehicles by 2035.
-Executive actions to protect more than 6 million undocumented immigrants from deportation by expanding 'deferred action' guidelines.
-Decriminalizing prostitution ('We can't criminalize consensual behavior as long as no one is being harmed,' Harris said in 2019).
-Closing private, for-profit prisons, which she called 'morally wrong.'
-Getting rid of the Senate filibuster in order to pass multitrillion-dollar Green New Deal legislation.”
BOTTOM LINE: Americans deserve to know who they’re voting for, and at minimum, where they stand on key issues. President Trump has always told it straight, and voters know exactly who he is and what he promises to do. President Trump is running on a proven track record, Kamala’s running on four years of failure with empty promises and no real plan.
November 02 2024
More American Living Paycheck to Paycheck–That’s Kamalanomics
According to a new study, nearly Half of Americans feel they are living paycheck to paycheck. Kamala’s crushing inflation has made it nearly impossible for many Americans to make ends meet.
ICYMI: More Americans living paycheck to paycheck than 5 years ago
- “The share of U.S. households living paycheck to paycheck has grown across all income brackets over the past five years, according to a new study from the Bank of America Institute.”
- “A new analysis released by the think tank on Tuesday found that more than a quarter of Americans, 26%, have necessary expenses that chew up more than 95% of their takehome pay, and nearly a third, 30%, of households spend upwards of 90% of their income on critical bills like groceries, housing, utilities, gas, insurance and child care.”
- “The data showed a 10% increase in those living paycheck to paycheck in 2024 compared to 2019.”
- “Regardless of the study's definition, nearly half of Americans currently feel they are living paycheck to paycheck, the BofA Institute found.”
- “Lower-income households have predictably been impacted the most, with 35% of those making less than $50,000 annually falling into that category, but every income bracket showed at least 20% have little left over after necessary spending, including those making more than $150,000.”
- "Rising prices has impacted all incomes and generations, so it’s not surprising we see some rise in the share of people living paycheck to paycheck across these cohorts too,’ Tinsley said. ‘Housing costs are an important component and older generations and those on higher incomes often have bigger mortgages, which means that some can live paycheck to paycheck even on higher wages."
Read the full study here.
BOTTOM LINE: Under President Trump wages soared and there was no inflation. It’s time to elect a proven leader on the economy.
November 01 2024
Disgraced Journalist Jon Lemire leaves Politico and takes his Apostrophes with him…
Loss for the Fake News Industry a Win for Truth and Integrity
Mr. Apostrophe, and White House Bureau Chief of the highly dishonest DC insider gossip column, Politico, revealed his lack of integrity this week when he edited Joe Biden’s transcript to do damage control for Kamala Harris after the President declared Trump supporters are ‘garbage.’
Lemire edited the transcript to add an apostrophe to lessen the blow for Joe Biden’s comments, which exposed his clear bias against Republicans. Editing transcripts to fit a political party's agenda is not only biased, it’s a move taken out of Communist countries playbook like North Korea, China, and Russia.
Immediately, JD Vance and people nationwide rushed to call out Lemire's blatant dishonesty, and in response to the outrage he has now announced he will be leaving Politico this month.
A huge loss for the Fake News Legacy Media Army, but a massive win for truth, integrity and the American people.
The jig is up; he’s been exposed. Good riddance. 👋
November 01 2024
🏆Fake News Award of the Week: The Legacy Media Who Has Become the Propaganda Wing of the Democrat Party 🏆
Yesterday, President Trump discussed the cost of war on our troops and the true price of sending our soldiers in harm's way. He explained that radical War Hawk, Liz Cheney, (who has never seen a war she doesn’t want to deploy our soldiers to) doesn't understand the devastating cost of combat.
It’s true, Liz Cheney has never served in our military and doesn’t understand that throwing our troops to fight unnecessary wars is evil and costly. Just ask our Gold Star Families.
Democrats immediately enlisted their MSM stenographers to spin President Trump’s words out of context and slander him in the final days.
The Legacy Media cannot help themselves- they always take the bait no matter how wrong and obscene it is. They will always be the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party and hire Far-Left stenographer reporters to do their bidding.
President Trump explained that radical warmongers like Liz Cheney are very quick to send other Americans to fight wars for them- ignoring the true costs of war for those soldiers and their families.
November 01 2024
Worst Job Report in Four Years- Economy adds only 12,000 jobs in October, well below economists’ expectations
“Job creation in October slowed to its weakest pace since late 2020…” -CNBC
The last jobs report before the election is ABYSMAL: revealing that only 12,000 jobs were created across the nation last month falling short of economist expectations by 100,000 jobs.
This is the slowest job growth in FOUR YEARS, since the HEIGHT OF THE PANDEMIC. When Americans head to the ballot box, data like this reconfirms the economic hardships they have living under the Biden-Harris failed agenda and sends a strong message to hard working families- bring back MAGANOMICS.
- Only 12,000 jobs were created last month—way below the 112,000 jobs that economists expected.
- 46,000 manufacturing jobs were lost last month alone!
- Job creation in October slowed to its weakest pace since 2020, the HEIGHT OF THE PANDEMIC.
- “Private sector jobs: NEGATIVE 28,000. NEGATIVE. We were looking for 90,000 added,” Fox Business.
- “It's a MASSIVE drop from what we saw in September. We lost over 110,000 jobs over August and September,”- CNN.
- The economy has bled a staggering 1 million jobs over the past year and only added part-time work.
This is the worst jobs report in FOUR YEARS- the contrast couldn’t be clearer- Harris broke it, and Donald Trump will fix it.
November 01 2024
MUST READ: Moms Say No to Kamala Harris’ Sex Changes and Hormone Cocktails for Children and Criminals
ICYMI: Mercedes Schlapp penned an op-ed in Townhall: Moms Say No to Kamala Harris' Sex Changes and Hormone Cocktails for Children and Criminals
- “Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party have fully embraced transgender ideologies and pronoun politics—supporting boys using girls' bathrooms in schools, men competing in women's sports, and even backing hormone treatments and surgeries for minors at taxpayer expense”
- “As a mom, any candidate who pushes for irreversible medical procedures on children, forcing female athletes to compete against biological males in the name of fairness, and funding sex-change surgeries for criminals with taxpayer money is not just out of touch with voters and families—it's dangerous and wildly irresponsible.”
- “Polling after polling has shown the majority of Americans are against biological males competing in girls' and women's sports. And nearly 70 percent of Americans oppose giving children puberty-blocking medications and reject hormonal treatments for teens ages 15 to 17.”
- “As the election approaches, it's important for every American and family to know that Vice President Kamala Harris has worn her advocacy of sex-change surgeries for children and criminals as a badge of honor- and has told us, on numerous occasions, that her values have not changed.”
- “[Kamala] supports taxpayer-funded sex change operations on illegal aliens and inmates in prison at your taxpayer's expense. Read that again. She wants your hard-earned dollars to pay for a sex change operation for illegal aliens in detention centers and for violent criminals.”
- “In 2019, while running for president, Kamala Harris proudly celebrated her role as California's Attorney General in pushing for the Department of Corrections to provide taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for inmates.”
- “Kamala helped pave the way for California to become the first state to use taxpayer dollars to fund gender reassignment surgery for a prison inmate. Making matters even worse, the inmate was convicted of first-degree murder, kidnapping, and robbery for ransom. The man's crimes were so vile, he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.”
- “A Kamala Harris presidency will extend these radical practices to the federal prisons and immigration detention centers. It will surely mean our tax dollars going to sex change surgeries.”
- “I suspect most Americans could find a better use of their tax dollars than spending their hard-earned money on violent criminals and illegals changing their sex.”
Read the full op-ed here.
November 01 2024
Kamalanomics - A Year-Round Nightmare
Traditionally, Halloween brings costumes, haunted houses, ghost stories, and spooky movies. But under the Biden-Harris Administration, Americans have faced a new kind of fright: Kamalanomics. Across the country, rising prices for costumes, candy, and decorations have left households feeling haunted by inflation rather than festive.
Many Americans who once looked forward to splurging on Halloween essentials are now rethinking their spending. This squeeze on their wallets isn’t from fictional frights — it’s the real-life impact of runaway government spending, led by Vice President Kamala Harris and her administration’s economic policies.
ICYMI: Spooked by Inflation, Halloween Shoppers are Spending Less This Year
- “According to the National Retail Federation, Halloween spending is projected to total $11.6 billion, down $600 million from last year as shoppers tighten the reins following last year’s United Auto Workers strike and the highest inflation in four decades. The average consumer is expected to spend $103.63, down from 2023's record of $108.24.”
- "Dave Douglas is noticing the impact at his Crypt Keepers Halloween Emporium in Sterling Heights. 'Anything $50 and above is down (in sales) 40% or 50% of what it normally is,' Douglas said. 'I ordered 60% less this year than I did last year. People come in, they look (and say), 'Maybe in another week. I'd like to afford that, but I can't this year.'"
- “Cassandra Hallock, 33, doesn’t see herself decorating her Lansing home this Halloween since she already spent more than $300 for four costumes for her children ages 12, 10, 8 and 3 months. ‘It's pretty high … and that's going to Walmart, Spirit and Party City. I tried all of them,’ she said."
Read the full article here.
BOTTOM LINE: Nothing is safe from Kamala’s crushing inflation.
October 31 2024
Ghost Towns- Turned Spooky Seasonal Hubs Retail Stores Closing at Record High
SPOOKY! Kamala's economic policies shut down businesses, turning our communities into ghost towns- as Spirit Halloween creeps in.
This Halloween, a record number of Spirit Halloween storefronts have opened nationwide to fill the empty retail spaces of shuddered businesses. Kamala's inflation crisis has caused businesses to close as she even admits the American Dream is no longer achievable under her administration. Meanwhile, the spooky short-term leasing store continues to swoop into storefronts left ghostly vacant by Kamala Harris's economic failures which have been driven out of business by haunting inflation.
Spirit Halloween capitalizes on the haunting, eerie economic conditions by leasing these retail skeletons and turning them into spooky hubs, resurrecting these empty spaces in vacant shopping centers left in the dust by Kamalanomics.
According to a new study, Spirit's most popular haunt locations once belonged to big names like Rite Aid, Tuesday Morning, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Sears- who have sadly been forced to file for bankruptcy.
Put simply, Kamala Harris’s economic failures force businesses to close their doors at record pace.
ICYMI: Consumers reach their breaking point, forcing retailers to shutter stores at a worrying pace
- “Family Dollar has announced 677 store closings this year. Walgreens is closing 259. Big Lots is closing 360. LL Flooring is shutting down entirely.”
- “Major retailers have announced 6,189 store closures so far this year, already outpacing last year’s total of 5,553, according to Coresight Research. Chains are on track to close the highest number of stores in 2024 than any year since 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic decimated the industry.”
- “Companies have raised prices higher than many consumers can afford and interest rates have soared, making it more expensive to borrow money for big-ticket items or to get a mortgage or a car loan. Consumers have reached their breaking point and are pulling back on items they don’t absolutely need.”
- “...prices are still up around 20% from 2020. In short, if people are paying more for their car, their home and their credit card every month, there’s less money to go around for other things.”
- “Higher interest rates and greater macroeconomic uncertainty pressured consumer demand more broadly, resulting in weaker spend across home improvement projects,’ Ted Decker, Home Depot’s CEO, said in August.”
- “More than 80 companies that sell discretionary goods have filed for bankruptcy through September, up 27% from a year ago, as the sector continues to be hit hard by increasingly budget-conscious consumers, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence. Tupperware, Big Lots and Joann Fabric have been among the largest consumer bankruptcies.”
- "A similar shift is playing out in the restaurant industry, where consumers looking to save money have pulled back on dining out. Casual dining restaurant chains have struggled as consumers eat at home or gravitate toward cheaper fast-casual restaurants such as Chipotle and fast-food chains like Chick-fil-A. Red Lobster, Roti, Tijuana Flats, Buca di Beppo and other restaurant chains have filed for bankruptcy this year and closed hundreds of restaurants. Denny’s said this week it’s closing 150 restaurants.”
October 31 2024
Democrats Closing Argument: Trump Supporters are Garbage, and Any Woman who Works for Him is Stupid.
Harris Campaign Says Strong, Intelligent Women are ‘Never’ around President Trump.
Kamala Harris Campaign Surrogate, Billionaire Mark Cuban, called the women who support and surround President Trump stupid.
Nazis, fascists, stupid, garbage- it appears to be that Kamala HQ is launching a ‘throw insults at the wall until one sticks’ campaign strategy- revealing how desperate and angry she is in the final days.
Joy and Unity are out- personal attacks on Hardworking Americans are IN at Kamala HQ, because they have no policy to run on.
Mark Cuban, known as a Hollywood ‘Shark,’ swings like a guppy…President Trump has surrounded his administration and campaigns with strong, intelligent women who had a lot to say about his baseless- sexist comments.
Lara Trump: Just when you think the Kamala camp can’t possibly alienate and divide people any more than they already have…now they attack women who support Trump. Nice job, Mark.
Susie Wiles, Trump Campaign Manager: "I’m told@mcuban needs help identifying the strong and intelligent women surrounding Pres. Trump. Well, here we are! I’ve been proud to lead this campaign. Complimented by@Linda_McMahon,Chair for Transition Policy and@LaraLeaTrump, RNC Co-Chair."
Fmr Trump WH Press Sec. Kayleigh McEnany: "This is so profoundly offensive. I worked for Donald Trump. I consider myself a strong woman. I consider those around me strong women...what about the women who vote for Donald Trump? Are they weak? Are they dumb?"
House GOP Conference Chairwoman, Elise Stefanik: "You’re a sexist disgrace@mcuban smearing tens of millions of strong, intelligent women across America. And@KamalaHarris stays SILENT. Here is my message to you as the highest-ranking woman in Congress. Save America! VOTE TRUMP!"
Sage Steele: "My reaction to Kamala Harris surrogate Mark Cuban saying women around Trump aren’t “strong or intelligent"
Congresswoman Lisa McClain: "@mcuban, insulting millions of women as dumb and weak is not a campaign of 'joy.' I can tell you this strong, intelligent woman is voting for@realDonaldTrump!"
Trump Nat. Press Sec. Karoline Leavitt: "@mcuban this is extremely insulting to the thousands of women who work for President Trump, and the tens of millions of women who are proudly voting for him. These women are mothers, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders.
And yes, we are strong AND intelligent!"
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna: "Say No to Hate. Vote Trump.@mcuban stop being a bully."
Jenny Korn, Fmr. Special Assistant for the White House: "Mark Cuban Insults half American women voters. Will Kamala denounce his remarks? 5 days from the Election, this is a horrible strategy. I worked for#Trump all 4 years in WH & saw him hire MANY STRONG INTELLIGENT WOMEN, including Latinas like me."
Rep. Mary Miller: "Mark Cuban and the Democrats don’t think strong women are voting for President Trump? Well, I know a lot of mothers, grandmothers, and farmers who disagree!"
Kellyanne Conway, Former Senior Counselor to President Trump: “I looked around the Roosevelt Room and saw five strong, intelligent women in the highest-ranking Trump White House positions — all with kids ages 2-16.”
Rep. Nicole Malliotakis: "Strong, intelligent & independent women don’t need Mark Cuban or anyone else in Kamala’s Camp to tell them how to think. Once again, the left insults anyone who disagrees with them because they are so 'inclusive.'"
October 31 2024
BREAKING: Inflation Rises…AGAIN 📈
Kamala destroyed the American economy. President Trump will fix it
More bad news for Americans: inflation rose by 2.7%. This is the largest increase in inflation since April.
Kamala’s economic policies have DESTROYED the economy. Crushing inflation has devastated American families and workers. Many people now struggle to put food on the table and pay their bills. We have to put an end to this economic nightmare.
ICYMI:Core Inflation Rises More than Expected in September — Largest Monthly Gain Since April
- “The Federal Reserve’s preferred measure of underlying inflation posted its biggest monthly gain since April — bolstering the case for slower rate cuts less than a week ahead of the central bank’s meeting to decide its next moves.”
- “The core personal consumption expenditures price index (PCE), which excludes volatile food and energy prices, rose 2.7% in September versus a year earlier.”
- “That was ahead of economists’ forecast for a 2.6% increase and up 0.3% from August, representing a larger monthly gain than the month before.”
- “The PCE showed that the overall rate at which prices rose for goods and services last month was 2.1% — the lowest since early 2021, matching economists’ estimates of 2.1% year-over-year.”
- “The September inflation numbers showed continued price pressures. Services prices excluding housing and energy accelerated to 0.3%. Goods prices excluding food and energy were up 0.1%. Food prices rose 0.4%, the most since early this year.”
Read the full New York Post article here.
October 31 2024
End the Nightmare: MAGA INC. Launches Kamala’s American Nightmare Campaign
TODAY- MAGA Inc. launched a spooky haunted house-style website, which invites visitors to pick a door to uncover the horrors of Kamala.
MAGA Inc. also unveiled its Halloween-themed "Kamala’s American Nightmare" ad, spotlighting issues that remain top of mind for hard-working Americans: inflation, crime, and global instability. This Halloween Americans are living in a “real-life horror movie” that has pushed the American Dream out of reach as Kamala Harris lurches further to the Radical Left.
Bottom Line: On November 5th let's end the nightmare. Vote NO on Kamala Harris.
Read More: Trump allies launch 'Kamala's American nightmare' ad for Halloween
October 31 2024
ICYMI: The Price of Garbage is up 18% Thanks to Kamala Harris
President Trump will Make Garbage Affordable Again
ICYMI: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris think hardworking patriots are garbage. What truly is garbage? Their failed policies that have caused the price of garbage to skyrocket to 18%, and it will only continue to rise if Kamala's elected.
Breitbart reports,
“The consumer price index for water, sewage, and garbage collection was up 4.75 percent in September compared with one year earlier. Trash collection inflation peaked at a year-over-year rate of 5.8 percent in June of last year.”
You simply cannot make this up.
BOTTOM LINE: While Kamala and Joe are focused on attacking more than half of America, President Trump is running on a proven record and policies to bring down prices and make garbage affordable again.
October 30 2024
Kamala Harris Doubles Down on Garbage Gate.
Following the President of the United States declaring that people who support President Trump are ‘garbage,’ the Mainstream Media offered Kamala Harris a chance to set the record straight and disavow the President's attack on millions of Americans, but she wouldn’t do it.
REPORTER: "Do you sympathize with any voters who do feel offended by or insulted by the 'garbage' comment?"
KAMALA HARRIS: "I am running for President of the United States. I will be traveling to three states today."
On the same day, Joe Biden and Tim Walz called over 80 million Americans garbage and Nazis… These are the values that Kamala Harris holds dear- remember the values that ‘have not changed.’
Every single time she has the chance to condemn rhetoric like this she DOESN’T. She is Joe Biden 2.0 and her handpicked CCP sidekick Tim Walz and President Joe Biden are saying the quiet part out loud. This is the Democrat Party- they cannot defend their policies that have destroyed America so they call the Republican Party Nazis, fascists, threats to democracy, and now garbage.
DESPITE their message of hate, President Trump’s message has always been one of unity. Only a few days after being struck by an assassin’s bullet, President Trump walked across the RNC convention stage to deliver a message of optimism and solutions that will deliver for ALL Americans.
In response, President Trump gave a clear message to Biden-Harris-Walz and the Democrat Party: “You can’t lead America if you don’t love Americans."
October 30 2024
Seeing the economy drop from 3.0% to 2.8% just days before the election is a horrible sign for Kamala Harris.
This morning, Americans got more data to confirm what they already know…the economy is in serious trouble. New GDP numbers slowed again last quarter, delivering more bad news for Kamala Harris as economic growth stalls.
ICYMI: U.S. economy grew at a 2.8% pace in the third quarter, less than expected
- “Gross domestic product increased at a 2.8% annualized rate in the third quarter, below the 3.1% estimate and the 3.0% reading Q2.”
- “Consumers have been using savings and credit to help fuel their purchases. The personal savings rate decelerated in the third quarter to 4.8%, down from a 5.2% level that had been revised up sharply.”
- “...A relentless wave of government spending pushed the budget deficit to more than $1.8 trillion in fiscal 2024.”
BOTTOM LINE: Hard working Americans cannot afford four more years of Kamala Harris’ failed policies. Workers are turning to President Trump to restore the American dream and reverse the failed Democrat policies that have put us on the decline.
October 29 2024
NEW REPORT: Cities Were Forced to Cut Police and Fire Department Budgets to Pay For Migrant Crisis
Kamala’s open border policies are costing taxpayers MORE THAN $150 BILLION. Major cities including New York are so overwhelmed by providing housing and other benefits to migrants that they have had to cut their police and fire department budgets.
For instance, in sanctuary city New York, 150 hotels are providing food and rooms for migrants. These migrants even receive free housing and help with childcare. To pay for this, disgraced Mayor Adams announced budget cuts across all city agencies including the NY Police and Fire Departments.
This migrant crisis isn’t just affecting New York City.
- Denver City Council has to cut $45 million from its budget, including $8.4m from its Police Department and $2.5m from the Fire Department to pay an estimated $90m bill for migrants.
- In South Portland, Maine, property taxes have increased to pay for the migrant crisis and the mayor has advised elderly residents to re-mortgage their houses to pay them.
- Chicago faces a $1 billion budget gap, partly over migrant services, which it is now scrambling to make up.
BOTTOM LINE: Failed Border Czar Kamala Harris created the worst border crisis in CBP history and Americans are having to pay for it with their tax dollars and jeopardizing their safety.
We need a leader in the White House that makes Americans safety and security paramount, that’s Donald J. Trump.
October 29 2024
ICYMI: Haitian Migrants Have “Overrun” Small Indiana Town
Thanks to Border Czar Kamala Harris, communities across the country have had their schools, hospitals, and other services overwhelmed by migrant communities.
American towns and cities are being completely overrun by migrants let into our country by Kamala. From schools to hospitals, government services are being overwhelmed. Many of these communities are also seeing an INCREASE IN CRIME.
Kamala has shown us time and time again, she puts migrants above American citizens. With President Trump, it's America First always.
ICYMI: Haitian migrants overwhelming small Indiana town
- “Residents in the town of Logansport, Indiana, say that an influx of migrants from Haiti and other countries into their little town is overwhelming services, a trend of small towns and cities across the U.S. being overwhelmed.”
- “It's just overrun. We don't have space for everybody, so the housing has been taken over and our schools have been taken over; pretty much the whole town has been taken over,’ resident Candice Espinoza told America’s Newsroom."
- “Logansport's mayor estimates the population has grown by 20%-30% since 2021, most of that being Haitians moving in. More than 3,000 Haitians have arrived.”
- "I have a child that I help take care of that she's dyslexic, and she does not get the help she needs. She needs a little extra hands-on, and she needs help to learn to read, and they don't help her. They are holding her back because they're trying to specialize with these kids that need more English, and they don't know English, so it's harder,’ resident Candice Espinoza told Fox News.”
- “Others have pointed to other effects of Haitian migration, with one mother telling the Post her daughter was accosted by Haitian migrants as she walked to a nearby coffee shop.”
- “We're all for compassion,’ one resident told Fox. ‘But you can't do that at the expense of everyone else either. You got to have compassion for those who are here."
- “The situation in Logansport echoes those in other U.S. towns like Springfield, Ohio, Charleroi, Pa., and Lockland, Ohio, that have faced challenges with an influx of migrants, whether in the U.S. legally or illegally.”
Read the full article here.
October 29 2024
Kamala Broke It, President Trump Will Fix It
One week till Election Day!
President Donald Trump is closing out his campaign pointing to his record of success that led America to prosperity, economic opportunity, secure borders, and global stability.
President Trump Will Deliver for ALL Americans:
- In his first term, President Trump delivered an economy for the American people that was the envy of the world- and he’s promised to do it again
- Trump has promised no tax on tips, a tax credit for family caregivers, an increase to the child tax credit, and no tax on social security benefits
- He will cut burdensome government regulations
- Trump will put back in place all of his border policies including Remain in Mexico that will stop the massive numbers of migrants from coming into our country
- He’s promised MASS DEPORTATIONS starting with CRIMINALS and GANGS
- He will restore peace throughout the world–including ending the wars started by this Administration and bringing home American hostages
Kamala Harris’ Failed and Her Values Have Not Changed:
Meanwhile, Kamala Harris is assuring the American people that a vote for her is a vote for four more years of woke and failed policies that have started wars through weakness, record inflation, and the worst border crisis in CBP history. From the economy to border security to foreign policy. She’s earned a letter grade of an “F” as Vice President!
- Kamala’s economic policy has caused record-high inflation with prices increasing by more than 20 percent
- Under the Biden-Harris Administration, home prices have skyrocketed by 39 percent, making the American dream of owning a home impossible for many Americans.
- The price of energy–including electricity and gas-have increased by nearly 38 percent under Comrade Kamala
- Electric Vehicle Mandate that enriches China and costs American auto workers their jobs
- Open border policies that have let in more than MILLIONS of migrants into our country
- Government data reveals Kamala let in more than half a million criminals–including murderers and rapists–into the U.S.
- Border Czar Kamala Harris let the highest number of potential TERRORISTS IN HISTORY, a total of 392, cross the border
- The disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that led to the death of 13 servicemembers and put our military equipment in the hands of the Taliban
- Kamala and Biden have unfrozen Iran and allowed the regime to profit billions on illicit oil sales. Now, they are using this money to attack Israel and get nuclear weapons
- Kamala’s weakness and foreign policy strategy of “Don’t” emboldened Putin to invade Ukraine
BOTTOM LINE: Americans are worse off now than they were four years ago. We need President Trump to fix the disastrous policies of Kamala.
October 28 2024
MUST READ: Black Voters Overwhelmingly Reject Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris is SINKING in the polls with black male voters. As she pushes Barack Obama on the campaign trail to scold black voters into supporting her, she rolled out a new plan to try and BUY the black male vote with 20K and the promise to legalize pot. After decades of empty promises by Democrats, Black voters aren’t buying it.
ICYMI:Bruce Levell: Kamala Harris Tries To Buy Black Votes After Donald Trump Earned Them
- “Presidential candidate Kamala Harris is facing significant challenges in maintaining support among black voters, a key demographic that the Democrat Party has taken for granted for far too long.”
- “Poll after poll confirms that black voters are walking away from the Democrat Party at a rate we’ve never seen before.”
- “The latest New York Times/Siena poll reveals a major 12-point drop in support for Harris since 2020 among blacks. Her plummeting poll numbers are raising many questions within her party about her path forward, with The New York Times signaling that this drop in support is “large enough to imperil her chances of winning key battleground states.”
- “So what does Kamala do to win the support of black voters like myself?...[Kamala] rolled out a plan full of false promises and gimmicks. But we will not forget the decades of failed promises we've heard from Democrats.”
- “One of the things Kamala is promising black men is to provide $1 million of forgivable loans to black entrepreneurs. I find it offensive that she thinks she can buy our votes.”
- “Even more insulting is that her plan for black men also promises to legalize pot. We hear a lot about her time as a prosecutor, but we rarely hear about how she locked up black men with harsh sentences for possession of pot. Despite putting away more than 1,000 people for using the drug, she laughed in 2019 when she was asked if she had ever smoked the drug.”
- “These false promises, insults, and gimmicks won't win over black voters. We want the same thing all Americans want. An economy that is prosperous and free of inflation. A secure border that keeps terrorists, drugs, and criminals out of our communities. Over the past four years, Kamala hasn't delivered.”
- “Under President Trump, the economic growth within the Black community grew significantly; from 2016 to 2019, Black median weekly earnings rose by 4.1%, and real median income grew by 7.9%.”
- “Poverty rates for Black Americans also hit record lows under President Trump- progress that under Biden-Harris was reversed. These price increases have made it hard for every American, regardless of skin color, to make ends meet. We simply cannot afford four more years of record inflation.”
- “For decades now, Democrats have proven their promises are hollow and taken our votes for granted. We are ready for a change.”
Read the full op-ed HERE.
October 26 2024
Kamala Harris and Democrats Think Black Americans Should Fall in Line
ICYMI: Democrats are puzzled as more Black Americans turn away from Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party. For decades, Democrats have assumed that Black voters would remain ‘loyal’ based on racial identity alone, an insulting assumption that has proven to backfire this election cycle.
Rather than addressing key concerns like education, the economy, and criminal justice, the party has relied on symbolic gestures and identity politics, expecting Black voters to fall in line.
The infamous statement, "If you don't vote for me, you ain't Black," exposed the patronizing control the party felt it had on the Black community.
Now, Black Americans are rejecting the idea that they "owe" their votes to any party. They want real solutions and results for their families and speaking loudly that their loyalty must be earned, not assumed.
Kamala Harris was expected to be a champion for Black Americans as VP, yet her time in office has proven that to be false. Frustrations continue to worsen among the Black communities as critics argue that Harris has been more of a symbolic figure than a leader who brings tangible results to Black communities.
BOTTOM LINE: When it comes to the Black community, the Hispanic community, the American union workers and beyond people are sending a message to the Democrat Party: hollow tactics are OUT and real results are IN.
The Republican Party offers results: Republicans are the pro-family party, the safety and security party, the party that wants ALL Americans to have a shot at the American dream. It’s a home for free thinkers, where voters are valued for their ideas, not their skin color. Instead of assuming your vote, Republicans are working to earn it through policies that matter—school choice, economic prosperity, and safer communities. Trump-Vance are offering real solutions, not empty promises.
Read more here: “Harris went to Detroit to appeal to Black Voters. They’re still skeptical.”
October 26 2024
ICYMI: Kamala’s Costly EV Mandates Raise Prices and Enrich China
Michigan U.S. Senate Candidate, Mike Rogers, penned an op-ed in The Detroit News: EV mandates raise prices and enrich China
- “Just this week, Stellantis, the parent company of Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram, announced they are laying off 1,100 workers at its Warren Truck Assembly Plant in Michigan. The company also declared plans for indefinite layoffs across its operations to cut costs due to declining sales with the potential impacts on Stellantis' workforce to the tune of 52,000 employees. The Michigan auto workers who built this company are now the first on the chopping block.”
- “They are being forced to build cars that no one can afford or want and have to rely on Communist China for parts, all at the federal government's direction, thanks to the Biden-Harris EV Mandates.”
- “On day one, President Trump promised to rescind these regulations and let Americans choose whether to buy a gas-powered or electric car.”
- “This Electric vehicle mandate is not just an attack on gas powered vehicles, but also an attack on Michigan's auto industry. As we have seen, this mandate will cause financial carnage on classic American companies like General Motors and Ford. Sales of electric vehicles make up less than 4 percent of their sales. Meanwhile, it benefits foreign luxury auto brands like BMW, Mercedes, and Porsche.”
- “While many Michiganders may want to purchase an electric vehicle, they simply might not be able to afford them- especially as the Biden-Harris economy continues to slash families' bottom lines. On average, electric vehicles cost $56,575. That is more than the average salary across the state of Michigan.”
- “The batteries that electric vehicles run on are predominantly made in China. The Chinese now control more than 80 percent of the rare earth elements that are critical for making these electric vehicle batteries. So, an electric vehicle mandate enriches China at American workers' expense and puts the Chinese in charge of another critical supply chain.”
- “A vote for Kamala is a vote for an electric vehicle mandate that will put a nail in the coffin of the American auto industry.”
- “We need someone with a commonsense America First energy approach in the White House. Michiganders and America’s auto workers know- that’s Donald Trump.”
Read the full op-ed here.
October 25 2024
🏆Fake News Award of the Week: The Atlantic🏆
The Fake News of the week award goes to…The Atlantic for their completely fabricated story that has left many Americans wondering- how much is the Harris Campaign paying Jeffery Goldberg and what was the price for losing his credibility and his integrity?
The phony debunked hit piece using a family's worst nightmare as a political smear with half-baked ‘sources’ lands The Atlantic in the hot seat.
The piece made dangerous accusations based in fiction not in fact any editor who agreed to write this should be FIRED. It didn’t take long for actual sources to speak up, and even Mayra Guillen had to refute the Fake News hit job on President Trump - forcing her to relive the worst moments of her life.
This was a desperate and disgusting attempt by the outlet to try and help push Kamala over the finish line. It won’t work
The Atlantic has a history of fake news reporting about remarks that were NEVER made by President Trump. Their now infamous debunked “suckers” and “losers” reporting has been rebuked by more than 15 government officials.
Honorable Fake News Mentions:
- The Failing New York Times Rages at Trump for ‘Insidious’ ‘Smearing’ of Harris with McDonald’s Stunt
- MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace praises Kamala’s campaign as “perfect” and “flawless.” She claims Kamala “is a stunningly disciplined and empathic candidate.”
- CNN’s Brian Stelter, a previous winner of the Fake News Award, tried to defend Kamala’s CNN town hall. He claimed she wasn’t struggling to answer questions about her record and dodging questions.
- CBS News dubbed Border Towns “safe and secure” trashing Trump’s “ugly” view
October 25 2024
Kamala’s New Scandal: Her Administration Hid Documents in Order to Justify Fossil Fuel Crackdown
Kamala Harris is a puppet of the woke climate change activists
From banning fracking, to her support for eliminating the filibuster, and shilling for the radical Green New Scam Kamala Harris’ has embraced terrible energy and environmental policies that would destroy jobs and America's energy independence. Now, leaked documents reveal the Biden-Harris moratorium on natural gas projects was unnecessary according to internal studies by the Department of Energy.
ICYMI: Biden-Harris Admin Hid Documents To Justify Fossil Fuel Crackdown, Oversight Committee Says
- “The Biden-Harris administration is allegedly covering up an internal study conducted in 2023 that would have rendered its moratorium on natural gas projects unnecessary, according to leaders on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee.”
- “The White House and the Department of Energy paused permitting for liquefied natural gas export projects in January—a policy critics said would cost the U.S. economy billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of jobs—to allow time for a federal study on those projects' environmental, economic, and national security impacts.”
- “According to a letter that Republican leaders on the House Oversight Committee sent to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Wednesday, however, there is evidence the Department of Energy already conducted such a study months before announcing the policy.”
- “The Republicans' claim stems from a June information request filed by the government watchdog group Government Accountability & Oversight, that asked for any federal study on natural gas exports conducted last year and transmitted to the Department of Energy.”
- “The Department of Energy, though, never shared those documents. On Friday, it sent its final response to the request to Government Accountability and Oversight, saying it understood the group's request to be seeking only any ‘final’ natural gas export study and that it did not find a ‘final’ study in its search.”
- "The clear implication is that one or more draft studies do exist, and DOE is attempting to cover that up,’ Oversight Committee chairman James Comer (R., Ky.), Oversight energy subcommittee chairman Pat Fallon (R., Texas), and Rep. Clay Higgins (R., La.) wrote to Granholm on Wednesday.”
- "This confirms our information that the purported rationale for this reckless January 2024 'pause' on further natural gas exports was a fabrication: the study was already performed in 2023 and was spiked," he added. "This administration did not spike the study because it supported their desired strangulation of fossil energy. The information that led us to this inquiry was, in fact, that the study was spiked because it surprised the administration by once again touting the benefits of natural gas exports."
- “According to Horner, the Department of Energy possessed a nonpartisan study showing the environmental, economic, and national security benefits of continued natural gas exports when it chose to block those same projects earlier this year. Horner said the agency ignored its own internal information to appease left-wing climate activists.”
- “Major environmental nonprofits, many of whom have funneled millions of dollars to Democratic campaigns, had repeatedly called on the Biden-Harris administration to block natural gas export projects in the months before the administration announced the action. Activists argued the downstream emissions of the projects would lead to worse climate change.”
- “The administration's moratorium on natural gas exports, meanwhile, has faced stiff opposition from Republicans, Democrats, national security officials, and industry groups. One study commissioned by the American Petroleum Institute concluded natural gas exports could add $73 billion to the economy by 2040 and create 453,000 jobs.”
BOTTOM LINE: Kamala can’t hide from her radical energy record that will cost American energy and auto workers their jobs and rely on adversarial nations like China to dominate U.S. markets.
October 24 2024
NEW POLL: Cuban American Support for Trump at an All-Time High
According to a new Florida International University Poll, 68% of Cuban-American voters plan to vote for Trump. This is an all-time high for any Republican candidate EVER. The FIU Poll is the longest running survey of Cuban Americans in the country, and has been tracking the community since 1991.
This poll is not an outlier. President Trump is SURGING with Latino/Hispanic voters across the state of Florida. According to a Telemundo poll, he is leading Kamala with Latino voters in the Sunshine state by 7 points.
BOTTOM LINE: Trump is leading with key demographics across the country that have typically voted Democrat. His gains with some of these communities have turned battleground states like Florida to now solid Trump Country.
October 23 2024
OCTOBER SURPRISE: Kamala Harris Hosts First Press Conference
One press conference -Three minutes - ZERO questions.
Yes, Kamala Harris hosted her first press conference as the declared Democrat nominee- if you blinked and missed the 3-minute escapade- we’ve got you covered.
As she stepped to the podium outside of the VP's residence she outlined her final pitch to voters: ‘Donald Trump Bad, Evil, Dictator, Hitler.’
She used her official capacity as Vice President to do a political press conference 12 days out from Election Day- delivering a deranged message to plead to voters to support her failing campaign: Trump = Hitler. She has made irresponsibility and hatred for Donald Trump the sticking point of her campaign, and demonstrated that again at today’s press conference, even pushing a dangerous comparison to Adolf Hitler.
If you were hoping to hear an ounce of substance and policy positions, you like many Americans were duped- again.
It’s dangerous for her to use her capacity as Vice President to address the nation and spread lies about a former (and future) President, who has now been the target of two assassination attempts in the past four months.
Her hatred for Donald Trump is all she has to run on. That is why she refused to answer a single question.
America must turn the page from the Democrats' Trump Derangement Syndrome on November 5th. This was clearly a last-ditch effort from Harris. With dwindling support and momentum stalled for weeks, she tried again, presenting her case and confirming what we have all witnessed to be true- for Kamala Harris, this bid for presidency has never been about the American people, it has always been about her hatred for Donald Trump.
In 12 days, voters will decide: a crumbling campaign reliant on desperate smears, or a proven leader ready to move the country forward.
Read More: DESPERATE MUCH? Yes, Kamala Harris Really Held a Press Conference Just to Call Donald Trump 'Hitler'
October 23 2024
NBC News can’t even save Kamala.
Kamala Harris Forgets Michigan, Flip-Flops on Transgender Agenda, And Her Mission to be Joe Biden 2.0
Kamala Harris took the entire day off to prepare for a PRE-RECORDED NBC News interview, and it looks like she could have used a few more days to prepare.
In Kamala's latest interview gaffe, she FORGETS the entire state of Michigan. NBC asks Kamala why voters trust Trump to handle the economy more than her. Kamala answers: "She's working to earn the vote in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and…um…🦗"
Don't worry, NBC’s Hallie Jackson rushed to the rescue and interjected, ‘Michigan!’ to remind Kamala Harris about the key battleground state.
Kamala Harris has already forgotten the Michigan auto workers who were laid off because of her electric vehicle mandates. She’s forgotten the Michigan families who can barely afford to put food on their table because of crushing inflation.
Later in the interview, NBC’s Jackson says, "I'm asking you to define yourself," after several attempts to answer a question about her position on transgender taxpayer-funded medical care.
Remember, it's Kamala Harris who has repeatedly given a full-throated endorsement of the radical Transgender agenda.
Harris sidestepped the answer, forcing even NBC News to press harder for clear answers, "I don't know if I heard a clear answer from you."
NBC News gave Kamala Harris another opportunity to assure Americans that a Harris presidency would be different from Joe Biden and she still could not give a single policy difference she would break with Joe Biden on, "Here's how I look at it. First of all, let me be very clear, mine will not be a continuation of the Biden…I bring my own experiences, my own ideas to it, and it has informed a number of my areas of focus."
She has no answer to this question when repeatedly asked because Kamala Harris has on numerous occasions bragged about being the last person in the room with Joe Biden when decisions have been made, and has assured the American people on numerous occasions- her values have not changed.
When asked again about Joe Biden’s decline and how long Kamala Harris knew his health was withering, Kamala responded with a word salad ending in: "Joe Biden has done the work that has been about being a leader on what we have done to fix so much of what has been broken."
Bottom Line: Kamala is weak, failed, and dangerously liberal. More interviews = more problems for Kamala. 🤥🤥🤥🤥
October 22 2024
Sister of Slain Soldier Slams The Atlantic for using Sisters Death as a Political Pawn in FAKE NEWS Story About President Trump.
“Hurtful and disrespectful”
In one of the most sick, twisted and deranged pieces ever published,The Atlantic uses the brutal murder of Vanessa Guillén to launch a disgusting smear campaign against Donald Trump two weeks ahead of an election.
Immediately, Vanessa’s sister and Mark Meadows, who was actually in the room for the meeting in question, rebuked the story.
The latest hit piece by The Atlantic shows how low the stenographers on the Left will go - with zero regard to the victims family and any obligation to principles or dignity. It’s shameful and disgusting- and entirely fabricated.
October 22 2024
Kamala Harris And Joe Biden Take Victory Lap for Worst Border Crisis in History.
Two weeks ahead of the election, the Biden-Harris border report is in, revealing more than 2.1 million migrant encounters at the US-Mexico border this fiscal year- excluding 'gotaways' and the 30,000 Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan(CHNV) parolees flown to cities near YOU, at YOUR expense!
To add insult to injury- the Biden-Harris Administration took a VICTORY LAP for these border numbers. Saying "the Biden-Harris Administration has taken effective action."
This is Border Czar Kamala Harris’ 'effective actions' at the border:
- Last week, it was revealed the border cameras detecting getaways are completely inoperable and down in places across the southern border! They have NO IDEA how many people have actually crossed.
- Known 'gotaways' nationwide is UP 283.7% under Biden-Harris than President Trump (that we know of).
- In this fiscal year alone, Kamala Harris has let in OVER 850,000 Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelans via a cell phone app and over 530,000 via the CHNV migrant flights (all at taxpayers' expense).
- This was the second-worst year in terms of inadmissible alien encounters ever—only surpassed by the all-time record Biden-Harris set last fiscal year.
- Encounters nationwide TRIPLED under Biden-Harris since President Trump secured the border.
- Terrorist watchlist under President Trump's term: 14, under Biden-Harris, it's the highest in HISTORY at 392 potential terrorists.
- 9,055 Pounds of Fentanyl have come to our borders under Kamala Harris.
- Over 64,174 Chinese Nationalists have shown up on America's doorstep under Border Czar Kamala Harris, UP1,035 % since President Trump secured the border.
This will be the last border numbers report before the election, and many Americans don't believe the data coming out of this White House. It's true; look no further than the jobs reports that claimed the Biden-Harris Admin created nearly a million fake jobs that never actually existed- or the revised FBI crime report that claimed crimes were down in areas and was later quietly revised to show crime spikes.
Why do they have consistent errors and massive revisions in their data- it's simple: it’s by design, and just another desperate attempt by the Biden-Harris Administration to convince Americans that their agenda hasn't been a total failure. Spoiler: it has been.
Bottom Line: Elect Donald J. Trump and secure our borders and our country- AGAIN.
October 22 2024
ICYMI: Kamala Harris is Running a Biden Basement Style Campaign on Steroids…AND IT’S FAILING
Kamala’s campaign is crumbling before her eyes. Poll after poll reveals that Kamala’s Biden Basement strategy is not working, and when Kamala comes out of hiding and does unscripted interviews and events, it only gets WORSE. Kamala HQ is in a catch 22 and will lose ‘24.
ICYMI: Harris-Walz Campaign Is Imploding Right Before Our Very Eyes
- “Driven by her low favorables, and the fact that she’s been unable to garner a single vote in 6 years now, Kamala HQ is running a campaign reminiscent of Biden’s “basement strategy” but on steroids.”
- “Harris and her running mate, the self-proclaimed 'Knucklehead' Tim Walz, have offered nothing but vague rhetoric and "vibes" to the American people. And although she's auditioning for the toughest job in America, Harris has fully embraced the basement strategy, consistently dodging tough questions and interviews.”
- “The numbers tell the story. Since August, former President Donald Trump and Sen. J.D. Vance, as reported by Fox News, have participated in 88 interviews while Harris and Walz have only done 49 combined. Sure, the campaign trots her out occasionally to read a scripted teleprompter or do a prerecorded friendly interview, but when you compare the records, it's no question that Trump-Vance has no problem defending their vision for America and their policies while Harris-Walz actively avoids tough questions.”
- “Sensing the campaign's dire situation, this week Harris agreed to appear on Fox News for the first time since launching her campaign. While she didn't avoid the interview itself, she dodged every question, shifting the blame for every crisis that her administration created to none other than Donald Trump.”
- “Nearly every poll this week revealed Kamala's Biden basement campaign is not working…Now, battleground state polls are leaning towards a Donald Trump victory—especially in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.”
- "Put simply, the Harris-Walz campaign is crumbling before our eyes because Americans are smart. They see through the Left's Basement strategy, and a campaign that is running solely on pandering and hollow promises. Meanwhile, Trump is offering the American people policy proposals to return to economic prosperity, a secure border, safe communities, and global stability. The American people are ready to 'Turn the Page' from their radical failed agenda.”
Read the full op-ed here.
October 22 2024
MUST WATCH: Michigan Auto Worker Blames Biden-Harris’ Electric Vehicle Mandates for Losing His Job, Now He’s Voting for Trump
One of the 1,100 laid off workers from Stellantis–the parent company of Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram–who worked at the Warren Truck Assembly Plant in Michigan joined CNN to discuss why he is voting Republican for the first time ever.
Who does he blame for him losing his job? The Biden-Harris Electric Vehicle (EV) Mandates.
Biden-Harris EV Mandates will destroy the Michigan auto industry. Their Environmental Protection Agency tailpipe emission rule effectively requires two-thirds of all new cars in the U.S. to be electric by the year 2032. This mandate is a government-forced phaseout of gas-powered cars.
Michigan autoworker, Joseph Knowles, didn’t stop there. He went on to give a scathing rebuke of the Democrat Party no longer being for the working class. This election cycle he is casting his vote for Trump- the first time he has ever voted Republican.
This is further proof that union workers are with Trump. Union leadership, like the United Auto Workers, who endorsed Kamala are out of touch with their members.
BOTTOM LINE: Kamala and the Democrats have abandoned the working class in favor of woke environmentalism and the elite. In comparison, Trump has promised the forgotten men and women of America that help is on the way. He is the candidate of the American worker.
October 21 2024
Voters are Lovin’ It: Cooking Up a Victory in Pennsylvania.
ICYMI: Donald Trump’s latest polling numbers in Pennsylvania are heating up as he enters the final stretch of the campaign. Fresh off a weekend "shift" at McDonald’s, Trump’s 46% lead is sizzling, while Harris’s 43% remains on ice.
MAGA-MOMENTUM is sending shockwaves throughout Kamala’s failing campaign. It’s clear, President Trump has the recipe for success in the Keystone State. And with Pennsylvania's 19 electoral votes on the line, this victory would help solidify a massive victory in November.
Even mainstream and left-leaning polls are beginning to notice Trump's undeniable popularity in Pennsylvania, a state that often holds the key to victory- signaling trouble for Kamala Harris and Democrat Senator Bob Casey.
With the Golden Arches behind him and polls showing a clear lead in Pennsylvania, President Trump is not only serving up fries—he will be serving eviction notices to Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Bob Casey in 14 days!
Read more:“Fry cook Trump cooks up supersized Pennsylvania victory in fresh polling”
October 21 2024
ICYMI: No, You’re Not Imagining a Migrant Crime Spree
Failed Border Czar Kamala Harris has made American communities less safe. Her open border policies have allowed criminal gangs, drugs, and terrorists to pour across our southern border.. Countless Americans have lost their lives in crimes that could have been prevented by securing the border including Laken Riley, Rachel Morin, and 12 year-old Jocelyn Nungaray. Under Kamala Harris, murderers, rapists, and violent gangs are running loose in American communities
ICYMI: No, You’re Not Imagining a Migrant Crime Spree
- “After years of a migrant border ‘surge’—with countless asylum-seekers inadequately vetted and then allowed to enter the U.S.—state law-enforcement agencies now warn that immigrant gangs have seized control of many drug- and human-trafficking networks and have unleashed robbery sprees across the nation.”
- “The administration has released up to 3.3 million of them into the U.S. to await immigration hearings, many of which won’t occur for years. At the same time, the number of immigrants who enter by avoiding border security and remain fraudulently in America has also skyrocketed, to an estimated 1.6 million to 1.7 million since Biden’s election, compared with about 1.4 million over the entire previous decade.”
- “Shortly after taking office, in fact, the Biden administration narrowed the criteria for expelling criminal aliens, requiring immigration officials to remove only those deemed an immediate risk to public safety; others, even felony offenders, were permitted to stay.”
- “The FAIR study found that, on average, illegals were more than twice as likely to be in prison in California, compared with other state residents; they were twice as likely to be in prison in New York, too; in New Jersey, they were nearly four times as likely, and in Arizona, nearly five times.”
- “The arrest of eight Tajikistan nationals with terrorist ties earlier this year exposes the porousness of U.S. borders. American immigration officials had supposedly vetted the accused men, who were then released into the U.S.; their terror links emerged only later, thanks to the U.S. intelligence services’ monitoring of ISIS communications. Such vulnerability led FBI director Christopher Wray recently to warn of ‘dangerous individuals’ illegally getting into America, part of the ‘threats that emanate from the border,’ which also include extensive drug smuggling.”
- “The Bragg-style soft-on-crime approach—especially combined with sanctuary policies that keep cops from cooperating with immigration authorities—has resulted in countless examples of repeat-offender aliens getting off scot-free.”
- “NYPD officials slammed New York’s sanctuary policies, which forbid the police from cooperating with federal immigration officials, after an illegal alien with previous convictions and a deportation order against him brutally raped a New York woman in August.”
- “Sometimes, deadly consequences have ensued, like the horrifying case of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray of Houston, whom two illegals allegedly dragged under a bridge, raped, and killed. Border officials had earlier stopped and released the two men. Testifying before Congress last year, the president of Victims of Illegal Alien Crime, Donald Rosenberg, said that almost all illegal-alien-caused deaths in the U.S. are preventable.”
- “Riley’s alleged killer had been arrested several times and let go, despite his illegal status. At the time of the murder, Georgia authorities wanted Ibarra for failing to appear in court after a shoplifting arrest and release.”
- “According to a recent letter from ICE officials to Congress, there are 662,566 immigrants on an ICE non-detain docket—that is, they have been accused or convicted of a crime but aren’t being deported, including 435,719 convicted criminals and 226,847 with charges pending. This includes 62,231 convicted of assault (15,811 of sexual assault) and 14,301 convicted of burglary.”
- “Mexican migrant gangs have invaded Montana, a northern border state, seizing control of the illegal opioid market and driving an epidemic of overdose deaths on Indian reservations.”
- “Entering America illegally, Chinese gangs have cornered the black market for pot in Oklahoma…State leaders estimate that roughly 3,000 illegal-immigrant growers are operating in Oklahoma, with about 80 percent of them under Chinese mafia control; they’re selling $18 billion to $40 billion yearly in pot, a ProPublica investigation estimated.”
- “South American gangs, especially from Chile, have obtained visas to get into the U.S. without criminal background checks, through a Homeland Security program called the Electronic System for Travel Authorization–Visa Waiver Program, and have gone on a burglary spree…The gangs face minimal risks. Even when cops bust them, the perpetrators, typically with no criminal history in the U.S., are often speedily let go.”
- “A more lethal problem is a sharp upsurge in U.S. criminal activity attributed to members of infamously violent Latin American gangs, often fleeing authorities in their home countries. The suspect in the murder of Maryland mother Rachel Morin, for instance, is a Salvadorean street-gang member. He fled to the U.S. after killing a woman in El Salvador, then attacked a mother and her nine-year-old daughter in Los Angeles, before traveling cross-country to end Morin’s life, say police.”
- “Police in several cities have noticed a rise in arrests of Venezuelan illegals, many appearing to belong to a feared Venezuelan gang called the Tren de Aragua. Last year, 38 members were arrested in six locations around the country.”
BOTTOM LINE: It’s time to fire border Czar Kamala Harris. When elected, President Trump will deport criminal migrants and gang members to make Americans safer.
October 21 2024
NEW REPORT: Tim Walz’s Fiscal Policy Report Card: F
Tim Walz’s Fiscal Policy report card is in, and it's worse than you can imagine. According to a new report, Tim Walz has driven Minnesota off the fiscal cliff with his out-of-control spending and tax hikes on the middle class. Knucklehead Tim Walz earns an ‘F’, receiving the worst grade of any Governor in the country.
Tim Walz has overseen more increases in spending and taxes than any governor in the country- landing Minnesota in LAST PLACE in fiscal policy.
Highlights from CATO Institute’s Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors 2024
- Under Walz’s failed leadership, spending has increased by 36% since 2022, from about $52 billion to nearly $71 billion.
- Walz’s high tax rates undermine the economy and drive away wealthy people, including highly skilled job-creating entrepreneurs.
- Walz hit the middle class again in 2023 with a massive tax hike to pay for a new mandatory paid family leave program. An accounting analysis of the plan found that the tax will raise $1.2 billion in the first year of operation and rising amounts after that.
- Walz also pushed for higher gas taxes and higher vehicle fees to raise about $1 billion annually for transportation.
- Walz proposed adding a new individual income tax rate of 10.85 percent above the current top rate of 9.85 percent, a surtax on capital gains and dividends, and a hike to the corporate tax rate from 9.8 percent to 11.25 percent.
BOTTOM LINE: Americans can NOT afford the Harris-Waltz radical playbook in the White House. A vote for Harris-Walz is a vote for runaway government spending and tax hikes that will only worsen America’s inflation crisis.
October 18 2024
NEW POLL: Voters Overwhelmingly Favor Trump to Handle Foreign Policy
According to a newly released Wall Street Journal poll, Donald Trump is dominating Kamala Harris on foreign policy.
- On the issue of who is best able to handle Russia’s war in Ukraine, Trump leads Kamala by 11 points.
- On the issue of who is best suited to handle Hamas’ war on Israel, Trump leads Kamala by 15 points.
- Trump’s large lead over Kamala on these major foreign policy conflicts are driven largely by independents.
This polling comes as no surprise after four years of Kamala’s foreign policy, which has brought countless wars through WEAKNESS. Starting with the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have been wrong on every single foreign policy decision. Her failed leadership emboldened bad actors like Iran and Russia- who have both endorsed her campaign - a telling sign that they do not respect her and want a weak leader who will not hold them accountable for their actions that throw the world into global chaos and instability.
BOTTOM LINE: Voters remember that under President Trump we had peace through strength. The world was a safer place. We can’t afford four more years of Kamala’s weak foreign policy failures.
October 18 2024
🏆 Fake News Award of the Week: Politico 🏆
The award for Fake News Headline of the Week goes to…Politico.
The publication that’s bought and paid for by D.C. insiders, bureaucrats and elites has been working overtime for this award this week.
Their bias is disturbing and is becoming more deranged as Kamala Harris’ poll numbers bottom out. Americans are ‘turning the page’, from Politico as we watch the editors and the Far-Left Stenographers’ Trump Derangement Syndrome on full display.
- ‘They’re so Vindictive’: Why Some Federal Employees are Fearing Trump 2.0
- Kamala Harris Goes Baier Hunting
- Who Won the Day? Harris won the day because she reached out to Republicans more successfully than Trump reached out to women
- Vance Requested First-Class Flights and Speaking Fees up to $40,000 on 2017 Book Tour
No one thinks Politico is a serious news organization. Except for the D.C. pundits who want to be “spotted” out on the town. Politico should hang up its news hat and just admit it's a failing gossip rag.
Honorable Fake News Mentions:
- ABC News’ Martha Raddatz tries to downplay the migrant crime crisis by saying “only a handful” of apartment complexes have been taken over by Venezuelan gangs. WATCH JD VANCE SHUT HER DOWN
- The failing New York Times headline claimed “Under Trump, U.S. Prisons Offered Gender-Affirming Care.” The REAL story: No sex change surgeries happened under President Trump. The first one took place under Kamala in 2022.
- CNN’s Brian Stelter, a previous recipient of the Fake News Award, claimed Bret Baier was “Trump Surrogate” interviewing Kamala. Brian, tough questions don’t make you a Trump surrogate, they make you a real journalist.
October 18 2024
President Trump Vows to Protect Women’s Sports
An issue top of mind for Georgia women in attendance for President Trump’s Fox News Town Hall yesterday, was what he will do about biological boys playing in men's sports. Biological males playing in women's sports is a radical phenomenon that has put every girl's safety at risk, as we saw this past week when a biological man, who plays on the San Jose College Women's Volleyball spiked the ball so hard at a player that she fell to the ground as the fans watched in horror.
Mothers do not want boys in girls sports, in girls locker rooms, or on girls sports team-it’s that simple.
One of the women directly asked President Trump what he will do about transgenders playing in women’s sports. His swift answer: “YOU JUST BAN IT.”
Donald Trump made his position clear: he will ban boys in girls sports immediately as President. He will stand firmly with the female athletes who are putting their safety at risk by this radical movement that embraces biological men competing in women's sports. It's not fair and President Trump will level the playing field and ensure only WOMEN play in WOMEN'S sports.
- Kamala Harris' Policies Will 'Pervert' Girls' Sports
- Harris supports taxpayer-funded sex change operations on illegal aliens and inmates in prison.
- In 2019, while running for president, Kamala Harris proudly celebrated her role as California's Attorney General in pushing for the Department of Corrections to provide taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for inmates. She told the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), "I support policies ensuring that federal prisoners and detainees are able to obtain medically necessary care for gender transition, including surgical care, while incarcerated or detained."
- Her chosen running mate Tampon Tim even forces public schools to put tampons in boys bathrooms.
- Tim Walz also passed legislation in Minnesota that attacks parental rights by making transgender surgeries a factor in custody and made the state a sanctuary for minors seeking irreversible sex changes.
BOTTOM LINE: Kamala will protect they/them. Trump will protect girls and women’s sports.
October 17 2024
Kamala Harris is Running a Biden Basement Style Campaign on Steroids.
You would think the person who wants to be elected to the highest office in the country would want to tell you what she stands for. Not Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris and Knucklehead Tim Walz’s campaign of ‘ViBeS’ has proven to be a disastrous presidential ticket- and Democrat operatives know it.
Understanding that the pair cannot put a comprehensive sentence together, the campaign strategists have decided on the ‘wait and see’ approach, also known as the Biden Basement approach- where voters are going to have to ‘wait and see’ how radical her administration truly is if elected- because she will not do interviews and take hard questions in the press to outline her proposals or defend her record.
The Trump-Vance ticket has done 81 interviews compared to the 44 Harris-Walz have done, and that’s just since Kamala elected herself as the Democrat president nominee in August.
Make no mistake: Kamala’s Crumbling Campaign is in Free Fall.
New polls reveal Kamala Harris’s artificial boost after the corrupt Democrat machine pulled the rug from Joe Biden has hit a wall, with battleground state polls now leaning towards a Donald Trump Victory—especially in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
Americans have watched her dodge interviews, not host a single press conference, and they are saying they have had enough- they do not want four more years of a Gaslighter in Chief. Harris talks about a 'New way Forward,' but can not explain a single policy she would change in the past four years. She is Joe Biden 2.0 and the American people are ready to ‘Turn the Page’ from their radical agenda.
BOTTOM LINE: Her campaign is crumbling before our eyes, and while Silicon Valley liberal elites cling to her because she's 'not Trump,' let's be clear: no one ever actually thought Kamala Harris was a good candidate. This race has always been about Trump vs. the radical Left.
Americans are smart; they see through the Left's pandering and hollow promises, and that is why her polling is bottoming out. Meanwhile, Donald Trump remains laser-focused on his message, policies, and record of success for ALL Americans.
Read more:
Momentum shifts against Harris in presidential race
Trump-Vance ticket has done combined 81 interviews since August compared to 44 for Harris-Walz
October 17 2024
Catholic Support for President Trump SURGES as Kamala Harris Skips Al Smith Charity Dinner
For the first time since 1984, a presidential candidate has declined the annual Al Smith Charity Dinner. Why? Her radical policies are fundamentally at odds with Catholic teachings, and her history of anti-Catholic rhetoric has further alienated this crucial voting bloc.
She is SO radical and her Catholic hate permeates SO much of her campaign, that recent polling reveals that 50 percent of Catholics in battleground states support President Trump.
By not attending the annual Al Smith Charity Dinner, she’s sending a powerful message to Catholics: That they aren’t welcome in her coalition. The dinner, a long-standing tradition benefiting Catholic Charities, has seen every presidential candidate accept the invitation—until now.
Kamala Harris Boycott’s Catholic Charity Dinner, Continuing Her Anti-Catholic Campaign: Harris’s record speaks for itself. She has repeatedly targeted Catholic institutions and individuals with policies and rhetoric that stand in direct contrast to Catholics' core beliefs.
Additionally, she:
- Kamala Harris has repeatedly attacked the Knights of Columbus, the largest Catholic fraternal organization with over 2 million members and $1.5 billion raised for charity in the past decade.
- She led a bigoted campaign against Brian Buescher's nomination to the U.S. District Court for Nebraska, citing his faith as a Catholic as a disqualifying factor in her eyes.
- She sponsored legislation aimed at shutting down charitable Catholic organizations like the Little Sisters of the Poor for refusing to conform to radical leftist beliefs on gender identity.
- Harris supported the Equality Act, which would force religious institutions, including churches, to compromise their core beliefs or lose their religious rights.
- As California attorney general, she got a law passed requiring pro-life pregnancy centers to "promote abortion,"—many of which are Catholic or Christian—undermining their faith-based mission.
- In 2015, Kamala Harris used her power as California attorney general to put six Catholic hospitals out of business.
BOTTOM LINE: Harris' absence from the Al Smith Dinner and abandonment of Catholic families will result in Catholics abandoning her on November 5th. President Donald Trump has and will continue to listen to and fight for ALL Americans; that's the difference. President Trump's mission is to protect the freedom of every individual to practice their faith.
Under President Trump’s leadership, our nation saw remarkable support for religious freedom, restored protections for faith-based organizations and strengthened the rights of religious institutions against government overreach.
October 17 2024
Kamala BOMBS Fox News Interview
Kamala Harris’ bigtime interview was tonight, and what did the American people learn? Nothing!
The American public may never know where Kamala Harris stands on issues because she gives more time to sex podcasts than news outlets that ask simple questions. Her angry, unhinged behavior demonstrates that she’s unfit to be president, and we expect her campaign to reboot again as a result.
Bret Baier exposed Kamala Harris’ team for attempting to cut the interview short BEFORE IT EVEN STARTED: "We were supposed to start at 5 P.M…Originally we were going to do 25 or 30 minutes... they came in and said maybe 20. The Vice President came in around5:15. We were pushing the envelope..."
- When asked about border crossings, Kamala COULDN’T ANSWER. The American people know- Border Czar Harris has unleashed violent, illegal aliens into our country, costing innocent lives.
- When asked about the young women who were brutally murdered thanks to Kamala’s open-border policy, she reverted to attacking President Donald Trump. How does she sleep at night?
- When asked about allowing illegal immigrants to reap the benefits of United States CITIZENS she said, “That was five years ago.”
- When asked about tax dollars paying for gender transition surgeries for prisoners she REFUSED to answer.
- When asked about President Donald Trump beating her in swing states, NO ANSWER.
- When asked about Iran being the #1 threat to the United States she gave a big ‘ole defensive word salad and then said, “Let’s go back to Donald Trump.”
Bret Baier was heckled by Kamala staffers to wrap it up and end her interview. If Kamala can’t handle a 30-minute, pre-taped interview, how is she going to answer to the American people as President? BAD LOOK, KAMALA.
If this was her attempt to win over moderate voters- she failed: "Her answers are not going to pass the smell test with an audience who has watched loyally. We have more Republicans, Democrats and independents that watch than any news channel." - Dana Perino
Even DEMOCRATS are calling her out on her inability to answer straightforward questions: "I thought she should've been clearer about her position on if she's for the transgender operations or not." -Former Tennessee Democratic Congressman Harold Ford Jr.
BOTTOM LINE: While Kamala’s team hides her from the press and cuts interviews short when she can’t answer to her failed leadership, Team Trump has more than doubled her, with 79 interviews since August. Further, Team Trump wields interviews from all outlets including far-left MSDNC and even hostile Dana Bash on CNN. Kamala? Can’t even handle a Fox News pre-taped interview from a moderate Republican- a sector she claims she has the support of.
But it’s no wonder her team has kept her in the media shadows- her track record is DISASTROUS and she can’t form a coherent sentence to save her life.
The American people deserve a proven track record: the greatest economy in modern history, the greatest military, world peace, affordable groceries, and American greatness: A SECOND DONALD J. TRUMP PRESIDENCY.
October 16 2024
WATCH: Kamala Harris really thinks she can buy the black male vote with $20k and some weed.
Trump has made MAJOR inroads with Black Americans that will help carry him to victory on November 5th.
President Trump’s America First agenda delivers for ALL AMERICANS. New polling has shown that Black Americans are finding their home in the Republican party, realizing after four years of failures President Trump puts more money in Americans' pockets, keeps communities safe, and wages on the rise.
Democrats, historically, have taken black voters for granted- with empty promises and hollow threats (remember, Joe Biden said you aren't black if you didn’t vote for him). But the gig is up; this key voting bloc is abandoning Kamala Harris- and to that, President Trump says, ‘Welcome!’
In 2020, Biden won 90 percent of black voters. The latest New York Times/Siena poll shows Kamala carrying only 78 percent of black voters. That is a 12 point drop and according to the New York Times that is“large enough to imperil her chances of winning key battleground states.”
According to the poll, 40 percent of Black American voters under 30 said the Republican Party was more likely to follow through on its campaign commitments than Democrats were.
BOTTOM LINE: The traditional Democrat coalition of union, Hispanic, and black voters is crumbling before Kamala’s eyes. President Trump delivers for ALL AMERICANS.
- NY Post: Kamala Harris urges black men to vote for her to legalize weed — despite convicting 1,900 as DA
- CNN: Milwaukee's Black voters expose cracks in Democratic foundation for Harris
- The New York Times: Black Voters Drift From Democrats, Imperiling Harris’s Bid, Poll Shows
- New York Post: Trump gaining momentum with black voters, new poll says
- The Hill: Clyburn says he's 'concerned' about Black men voting for Trump
October 16 2024
Border Patrol Agent’s Morale At All-Time Low Under Kamala Harris
"Kamala Harris has been bad for morale, for not only law enforcement around the country, but also for our border security personnel."
For our Border Patrol agents on the front lines of Kamala Harris' Border Crisis, it has never been clearer how important this election is. Following the Border Patrol Union's UNANIMOUS endorsement of President Donald Trump, border patrol officers are now admitting they will quit the job they once loved and are completely demoralized.
“The morale has never been as low in the Border Patrol, but under the Biden-Harris administration and her current ads, acting like she’s pro-border security is just putting salt on an already gaping wound for the morale of border Border Patrol agents and law enforcement,” Former Yuma Border Patrol Chief Chris Clem said.
These officers entered this profession to carry out honorable work—securing our families and protecting our nation. Unfortunately, for the past four years, these officers have been turned into travel agents for migrants instead of being allowed to uphold the oath they swore and secure our border. Since October 2020, Customs and Border Protection has lost OVER 4,000 personnel, with morale hitting all-time lows, forcing the agency to hire its first suicidologist to address the rising suicide rate among staff.
Under Kamala Harris, we have witnessed lawlessness, and a Harris-Walz Presidency would destroy the very fabric of Customs and Border Patrol and undermine the officers who serve.
Let's not forget her record: she has consistently advocated for abolishing ICE and defunding border patrol. These officers haven't forgotten that. They are well aware that her values 'haven't changed' and how much worse things could become under her influence.
For four years, these brave officers received ZERO support from this administration to properly do their jobs- in fact, Border Czar Kamala Harris actively undermines them. By ending the 'Remain in Mexico' policy and dismantling other successful border initiatives implemented under President Trump, she sets them up to fail and by and large every community across America up to fail when terrorists, drug cartels, and CCP nationalists have more operational control of our borders than the officers sworn to protect them do.
But make no mistake: Help is on the way. When Donald Trump is elected, we will restore law and order. On day one, he will take decisive action to secure our borders and ensure that you are fully supported in your mission to protect this nation.
Read More: Border patrol agents threaten to leave in droves if Kamala Harris wins: ‘Not doing this s–t again’
October 16 2024
The Questions Fox News Must Ask Kamala Harris
The Questions Fox News Must Ask Kamala Harris
After her media blitz on sex podcasts and drinking beers on Far-Left night TV shows, Kamala Harris' poll numbers spiraled, reaching new lows. With her campaign on life support, she is hoping to turn things around with an interview on Fox News with host Bret Baier in what will be her first hard-hitting interview.
With 19 days until Election Day, Kamala Harris will finally take a tough question. As Americans go to cast their ballots, they deserve to know where she stands on the issues.
She can run, but she can’t hide from her record of failures. Here are the questions Fox News must ask Comrade Kamala:
1. Last week on ABC's The View, you said you would not have done anything differently than Joe Biden. Americans have faced record-high inflation, more than 15 million migrants have come into the country, wars rage around the world in Israel and Ukraine, and 13 service members were killed in the disastrous botched Afghanistan withdrawal. In fact, 60% of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track- you really wouldn't change a single decision made over the last four years?
2. Since you took office, the cost of living has skyrocketed, forcing Americans to pay significantly more for everyday necessities. Gas prices are up by 38%, electricity by 31%, and groceries by 22%. The price of eggs has risen by a staggering 69%, baby food is up 31%, and rent has increased by 23%. Transportation costs are up by 31%, and car insurance costs have risen by 57%. If you had a plan to tackle the inflation crisis your administration created, Americans want to know why you haven't done it in the past four years.
3. You have celebrated Bidenomics as Americans have suffered from this inflation crisis while their wages have decreased- many people believe your economic plans will only worsen the economic crisis we're in. What do you say to that?
4. Your administration's electric vehicle mandates are unpopular, will hurt the American auto industry, and are extremely costly to American consumers. On average, electric vehicles cost $56,575. This is money many Americans do not have. What do you say to Americans who cannot afford an electric car and to the auto workers at GM and Ford who will lose their jobs because of this government mandate?
5. As the Border Czar, you created the greatest border invasion in US history, allowing more than 15 million illegal migrants to come into the country–including thousands of UNVETTED criminals and members of the deadly Venezuela Tren de Aragua gang.
6. Last week, the Department of Justice announced charges against an Afghan immigrant for planning an Election Day terrorist attack. You let this UNVETTED immigrant into this country. How many terrorists have been released to our country by your feckless open border policies?
7. When you ran for President in 2019, you supported taxpayer-funded sex surgeries for illegal immigrants and prisoners. Do you still support this?
8. Do you think it was appropriate to appear on a sex podcast while Hurricane Helene was destroying entire communities? How would you rate your response to Americans during this crisis? Was it right to focus on a media blitz while entire communities were completely devastated and counties destroyed across North Carolina? How do you defend that call?
9. Recently, you avoided answering whether Netanyahu is an ally. Why can't you provide a clear response to that question? What is your relationship with our Ally Israel, and do you support the Iran-backed Hamas terrorists?
10. You once supported total gun confiscations and 'house checks' on law-abiding gun owners, but now you say you own a gun. When did you flip-flop on this issue, and why did you change your stance?
11. You have repeatedly said you wanted to ban fracking- now, when it's not politically popular, you have changed your tune; why should Americans believe you now?
12. You've repeatedly claimed to be the last person with President Biden when the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was made—a move that left Americans, troops, and weaponry behind enemy lines and cost 13 U.S. service members their lives. Do you regret the disastrous withdrawal that led to American deaths and military equipment falling into terrorist hands?
13. A recent investigation revealed that you plagiarized at least a dozen sections of her criminal-justice book Smart on Crime, even lifting material from Wikipedia. What do you say to people who see this as a serious concern about your integrity, authenticity, and credibility?
14. You have repeatedly called Donald Trump a "threat to Democracy." You continue to use this language following two very close assassination attempts on him. Don't you owe Donald Trump and his family an apology for using this type of dangerous rhetoric about him? And why do you continue to call him a "threat to democracy?"
15. You surprised many people with your pick of Tim Walz as your running mate. Nearly everyone in the media thought it would be Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro. Did Shapiro being Jewish and supportive of Israel play into your choice not to pick him to be your running mate?
October 15 2024
Democrats EV Identity Crisis: Lining China’s Pockets, Laying off America’s Autoworkers
Stellantis, the parent company of Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram, announced they are laying off 1,100 workers at its Warren Truck Assembly Plant in Michigan. The company also declared plans for indefinite layoffs across its operations to cut costs due to declining sales with the potential impacts on Stellantis' workforce to the tune of 52,000 employees.
The auto workers who built this company are now the first on the chopping block thanks to the Biden-Harris EV Mandates forcing autoworkers to build cars that no one can afford or wants, and relying on Communist China for parts.
Democrats EV Identity Crisis:
- Democrats' radical EV mandates are making America more dependent on China than ever.
- Mining for EV batteries destroys ecosystems, all to secure lithium and cobalt, materials largely controlled by China.
- In the end, American workers pay the price. And for what? Cars that can't sell and sit on the lots.
- The irony is not lost on anyone that manufacturing these "green" cars pumps out more CO₂ than traditional gas vehicles, and in coal-powered regions, EVs aren't any cleaner—they just shift the burden.
- Worse, these mandates are emptying the pockets of hard-working Americans. EVs are expensive, and the costs are being forced onto families who don't want or can't afford them. The only "green" Democrats seem to care about is the money coming out of your wallet.
Michigan autoworkers are losing jobs because EVs require less labor, and are resulting in less sales to be passed on to the workers.
HELP IS ON THE WAY: Donald J. Trump has made his stance clear: “I will end the electric vehicle mandate on day one, thereby saving the US auto industry from complete obliteration, which is happening right now.”
It's time to back American-made gas vehicles, protect jobs, and secure energy independence, not line China’s pockets at our expense.
October 15 2024
ICYMI: Kamala Harris’s Rural Broadband Flop
Kamala Harris recently admitted, "In America, it takes too long and costs too much to build." She's right—but it's her progressive policies that are causing the delays and driving up costs.
In an editorial in the Wall Street Journal, Brendan Carr, the Senior Republican on the Federal Communications Commission, slammed Kamala's failed leadership that has spent $42 BILLION to expand broadband access that has yet to successfully connect a SINGLE home or business in nearly three years after the program's launch.
Political priorities, regulatory hurdles, DEI mandates, and climate initiatives have caused dysfunction and delays that have taken priority over the program's goals and results. Leaving underserved and rural communities hanging in the balance.
ICYMI: Kamala Harris’s Rural Broadband Flop
- “In 2021 she [Harris] agreed to lead the administration’s $42 billion plan for expanding high-speed internet to millions of Americans. That year, she tweeted that “we can bring broadband to rural America today.” Today, nearly three years after Congress passed the infrastructure bill that created the program, not one home or business has been connected through it.”
- “The Biden-Harris administration recently confirmed that construction projects won’t begin until next year at the earliest, and in many cases not until 2026.”
- “Instead of focusing on delivering broadband to unserved areas, the administration has used the program to advance a wish list of political goals.”
- “Testifying before a congressional oversight committee, one state government official described“a chaotic implementation environment” marked by “dysfunction” and “delays.” The administration, she said, “has provided either no guidance, guidance given too late, or guidance changing midstream.’”
- “Associations representing broadband builders in states across the U.S. are sounding the alarm, warning that the “program will fail” absent a course correction.
- It isn’t too late to get rid of the program’s DEI requirements, price controls, technology biases and preferences for government-run networks. Stripping away those regulations would unleash private-sector innovation and save taxpayer dollars.”
- “The status quo is unacceptable. Under Biden-Harris policies, it takes too long and it costs too much to build broadband in America.”
October 14 2024
We Must Turn The Plagerized Page
Kamala’s October Surprise- but we aren’t shocked!
While Kamala Harris continues to travel the country peddling lies and stealing policies from Team Trump, a BOMBSHELL just dropped. Kamala Harris plagiarized her 2009 book, Smart on Crime. Not very smart if you ask us, Kamala!
According to Stefan Weber, Kamala’s book contains“vicious plagiarism fragments.”
Kamala even stole verbatim from WIKIPEDIA, “In a section about a New York court program, Harris stole long passages directly from Wikipedia—long considered an unreliable source.”
But are we surprised? We’ve seen firsthand that Kamala can’t even put a cohesive sentence together.
Unlike Kamala Harris, Team Trump writes their own books. President Trump’s iconic Art of the Deal and Senator JD Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy are two books based on TRUTH- and NOT on Wikipedia!
BOTTOM LINE: Americans deserve leaders who do not lie, do not cheat, and do not gaslight their way to the White House. WE NEED TO TURN THE PLAGIARIZED PAGE- Vote Trump-Vance.
October 14 2024
America is “the Scene of the Crime,” Kamala Harris Deems Columbus Day Shameful And Racist.
Today is Columbus Day, a holiday celebrating Christopher Columbus and the early explorers that led to the founding of America.
WATCH: Trump vs Harris on Columbus Day
TRUMP:“His [Chirstopher Columbus] memory stands as an enduring testament to the daring spirit that built our great civilization, and for as long as I have anything to say about this, and I hope that’s going to be a long time, it will always be Columbus Day.”
HARRIS:“As we celebrate Indigenous People’s Day. As we speak truth about our nation's history. Since 1934, every October the United States has recognized the voyage of the European explorers who first landed on the shores of the Americas. But that is not the whole story. That has never been the whole story. Those explorers ushered in a wave of devastation for tribal nations, perpetrating violence, stealing land, and spreading disease. We must not shy away from this shameful past.”
Radical Leftist Kamala Harris finds the founding of our great nation- and anyone who celebrates it shameful, appalling, and racist. In fact, she wants to eliminate Columbus Day and rename it Indigenous People's Day- with a full-throated disavowal of those who founded America and gave us the opportunities we have today.
Bottom Line: Kamala Harris hates a day that celebrates America- and she finds the founding of our nation, the journey, and sacrifices made by the explorers' shameful.
But rest assured, President Trump will continue to celebrate Christopher Columbus' and will protect this holiday from radical activists like Kamala Harris, who want to erase our nation's history.
October 14 2024
Americans Are Ready for Operation Aurora
New Report Reveals Nearly 2 Million Migrants Have Come From Countries that Are National Security Threats to the U.S. Under Kamala Harris.
In the same week an illegal Afghan migrant was arrested in Oklahoma for plotting a mass Election Day terrorist attack for ISIS, a scathing new Congressional report exposed that nearly 2 MILLION illegal aliens encountered at the border have come from countries that officials believe pose a NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT to the United States.
- According to the DHS these "special interest aliens" come from countries identified as having conditions that may foster terrorism or pose a potential national security threat to the U.S.
- The U.S. has deemed 26 ‘special interest’ countries, including Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Syria, Turkey, China, and Venezuela.
- Just this fiscal year, 300,000 Venezuelans and more than 73,000 Chinese nationals were encountered at the border.
- The nearly 2 million UNVETTED migrants here on U.S. soil pose a high risk to Americans.
- Border Patrol Agents have no way of knowing their criminal history because their countries do not share data with the United States.
"I will round up the illegal alien gang members, and they will be put in jail or thrown out of our country until not a single one is left—and we're going to call it OPERATION AURORA," President Trump promised at his rally in Aurora, Colorado.
BOTTOM LINE: Kamala Harris is a national security threat. For the safety and security of ALL Amercians, we need President Trump back in the White House. Trump has already announced he will do the largest mass deportation of criminal illegal migrants in history. He has secured the border once, and he will do it again.
October 14 2024
MUST READ: Kamala Harris Called on Barack Obama to Do Damage Control- It didn’t work
ICYMI: David Urban penned an op-ed in the Pennsylvania Tribune Live: Obama's damage control for Harris won’t work
- “Thursday night, [Obama] openly admitted Harris' campaign lacks energy, then blamed voters for her weak candidacy, claiming we're making "excuses" not to support her because she's a woman. This false accusation, coming from a party that won't even define what a woman is, only highlights how failed of a candidate Harris truly is.”
- “Perhaps most revealing about Obama's stump speech is that he couldn't point to a single Biden-Harris Administration policy that has made hard-working Pennsylvanians' lives better. He failed to highlight any policy proposals or point to a single way that Harris has delivered for the American people in the past four years.”
- “Pennsylvanians know that Donald Trump will fight for their families, and they know it because they've seen it. They have had the chance to evaluate both records- and the contrast cannot be clearer: Harris is driving America and all of our families off a financial cliff, she's starting wars through weakness, and she is playing fast and loose with our national security- opening our borders to terrorists who now live amongst us.”
- “Under Harris, inflation has reached historic heights, making life more expensive for Americans, with prices rising worse than expected in September- marking the 43rd consecutive month inflation has exceeded the Federal Reserve's target rate. When Trump left office, inflation was at 1.4%, but it has averaged 5.2% under Harris.”
- “Wages have also fallen, with earnings down 3.4% since Harris took office, compared to wage increases of 8.2% under Trump. As a result, many Americans are struggling to keep up with rising costs—and want the Trump economy back in the White House, an economy they know works for their family.”
- “It doesn’t matter which liberal millionaire politician they bring in next — Pennsylvanians already know Harris’ “plan” because we’ve lived through its consequences for nearly four years. Her campaign is on life support, and a cameo by Obama won’t save it."
- “On Nov. 5, we will “turn the page” from the Biden-Harris failed agenda and elect a leader who will fight for us. That’s Donald J. Trump.”
October 14 2024
ICYMI: American Families Are Paying the Price of Kamala Harris’ Failures
As the September inflation report revealed- inflation continues to worsen. American families cannot afford the inflation crisis created by the Biden-Harris Administration. For most hard working families, the latest inflation data merely confirm the economic pain they are already feeling. From grocery store checkout lines to soaring electricity bills and gas prices- the everyday cost of living has become a constant reminder of Kamalanomics failures, and motivation to fire Kamala Harris on November 5th.
TOPLINE:American Families Are Paying the Price of Kamala Harris’ Failures
- “Under Kamala Harris, inflation has wreaked havoc on families' bottom lines and made everyday life unaffordable. Year-over-year prices increased by 2.4% in September, marking the 43rd straight month that inflation has exceeded the Federal Reserve's target rate.”
- “When President Trump left office, inflation was non-existent, sitting at 1.4%. Since Harris took office, inflation has averaged 5.2%—almost three times higher than during Trump's presidency.”
- “Real average weekly earnings have declined by 3.4% since Harris entered the White House, in stark contrast to the Trump administration, when Americans saw their real wages increase by 8.2%.”
- “Inflation is a hidden tax on every American that diminishes your purchasing power and erodes the value of your money.”
- “Gas prices are up by 38%, electricity by 31%, and groceries by 22%. The price of eggs has skyrocketed by a staggering 69%, baby food is up 31%, and rent has increased by 23%. Transportation costs are up by 31%, and car insurance costs have risen by 57%.“
- “Harris is pushing for the largest tax hike in U.S. history, Soviet-style price controls, and a housing plan that threatens to drive home prices even higher. Rather than relieving the financial pressure on Americans, these policies will only make matters worse.”
- “With inflation at multi-year highs and wages failing to keep pace, families are being squeezed harder than ever before. If Harris continues down this path, we can expect more of the same: higher prices, stagnant wages, and fewer opportunities.”
BOTTOM LINE: The contrast between economic agendas couldn’t be clearer. President Trump unleashed economic prosperity and he will do it again. The only way out of this inflation crisis is with Trump’s policies that will focus on cutting taxes and eliminating costly government regulations and unleashing American energy to drive down costs.
October 12 2024
“FEMA has what they need” But The American People Don’t.
The lies and misinformation pushed by the Left and the MSM is dangerous.
This Administration's response to Hurricane Helene and Milton has been a complete disaster. For victims they realize the federal government has abandoned them- Kamala Harris is nowhere to be found- unless somehow these victims who have lost nearly everything somehow have access to cable TV and are tuning into sex podcasts and Stephen Colbert. Spoiler: They’re not.
Now, the Mainstream Media and Kamala & Co. are trying to change their tune, saying that the FEMA’s depleted funds and that FEMA gave over a billion of taxpayer dollars to illegal aliens is ‘misinformation.’
This week, Kamala Harris said, “FEMA has what they need,” and blamed Republicans for playing ‘political games and spreading misinformation.’ As she was on her comedy media tour, on The View, she blamed Trump for the response to the Hurricane. As she was drinking beers in NYC with Late Night hosts- while Hurricane Militon was barrelling towards FL and NC still in ruins, she blamed Trump for the abysmal response. Disgusting.
October 2, 2024:“We do not have the funds. FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season and what is imminent,” DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
October 4, 2024: “Without additional funding, FEMA would be required to forego longer-term recovery activities in favor of meeting urgent needs,” President Joe Biden.
September 16, 2022: "FEMA Regional Administrators have been meeting with city officials on site to coordinate — to coordinate available federal support from FEMA and other federal agencies.Funding is also available through FEMA’s Emergency Food and Shelter program to eligible local governments and not-for-profit organizations upon request to support humanitarian relief for migrants,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.
Just because this Administration and the legacy media don’t like the realities of this Administration's mismanagement of FEMA money and incoherent-botched Hurricane response, doesn’t mean it’s not true.
FACT: Kamala has been AWOL through BOTH hurricanes as they have devastated the South East and now chimes in when she sees public outrage- and political impacts.
FACT: FEMA’s emergency response has been incompetent, and insulting to victims.
FACT: FEMA spent over a BILLION taxpayer dollars for housing and food for illegal migrants.
Unlike Kamala Harris, President Donald Trump has been laser-focused on the victims and delivering critical aid. President Trump is housing 275 linemen for FREE at his hotel in Doral, Miami as they prepare to respond to Hurricane Helene and Milton. Trump, his family, JD Vance and the Trump Team have been on the ground, helping victims, providing hot meals, emergency supplies and working with outside organizations as well as Elon Musk to get families access to Starlink internet service.
October 11 2024
Fake News of the Week Award: CBS 60 Minutes
This is a stain on the reputation of 60 Minutes that is not recoverable - Donald J. Trump
🏆 The award for Fake News Headline of the Week goes to… CBS- and the Producers and Editors of 60 Minutes (the Network is now a TWO TIME TITLE HOLDER) for slicing and dicing Kamala Harris’ interview- deceptively editing the ENTIRE episode.
Reminder to the Legacy Media- she is running for PRESIDENT of the greatest country in the world. Americans deserve to hear her answers and her unedited responses. But the MSM continues to prop her up, knowing she cannot string a coherent sentence together and this is someone who thinks they should be in the same room negotiating on our behalf with our allies and adversaries like Putin.
President Trump sounded the alarm on 60 Minutes and their blatant dishonesty saying: “I have never heard of such a thing being done in 'News.' It is the very definition of FAKE NEWS! The public is owed a MAJOR AND IMMEDIATE APOLOGY! This is an open and shut case, and must be investigated, starting today!”
Deceiving the American people, editing an entire episode to help one political candidate, and then running it without any disclaimer that this in fact is a political ad, not objective journalism, making CBS the TWO TIME CHAMP of the FAKE NEWS AWARD 🏆 .
Honorable Fake News Mentions:
- MSNBC: Ari Melber brought liberal celebrities on his program to blame racism for the tight Presidential race.
- CNN: This week, Kaitlan Collins said Trump’s comments about FEMA funds going to migrants “is not true.” BUT an old clip from CNN archives shows the network covering FEMA money being used to support migrants.
- Washington Post: Economic columnist celebrated worsening inflation when CPI’s inflation numbers were revealed and worse than expected WAPO gas lit the inflation crisis that’s hurting Americans: More good news on inflation.
- ABC’s Good Morning America reporting on the arrest of a suspected terrorist who planned a deadly Election Day plot left out a crucial fact: the Afghan terrorist was let in under Kamala Harris’ watch.
October 11 2024
Kamala Has A Problem with Hispanic-Latino Voters and Her Univision Townhall Won’t Fix It
New Polls show Trump has made major inroads with Hispanic-Latino voters.
Hispanic voters are abandoning Kamala Harris and her radical policies- finding a home in the Republican Party, where their core values—faith, family, and country—are truly respected.
For too long, Democrats have taken key voting blocs for granted with hollow promises- but just as the union workers have walked away, so have the Hispanic-Latino voters. After years of backing Democrats, the radical Left's agenda has alienated them to the point of no return. To that, President Trump says welcome, we are happy to have you communities join the pro-family, pro-worker, pro-small business, and pro-safety party.
Under Kamala Harris's failed leadership, skyrocketing inflation has made it harder to make ends meet, while open borders have brought crime right to Americans' backyard. Kamala's inability to address these issues—combined with proposals that embrace socialist economic models and tax rates higher than Communist China- reminiscent of dictators and regimes many Hispanics risked their lives to flee from—has solidified that many Hispanic and Latino Americans cannot support her.
In contrast, President Trump supports strong borders, economic prosperity, supporting small businesses, and protecting traditional values and every American's safety and security.
October 10 2024
Hey, Pennsylvania! Kamala Harris Hopes You Don’t Remember What Obama Said About You.
Tonight, Kamala Harris is relying on out-of-touch millionaire Barack Obama to campaign for her in Pennsylvania, and she’s hoping Pennsylvanians don't remember what he said about the people across the Keystone state.
In 2008, Barack Obama told a room full of "bougie" San Francisco elitists that across Pennsylvania are 'bitter' people from small towns who 'cling to religion, guns,' and xenophobia.
"[Pennsylvanians] get bitter; they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations" - Obama, 2008
Obama doesn't understand Small Town USA- he felt comfortable bashing Pennsylvanians from San Francisco, California, because he has no respect for hard-working Americans' way of life- he'd rather be chumming up with coastal elites. The only reason he has agreed to go to Pennsylvania is because he sees the internal polling that Kamala Harris is a complete disaster of a candidate.
Bitter? Xenophobic? And insinuations that Pennsylvanians use the U.S. Constitution and their religion as a scapegoat- instead of rights and beliefs that are cherished? No, Obama. Pennsylvanians haven't forgotten your disparaging comments and encourage you to take a one-way flight back to your elitist Silicon Valley pals instead.
Pennsylvanians are not bitter- they just DESERVE BETTER- and they know that's what Donald J. Trump will deliver.
Bottom Line: Sending Barack Obama back to PA to talk to a crowd of 400 people- (a group shorter than the bathroom line at a Trump Rally)- is a cry for help from Kamala HQ! They see that their campaign is on life support.
October 10 2024
Inflation is once again HOTTER THAN ANTICIPATED, up 2.4% over the past year, exceeding expectations- AGAIN.
- Since Kamala took office, overall prices have skyrocketed by 20.5%
- Real average weekly earnings have dropped by 3.4%, leaving hardworking families struggling to keep up.
- Core inflation rises to 3.3%, the first increase since March 2023
- 258,000 people filed for unemployment this week—well above the expected 230,000—another sign that things are worse than anticipated. And once the September jobs report is revised sharply lower, it will expose the Fed’s worst nightmare: rising inflation paired with rising unemployment.
It's clear that this administration's incompetent economic policies continue to FAIL the American people, as costs continue to rise while wages fall behind- we need a CEO in the White House. Enough is enough- bring back MAGANOMICS.
October 10 2024
The Kamala Harris’ Media Tour: The Gift That Keeps on Giving.
Kamala Harris' 'vibes' campaign launched a 'media blitz' three weeks from Election Day.
Spoiler Alert: After telling the American public that she has no regrets, we can all safely assume her biggest regret is rebooting their campaign (again) and publicly touting their new “media strategy.”
A cringe run in with the ‘Daddy Gang?’
To kick off the media tour, she joined a sex podcast. Nothing says elect me to represent your family quite like joining a sex podcast that focuses on bl*w jobs, hall passes, and frat daddies.
What's even worse is that she filmed this podcast as Americans in North Carolina and Georgia were without electricity, shelter, and clean water- completely devastated by Hurricane Helene. Hundreds of Americans died, and they fear many deaths have remained unreported due to the amount of devastation and flooding. Hurricane victims were pleading for help from the federal government after losing EVERYTHING, and Kamala Harris prioritized the Call Her Daddy sex podcast.
BACKLASH: People are outraged by her decision to abandon victims in some of their darkest days, and the dislikes on this cringe propaganda-style episode actually eclipsed the likes with thousands of comments echoing their disgust with the publicity stunt: "How do you do a podcast while people are dying and losing their homes losing everything to this hurricane…Sure got your priorities straight" one user wrote.
Then she joined 60 Minutes:
Even with 60 Minutes editing Kamala's responses to try to pull together something salvageable on her behalf, the interview still was a bust. Americans have no idea how bad it actually is because 60 Minutes clipped and doctored the entire episode.
In the interview, 60 Minutes asked why she has flip-flopped on issues so many times, and that it has led to people feeling like no one knows who she is or what she stands for. On every issue she was asked about she deflected and shifted blame.
Vibes were bad on the The View:
Kamala Harris, who continues to run on being the candidate of change and painfully using the 'turn the page' and 'a new way forward' cringe slogans - admitted that there is NOTHING she would have done differently in the past four years. Even on The View, a propaganda machine for the Left, she is tossed a softball and tells the American people everything they need to know- she stands by every move the Biden-Harris Admin has made that's sent our country in a downward spiral.
The irony is not lost on us that The View of all shows ended her political career.
THE VIEW: "If anything, would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?"
KAMALA: "There is not a thing that comes to mind."
From bad to worse on the Howard Stern:
By the time she got to Howard Stern, she was getting frustrated that the softball media tour she scheduled was not panning out the way she hoped, so she used the same old tactics—BLAME TRUMP FOR EVERYTHING.
She claimed Trump is too 'weak' to lead- pretty rich coming from a lady who has cowered to every U.S. adversary- and is endorsed by Russia and Iran… Meanwhile, Donald Trump took a bullet for this country, stood up, and said Fight Fight, Fight- that's not weak- that leadership that she'll never be able to provide to Americans. Donald Trump has faced relentless attacks from her weaponized DOJ that has unleashed unprecedented political lawfare against him, yet he keeps fighting and was with the families in NC, consoling them and getting relief as her Administration and campaign chose sex podcasts and spent all the funds on migrant housing.
All that aside, it's unclear whether her strategy behind joining Howard Stern's show was to prove she could string a sentence together (FAILED) or to try to appeal to new voters (FAILED—Howard Stern said he "hates" everyone who votes Trump and doesn't want them listening to his show anymore).
The Grand Finale: The Late Show With Stephen Colbert:
CLEAN UP CREW- Kamala tried to clean up the mess she created and distance herself from Joe Biden after saying she would not do a single thing differently than him.
As she wrapped up her media 'blitz,' Americans expressed outrage: North Carolina is devastated, Florida is about to get hit with a CAT 5 hurricane, and where's Kamala? In NYC, drinking a beer, cursing on TV about Trump, and offering ZERO solutions to the crises she's created.
She’s not a serious person, she’s a failed candidate and we hope she does many more interviews to continue to prove our point.
October 09 2024
ICYMI: Kamala Harris Is Coming For Your 401(k)
Kamala Harris’ tax plan to raise the corporate rate to 28% and the top capital-gains tax to roughly 32% would decimate stock market returns. More than 100 million Americans own stocks, including through pensions and other retirement accounts. These funds are essential to living out the many of Americans' golden years.
Topline: Wall Street Journal, Kamala Harris Is Eyeing Your 401(k)
- “At a 28% federal corporate tax and an average of roughly a 5% state and local tax, the government would snatch away roughly 33 cents of every dollar of profit. This leaves 67 cents to the shareholders.”
- “Every percentage point that Congress and Ms. Harris raise the tax would dilute the value of the stock owned by the rest of us.”
- “She favors raising the rate to roughly 32% from 23.8%. Add state capital-gains taxes and the rate can easily reach 36%. This is the government taking a second bite out of the corporate apple before the rest of the country has even taken its first.”
- “Add it all up and government would snatch at least 50% of nearly every corporation in America under the Harris tax scheme. That sounds an awful lot like socialism.”
- “The more than 70 million Americans with 401(k) plans and millions more with other retirement stock holdings would be made poorer.”
Read the full Wall Street Journal Op-Ed by top economist Steve Moore and successful businessman and CEO of Susquehanna International Group, Jess Yass.
Bottom Line: Kamala’s anti-business and socialist tax plan will hurt Americans. In Trump’s first term, he delivered the largest tax cut in American history. If elected again, he will deliver more tax cuts and economic growth for all Americans.
October 09 2024
ICYMI: Terrorist Charged with Planning an Election Day Attack on Behalf of ISIS- Let in by Kamala Harris
On the same day Kamala Harris said there was NOTHING she would do differently than Joe Biden- the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced charges against an Afghan illegal immigrant arrested in Oklahoma, who was plotting an Election Day terrorist attack on behalf of ISIS.
Kamala Harris let unvetted, ISIS-backed terrorists set up shop here in America to plan terrorist attacks against us in our own backyard- AND SHE WOULDN’T CHANGE A THING.
Kamala Harris’ Failures Let Terrorists Roam Free:
- Yesterday, the DOJ announced charges against an Afghan citizen for plotting an Election Day terrorist attack on behalf of ISIS.
- The suspected terrorist, Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, came to the U.S. after the botched Afghanistan Withdrawal as an Afghan Refugee.
- He had purchased firearms and ammunition to conduct the violent attack and had taken a number of other steps to prepare for the plot.
- Tawhedi entered the U.S. on September 9, 2021, following the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal on a ‘special immigrant visa.’ He was on parole status.
- He isn’t the only suspected terrorist Kamala has let into the country. The Border Patrol has apprehended375 undocumented migrants on the Terrorist Watchlist since the beginning of the Biden-Harris presidency. Joe and Kamala released 99 of these into U.S. communities.
- Biden-Harris has also CAUGHT AND RELEASED at least a hundred TERRORISTS into our country.
Trump is right- Kamala Harris has no idea who she has let in our country. In fact, she rolled out the red carpet for MILLIONS of unvetted illegal aliens living here on U.S. soil- including TERRORISTS, Drug Cartels, CCP Nationals and beyond. She has no idea how many people are here - how many other terrorists are roaming free- plotting against us on U.S. soil? Kamala Harris is a National Security Threat.
President Donald Trump DECIMATED ISIS and delivered a SAFE and SECURE border. He will do it again with MASS DEPORTATIONS starting on DAY ONE.
October 08 2024
From Confiscation to Campaigning- Kamala Harris a ‘Gun Owner’ Against Gun Ownership.
Kamala Harris a ‘gun owner’ against gun ownership. Yes, you read that right. Kamala who has continued to flip-flop on Second Amendment rights will change her tune on the issue - depending on who she is around.
If there’s one lesson to take away from her campaign, it’s that she’ll say anything to score your vote.
We want to learn more about her latest rebrand, the Mainstream Media must ask:
- Kamala Harris says if someone walks into her house, they will be shot- at the same time, she claims there should be 'house checks' on gun owners to determine if law-abiding gun owners are 'responsible.' Who should walk into her house and check that she is a responsible gun owner- is she also threatening to shoot said person?
- Which gun range does she go to, and how many times in her life has she been there?
- When asked what kind of gun she owns, she said a 'Glock.' Gun owners do not mention the make without the model. Does she actually own a gun? If so, is it a political prop for her, or does she know the make of her gun?
- Kamala supported banning "high capacity magazines," which are any guns that hold over seven rounds. Every Glock magazine holds at least ten rounds, and most hold more than 15. How does she plan to expand this rebrand and announce her policy reversal?
- Harris has repeatedly advocated for a mandatory gun "buyback" program that would force Americans to turn over their firearms to the government for a set price = gun confiscation. Does she still support gun confiscation? Is she planning to return utilizing the 90-day return policy after the election?
- When it comes to the Second Amendment, her stance is anything but bulletproof! She advocates for UNCONSTITUTIONAL policies that limit law-abiding Americans' Second Amendment rights while gaslighting people to believe that she now owns a firearm as a campaign tactic.
Read More:
- Kamala Harris Backed San Francisco Handgun Confiscation Measure
- Kamala for Gun Confiscation: In Her Own Words
October 07 2024
Four Years of Weakness at the White House Has Led to Global Instability and Wars Around the World
Biden-Harris Top 5 Foreign Policy Failures:
1. BOTCHED AFGHANISTAN WITHDRAWAL: The disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan left Americans behind enemy territory and resulted in the preventable deaths of 13 service members and BILLIONS of dollars of America's military equipment in the hands of Taliban terrorists.
2. HAMAS TERRORIST ATTACK AGAINST ISRAEL: Today marks the anniversary of Hamas terrorists launching the deadliest attack on Israel since the Holocaust. The war continues to rage on, with Hamas torturing and killing hostages, including nearly 50 Americans. Make no mistake- this attack was made possible by the weakness shown by this administration and the ill-advised decision by the Biden-Harris Administration to bankroll the Iranian terror regime.
3. EMBOLDENED IRAN: Biden and Harris gave Iran BILLIONS of dollars. Now, they are closer than ever to obtaining a nuclear weapon. Iran and its proxies know under this administration, there are no consequences for bad behavior, and now it is launching hundreds of missiles to attack Israel. Iran supports Kamala Harris for President, and even hacked the Trump Campaign, undermining our democracy to influence our elections and help the Harris-Walz ticket.
4. RUSSIAN AGGRESSION: Putin only invaded Ukraine because he knew he'd face little consequence from the Biden-Harris Administration, especially after watching the botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Remember: Putin has endorsed Kamala Harris for President. He knows Kamala Harris' failed foreign policy strategy will give him free rein—he does not fear or respect the Harros-Walz ticket.
5. CHINA'S INFLUENCE: Earlier this year, China launched "punishment" drills with armed warplanes around Taiwan. These staged mock attacks were an attempt to intimidate the democratically free Taiwan. China did not display aggressive behavior when Trump was in office. Biden-Harris has been weak on China at every turn; look no further than China buying our farmland, the Chinese spy balloon over our military bases, Chinese police stations on U.S. soil, Fentanyl poisoning precursors produced in China killing Americans at a historic race- and they know if Tiananmen Tim Walz is the VP that the Chinese Communist Party will have full access and cover at the White House.
Bottom Line: Four more years of Kamala will mean global instability and world wars at a rate we have never seen before. Our adversaries do not fear Kamala Harris. The world needs Trump's peace through strength.
October 07 2024
‘Don’t’ as a foreign policy strategy will NEVER deter evil terrorists.
CC: Kamala Harris
Today, we are reminded that 'don't' as a foreign policy strategy from the United States will NEVER deter evil terrorists.
One year ago, Hamas terrorists struck Israel, resulting in the worst attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Over 1,200 innocent lives were brutally taken, including 40 Americans. The barbaric attacks on women, children, and thousands of innocent Israelis will be images seared in our memory forever, and we will never forget the devastation and loss they caused.
As we reflect on the attacks that day and the continuation of this war that is still being fought today, it’s never been clearer that in November, we must ensure we elect a leader to the White House who delivers PEACE through STRENGTH. Under President Trump’s leadership, we had historic peace in the Middle East- under Kamala & Co., we have unprecedented wars through weakness.
What they are saying:
VP Nominee, U.S. Senator JD Vance:Our prayers are with our allies in Israel this morning as we remember the American and Israeli citizens who were slaughtered last October 7th. President Trump will end Kamala Harris's weak policies that embolden our enemies and undercut Israel's ability to defend itself.
Speaker Mike Johnson: The terror and antisemitism we’ve witnessed have demanded full resolve from America’s leaders, which is why Congress passed legislation in the spring to provide Israel with necessary military aid and support. Today, at this critical time, following a second direct attack by Iran and ongoing terror from Hezbollah, Americans must insist that the Biden-Harris Administration stand unequivocally with Israel and against the terrorist regime in Iran, as we continue to pray for peace and security in Israel.
U.S. Senator Pete Ricketts: The Biden-Harris administration’s failure to follow through on their promise of “ironclad” support for Israel is more of the same failed, appeasement-first foreign policy. Israel is our ally. They deserve our unconditional support. Hamas must surrender or be destroyed.
U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn: As the Biden-Harris administration sits idly by, innocent Americans and Israelis remain hostages of Hamas. The United States must provide Israel with every available resource to defend itself with overwhelming force against terrorists who will not stop until they are eliminated.
U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D.: Under Donald Trump, Iran was nearly bankrupt and on the run.
U.S. Senator Joni Ernst:President Trump’s Abraham Accords brought peace in the Middle East through American leadership!
U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito: Over the last 4 years, the Biden-Harris administration has demonstrated weak leadership on the world stage. We must get back to “peace through strength” and get serious about our national security and supporting our allies.
Congresswoman Erin Houchin:Today we remember the brutal attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7th, which has led to ongoing conflict, loss of innocent lives, and increased tensions in the region. Under the Trump Administration, we saw real efforts to cut off funding to terrorists, but the Biden-Harris Administration has reversed that progress. They’ve handed Iran billions, slow-walked critical arms to Israel, and failed to stand strong with our ally. Even worse, we’re seeing a rise in anti-Semitism right here at home. We must stand firmly with our greatest ally in the Middle East as they continue their fight to protect their sovereign land.
Congressman Cory Mills: October 7th marks the one year anniversary of the brutal attack on Israel by Hamas militants…The Biden-Harris administration’s repeated failures have only emboldened Iran, the leading sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East.
Congressman Wesley Hunt: The Biden-Harris Administration’s policy of appeasement towards state sponsors of terror and attempts to prevent Israel from defending itself have only further undermined the safety and security of Israel and the Jewish people. On this anniversary of October 7th, we pray for peace, safety, and strength for Israel and for all those affected by the barbaric actions of Hamas.
Congresswoman Anna Luna: Today, we remember the horrific attack on Israel one year ago. This tragedy highlights the consequences of weak leadership in the White House, which has emboldened terrorists and resulted in FOUR Americans still being held hostage by Hamas.
Congressman Mike Turner: This really is a failure of the Biden Administration policies. The Biden Administration has continued to argue restraint. That really is an argument for the status quo, and Israel can’t sustain this status quo after October 7th and the unbelievable atrocities that occurred with Hamas entering into Israel.
Congressman Pat Fallon:The Biden-Harris Admin's failed foreign policy has put lives at stake. Our adversaries are taking advantage of their weak leadership, causing mayhem around the world. Trump's peace-through-strength posture made the world more safe and secure.
Congressman Michael Waltz: If we want to be serious about regional stability and our own national security, we MUST return to President Trump’s policy of maximum pressure on Iran to cripple their war machine…Today and always, I stand with Israel.
October 07 2024
October 7th: One Year Since Terrorists Unleashed Evil on Israel
It's been one year since Hamas terrorists launched an unprecedented and deadliest attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust. We will never forget those evil attacks that killed over 1,200 people, including 40 Americans.
Instead of fully supporting Israel, the Biden-Harris Administration continues to criticize Israel's defense efforts, appease Hamas' puppet master- Iran, and pander to Hamas' sympathizers and anti-Semites.
Biden-Harris appeasement policies have emboldened our adversaries, endangered our allies, and created wars through weakness.
Harris-Biden Administration Failed Our Ally, Israel:
- The Harris-Biden Administration single-handedly rebuilt Iran's economy and slush fund by lifting sanctions, unleashing their revenue streams, and making 'deals.'
- Iran, the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism, financial support of Hamas enabled their cold-blooded attack that killed thousands of innocent Israeli civilians and 40 Americans.
- In less than three years, Iran's foreign exchange reserves went from $6 billion at the end of 2020 to a projected $60 billion in 2023.
- Harris-Biden enriched Iran by lifting sanctions and increasing Iranian oil exports, their primary revenue sources.
- On day one, Joe Biden attempted to revive the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal,
- The Harris-Biden unfroze $6 billion in Iranian assets as part of a ransom payment to secure the release of five Americans, just weeks before Hamas carried out the October 7 massacre.
- Harris & Biden sent $1.2 billion to help Palestinian Refugees, a Hamas-linked organization with staff that was directly involved in the October 7 terrorist attack.
The Harris-Walz ticket is the most anti-Israel ticket in history. Kamala Harris has made some of the most anti-Israel statements from the White House, implying the IDF is violating international law and criticizing the blockade of Gaza as a "humanitarian disaster." She even skipped PM Netanyahu's address to Congress for a campaign event. Walz also courted the anti-Israel lobby, recently speaking with a group that supports BDS and blames Israel's "brutal siege of Gaza" for the October 7 attacks.
Bottom Line: The October 7 attack on Israel would have NEVER happened under President Donald Trump. The American people will send a clear message to Iran and its proxies when we fire Kamala Harris in 29 short days.
October 05 2024
“As I Was Saying” President Trump Host’s Historic Rally in Butler, PA- One Month Out From Election Day
Today marks one month from Election Day. As President Trump gears up for the final days of the campaign, he will make his return to Butler, PA, where an assassination attempt left him centimeters from losing his life and killed an American Hero, Corey Comperatore.
On July 13th, millions of Americans watched in horror as an assassin's bullet hit President Trump. As chaos ensued, President Trump got up defiant to the evil that was targeting him, looked at the rally-goers with his fist in the air, and yelled, "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!"
President Trump has never stopped fighting for America, even in some of the darkest moments, when this administration weaponized the DOJ against him and his family, when they target him left and right with political witch hunts, fabricate lies, and repeat those same lies across the legacy media's coverage for nine years- he remains focused and unafraid. He believes in America, and he loves this country- and when it seems all hope is lost by the Left's destruction and indoctrination- President Trump digs his heels in and fights harder.
At today's rally, he will outline his vision for America that will undo the damage done to this country by the Biden-Harris Administration- a vision and agenda that puts America FIRST.
"As I Was Saying" President Trump's Triumphant Return to Butler, PA.
We had no inflation under President Donald Trump. When he left office, inflation sat at 1.5 percent. Under Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, inflation spiked to a 40-year record high- costing families nationwide an EXTRA 28,000 under their tenure.
Economy: Bring Back MAGANOMICS:
President Trump has vowed to cut energy prices in half within 12 months, a move that will defeat inflation. He will cut interest rates and reduce monthly mortgage costs by $1,000 or more. To further alleviate the damage Kamalanomics has done, he will implement a massive tax cut for workers, no tax on tips, and elimination of taxes on overtime pay and Social Security benefits. He will also deliver an interest cap on credit cards, which have been maxed out nationwide due to Kamalanomics.
Drill baby drill- President Trump will UNLEASH AMERICAN ENERGY- which will drive down our energy costs and stop the Kamala-Biden energy model that depleted our Strategic Petroleum Reserves and forced us to rely on adversarial nations like Russia.
President Trump's America First energy plan will end Kamala Harris' anti-energy crusade on DAY ONE. He will ensure energy abundance, energy independence, and energy dominance and will cut energy prices in HALF.
President Trump has secured the border once and he will DO IT AGAIN.
He will shut down all entries from the CBP One App. He will immediately stop all migrant flights into our country and begin mass deportations- starting with the convicts and terrorists roaming free in our country due to Kamala Harris' pro-criminal border policies.
Trump will END CATCH-AND-RELEASE, restore the "Remain in Mexico" program, and launch the largest deportation operation in U.S. history to secure our communities and signal to Venezuelan gangs and MS-13 and beyond- it's not a free-for-all any longer coming to the U.S.
Today- President Trump will finish his speech in Butler, PA, the place where he came face to face with evil and persevered- fighting harder than ever before for our country.
President Trump has a record of proven success; he has a common-sense plan that puts the AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST.
One month from Election Day, the American people will have a clear choice: the continuation of failures under Kamala Harris that have sent our country into a downward spiral or President Trump, who has proven he will put AMERICA FIRST and will FIGHT for the best interests of our country above all else.
October 04 2024
🏆 The award for Fake News of the Week goes to… CBS with Phony Fact Checks and Muted Microphones
This week's Vice Presidential Debate exposed yet another example of CBS and the legacy media’s inability to remain an objective news source.
CBS, Three Strikes- You’re OUT:
- BIAS COVERAGE: Study: CBS News Gave Harris Walz Ticket 85% Positive Coverage Ahead of Debate
- FALSE FACT CHECKS: During the VP debate, CBS's Margaret Brennan attempted to "fact-check" Senator JD Vance in real time but was quickly corrected by Vance himself. In response, Brennan—who clearly couldn't handle the truth—decided to cut his microphone, effectively silencing Vance and shutting down any real dialogue. CBS debate moderators pummeled for 'obnoxious' fact-checking of Vance: 'A terrible look'
- BORDER CZAR DENIAL: CBS doubled down after the debate, once again running cover for Kamala Harris by denying her appointment as Border Czar by President Joe Biden—a fact that is widely documented. Harris was appointed as Border Czar, a decision CBS itself covered on March 24, 2021, stating, “President Biden announced Wednesday he had tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the administration's efforts to stem migration at the southern border.” Sadly, CBS, the facts are not on your side—again.
Kamala Harris has created the worst border crisis in CBP history, yet the mainstream media continues to shield her from accountability. It's past time for the legacy media to be held accountable for their bias and dishonesty. CBS, alongside its counterparts in TV, cable, radio, and print, have repeatedly lied or glossed over Kamala Harris's track record.
Honorable Fake News Mentions:
- NY Times: After the Iranian Terror Regime launched almost 200 missiles at Israel, the NY Times called it a ‘Flare-Up’ in Israel-Iran Conflict Leaves Harris Unable to Avoid the Subject
- WAPO:More than 70% of Washington Post's coverage of JD Vance is negative, just 1% is positive
- Politico says JD Vance’s beard is ‘toxic masculinity’ and Tim Walz’s bulging eyes show his “passion.”
- NY TimesFlip-Flops on‘False’ Fact Check for JD Vance on Migration and Housing
- CBS ridiculously ‘fact checks’ a true statement by JD Vance during the VP debate.
- MSNBCAttacks JD Vance for ‘mansplaining’ to debate moderators when he fact checked their false claim.
- CNN: Van Jones has a MELTDOWN and calls JD a ‘racist with no integrity.’
- MSNBC 🤝 NPR: Latino Voters Want to be White
- ABC The View Host: Sunny Hostin Thinks Melania Trump ‘Hates’ Donald and ‘Wants to Take Him Out’
October 04 2024
Kamala’s No Good, Very Bad Week
As President Trump picks up momentum, Kamala’s campaign is in a downward spiral.
Historic Border Crisis, Wars through Weakness and beyond.
ABUSE Scandal for the Second Gentlemen
On Wednesday, Kamala’s husband, Doug Emhoff, was accused of slapping his ex-girlfriend for flirting with a valet worker at a gala in France in 2012. According to three of the victims friends, the Second gentleman allegedly struck the woman so hard in the face that she spun around while in a valet line after an event at the Cannes Film Festival. So much for Kamala believing all accusers…
Kamala’s Bad Choice of ‘KNUCKLEHEAD’ Tim Walz
This week’s Vice-Presidential Debate revealed Kamala’s “gut” decision to pick Walz was a bad one. Walz floundered on the debate stage. When asked about his 30 trips to China and his honeymoon in Hong Kong when the Tiananmen Square Massacres happened, he said he ‘misspoke’ and that he is a “knucklehead.”
Walz stumbled and fumbled through the entire debate and Kamala HQ started having to try to do damage control. Yikes. As viewers kept watching, the debate went from bad to worse for Walz- and by the end of it he seemed to be agreeing with JD Vance and the MAGA movement.
Kamala Fails to Get Endorsement of Firefighters Union
Yesterday, the International Association of Firefighters Union announced it would NOT endorse a candidate for president. The last time the Firefighters Union, that represents over 344,000 firefighters nationwide, didn’t endorse a candidate was 2016. And we know how that election turned out 🇺🇸…
Kamala Hit New Lows in the Polls
Kamala is losing ground with traditional Democrat voting blocks. First, she has suffered major losses with Latino voters. According to an NBC News/Telemundo/CNBC national poll, Kamala is polling nearly 20 points worse with Hispanic voters than Biden was in 2020. And it isn’t going any better with Union voters. According to CNN, Kamala is on track to have “the worst performance in a generation” with Union Voters.
COUNTER PROGRAMMING- Biden Hosts a Press Conference Overshaddowing Kamala’s Detroit Campaign Stop.
Kamala is a major player in all Biden-Harris Admin decisions.
Today, Joe Biden raved about Kamala Harris’ role in the Biden-Harris Administration. Admitting she had a seat at the table for all major initiatives including: Record Inflation, Historic Border Crisis, Wars through weakness and beyond.
Kamala Tapes Explicit Content as Hurricane Victims Die
Today, as those impacted by Hurricane Helene are left in ruins, entire communities destroyed, and the nation mourns the hundreds of Americans killed in the storms wake- Kamala Harris filmed an episode of the sex podcast “Call Her Daddy.”
215 confirmed deaths, families have lost everything - feeling completely distraught and abandoned by this administration- FEMA’s funds are depleted for illegal immigrants housing costs instead of Americans in distress - and Kamala films a sex podcast. That tells you everything you need to know about her priorities.
BOTTOM LINE: It was a bad week at Kamala HQ.
October 04 2024
Today’s FAKE Jobs Report: Most jobs are going to foreign-born workers and part-time positions. Expect downward revisions after the election.
The Biden-Harris Administration Has Been Caught LYING About Creating Nearly 1 Million FAKE Jobs to Prop up Their Failed Economy.
This jobs day, it's hard to believe anything this Administration publishes after it's been revealed that it has consistently manipulated the jobs report—to the tune of nearly a million jobs. Americans don't trust these reports because they feel the pain of this economy every single day.
September Jobs Report key findings:
- Over the past year alone, 825,000 American citizens LOST employment, while most jobs went to foreign-born workers. 1.2 million foreign-born workers GAINED employment.
- Full-time jobs are DOWN: 251,000 fewer full-time jobs, while part-time workers jumped.
- Jobs reports like these almost always get revised down- we cannot trust this Administration to report the actual jobs data- in the last year alone they have manipulated these reports to reflect almost a MILLION FAKE jobs that have taken victory laps for and then later revised down.
- This level of revision to the 2024 benchmark review was the second-worst revision in U.S. history. We can only assume today's job numbers were another last-ditch effort to prop up their failed economy before the election.
- Under Biden-Harris, downward revisions in Jobs Data have been at a record high since the 2008 financial crisis.
One thing is certain: The Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) will have to revise the previous month's job numbers down—AGAIN. The Kamala Harris Administration has been caught repeatedly claiming to have created jobs that do not exist.
Biden-Harris Fake Jobs By The Numbers:
- This year alone, 6 out of the last 7 reports have been revised lower by 372,000 jobs.
- 16 out of the last 19 jobs reports have been revised downward.
- Earlier this year, BLS announced that it had overestimated job creation by 818,000 jobs.
- These nearly million disappearing jobs were the most significant downward job revision in 15 years.
Bottom Line: Kamala is trying to gaslight the American people into thinking the economy is slowly recovering. The American people are smarter than that- they see through these desperate tactics that Kamalanomics is failing them no matter how many times this Administration wants to cook the books and convince us to believe otherwise. It's past time to bring back MAGANOMICS.
October 03 2024
What They Are Saying: Biden-Harris-Mayorkas Put American Citizens Last.
NY Post: Feds say there’s no money left to respond to hurricanes — after FEMA spent $640M on migrants
Americans are outraged after DHS Secretary Mayorkas revealed that FEMA "does not have the funds" to support disaster relief and aid efforts for the rest of the hurricane season after depleting the department's emergency funds for illegal migrant shelter programs.
- DHS allocated OVER A BILLION DOLLARS of FEMA's budget for illegal migrant housing in the past two years alone.
- Now, FEMA is out of funds… "We do not have the funds. FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the [Hurricane] season and what — what is imminent."- DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
- The Biden-Harris Admin is now blaming Congress- saying they have 'an obligation' to write another blank check to FEMA and allocate more money as a solution for their mismanaged use of funds that prioritized illegal migrants over Americans experiencing an emergency.
- The Biden-Harris Admin offered a $750 grocery grant to people who have lost everything. Not nearly enough to rebuild communities and people's lives from the Hurricane that wiped out entire communities and killed over 200 Americans.
This gross abuse of taxpayer monies by the Biden-Harris Administration to bankroll housing and needs of illegal migrants over American citizens in times of emergencies and complete devastation is unacceptable and un-American.
What they are saying:
TX Gov. Greg Abott: “Mayorkas and FEMA — immediately stop spending money on illegal immigration resettlement and redirect those funds to areas hit by the hurricane. Put Americans first.”
Majority Whip Tom Emmer: “Biden-Harris Admin Used FEMA Disaster Funding For Illegal Immigrants’ This White House constantly prioritizes illegal immigrants over the American people. It must end.”
Sen. Ron Johnson: “That’s because they spent it on illegal immigrants. It’s not a resource problem, it’s a management problem.
Sen. Tommy Tuberville: “Remember: @FEMA diverted $640 MILLION in taxpayer dollars to house illegal aliens.”
Sen. Roger Marshall: “Over a billion dollars that could be going to help Americans right now in the wake of Hurricane Helene was spent on housing and providing for illegal immigrants that Kamala Harris let into our country. This Administration has their priorities so backwards.”
Sen. Marsha Blackburn: “Under the direction of the Biden-Harris admin, FEMA has been siphoning more than $1B in taxpayer dollars meant for disaster relief to support illegal aliens. Even in the face of massive destruction and heartbreak in our communities, this administration puts America last.”
Rep. Alex Mooney: “The Biden-Harris admin took more than a BILLION tax dollars that had been allocated to the agency responsible for American *disaster relief* and used it to offer services for illegal immigrants. @FDRLST Impeach Mayorkas NOW.”
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna: “The lack of leadership from @KamalaHarris and
@JoeBiden after Hurricane Helene is disrespectful to all Americans affected by this storm. Never let them forget it.”
Rep. Ashley Hinson: “FEMA shouldn't be able to spend taxpayer funds to support illegal immigrants & perpetuate the border crisis created by Biden & Harris. The agency should be solely focused on disaster relief & keeping Americans safe. Harris & Biden always put illegals over Americans. Disgraceful.”
Rep. Ben Cline: “The Biden-Harris Administration has diverted over $1 billion in FEMA funds meant for disaster relief to illegal immigrant services. Just yesterday, Mayorkas warned FEMA lacks the funds to last through hurricane season. It's egregious that resources meant for American citizens are being compromised for this Admin’s reckless open-border agenda.”
Rep. Brian Mast: “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris used nearly ONE BILLION DOLLARS of FEMA money to house ILLEGAL ALIENS. This is money that should have gone to AMERICAN CITIZENS dealing with natural disasters, like Hurricane Helene.”
Rep. Chip Roy: “The impeached DHS Secretary PRIORITIZED illegal aliens OVER American hurricane victims.”
Rep. Burgess Owens: “Almost $1 billion in relief dollars has gone to welcoming migrants—now FEMA doesn't have the cash to make it through hurricane season. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden must immediately redirect all FEMA money going to illegal aliens to the areas devastated by Helene.”
Rep. Eric Burlison: “Mayorkas says FEMA doesn't have enough money to make it through hurricane season, but apparently it had enough to spend $1B resettling illegal aliens into the U.S. over the past few years.That's the Biden/Harris admin summed up in a nutshell. They put Americans last, always.”
Rep. Erin Houchin: “The Biden-Harris Administration is offering only $750 to families devastated by Hurricane Helene after draining FEMA’s hurricane fund to pay for the care of illegal immigrants. This is a complete mismanagement of resources, leaving Americans in need with next to nothing. It’s time for leadership that puts our citizens first.”
Rep. Gary Palmer: “$1 billion in FEMA disaster funds were used towards illegal immigrants. But yesterday, Mayorkas said there were not enough FEMA funds to help American citizens. Another example of the Biden-Harris administration putting Americans last.”
Rep. Jim Jordan: “The Biden-Harris administration took more than a billion tax dollars that had been allocated to FEMA for disaster relief and used it to house illegal aliens. Now, they’ve abandoned American hurricane victims in North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, and Tennessee.”
Rep. Josh Brecheen: “FEMA spent more than a billion of our taxpayer dollars on illegal aliens. This money could have been used to help the victims of Hurricane Helene. The Biden-Harris Administration puts American citizens last.”
Rep. Kevin Hern: “While Americans struggle to recover from disaster, @SecMayorkas
admits FEMA lacks funds for hurricane season—yet gave $640 million in taxpayer dollars to illegal immigrants. We impeached him in the House, but the Senate wouldn’t convict. This November, we’ll fire him for good.”
Rep. Mary Miller: “Kamala Harris and Joe Biden spent $1 BILLION in FEMA funds to resettle illegal immigrants into the US.”
Rep. Michael Cloud: “Under the ‘leadership’ of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, billions of taxpayer dollars have been spent on housing, feeding, and providing healthcare for those crossing our borders illegally. Meanwhile, American communities face the brunt of natural disasters with inadequate resources and support. It’s outrageous that the safety and well-being of U.S. citizens are taking a backseat to the administration’s open border policies. This is a government that is full on America last.”
Rep. Mike Collins: “It's just like the House of Cards plot where the president raids FEMA funds to give American citizens job benefits. The only difference is that Kamala Harris raided FEMA to give nearly $1 billion to illegal immigrants. Fact is stranger than fiction.”
Rep. Ralph Norman: “Yesterday, the White House announced that certain residents in the states affected by Hurricane Helene may be eligible for a one time, $750 payment from FEMA for assistance getting food and supplies. And now I see this article below?? Really??? FEMA allocated $650 MILLION during this year alone for "humanitarian services to noncitizen migrants."
Rep. Pat Fallon: “Sec. Mayorkas says FEMA doesn't have the cash to make it through hurricane season. But in the past few years, FEMA had plenty of cash to spend to resettle & house illegal aliens--to the tune of $1 billion. America last is the objective of the Biden-Harris Admin.”
Rep. Tom Tiffany: “$750 for Hurricane Helene victims. $700 for Maui fire victims. $175 BILLION to Ukraine. FREE flights, health care, housing, and food for illegal aliens. Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, American citizens come last.”
Rep. Troy Nehls: “The Harris-Biden Administration spent OVER $1,000,000,000 in FEMA funds on services for illegal aliens. Meanwhile, Mayorkas says FEMA doesn’t have enough money to make it through the rest of hurricane season. This administration continues to put the American people last.”
Rep. Wesley Hunt: “First, Sec. Mayorkas claimed that FEMA had sufficient funds to help victims who were devastated by Hurricane Helene. Then, we learned FEMA allocated these same funds, to the tune of over $1 Billion, to assist migrants through government programs. The Biden-Harris administration continues to prioritize illegals over American citizens.”
New York Post: Feds say there’s no money left to respond to hurricanes — after FEMA spent $640M on migrants
The Daily Mail: Biden-Harris Administration Blasted for Running Out of Money to Deal With Hurricane Helene After Blowing Billions on Migrants
National Review: Mayorkas Warns FEMA Lacks Funding for Hurricane Cleanup after Agency Spent over a Billion on Migrants
October 03 2024
Kamala Harris & Co. Turned FEMA into a Travel Agency for Illegal Aliens
Yesterday, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claimed thatFEMA doesn't have enough funding to last through hurricane season. This admission has left many Americans wondering how this Administration has been so ill-prepared as they slow-walked their response as communities have been wiped off the map. As we pull the curtains back, it's been exposed that the FEMA budget under the Biden-Harris Administration has been depleted and is now unable to provide adequate assistance for national emergencies and disaster aid because they have prioritized their funds to offer housing to illegal migrants instead.
As Americans suffer the impacts of Hurricane Helene- many across the southeast are losing everything they own- Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have shown up a day late and (millions of dollars) short. This is just one of a long list of examples where this administration has put Americans last.
In fact, under Kamala Harris and Joe Biden's term they have turned The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) upside down, prioritizing migrant accommodations at taxpayers expense instead of focusing on natural disasters and emergencies.
The top priority of FEMA has always been 'emergency management' and disaster relief- now, under Harris, the agency's top goals are first, "equity as a foundation of emergency management," and second, "lead[ing] whole of the community in climate resilience."
The goal to "promote and sustain a ready FEMA and prepared nation" ranks third—and is one they have flat-out failed to achieve.
Bottom Line: The Biden-Harris FEMA = A Disaster for Americans, Relief for Illegal Migrants:
- The Biden-Harris Admin. took more than a billion tax dollars allocated to The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and used it to offer services for illegal immigrants.
- FEMA allocated over ONE BILLION DOLLARS in 2023 and 2024 ALONE “to provide humanitarian services to noncitizen migrants following their release from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).”
As Appalachian families lose everything, the Biden-Harris failed priorities put illegal migrant shelters, equity, and climate resilience ahead of the urgent emergency response they desperately need. That should tell every American what you need to know about this Administration's inability and gross incompetence to manage our country.
Read More Here:
Biden-Harris Admin Used FEMA Disaster Funding For Illegal Immigrants
FEMA Website Admits Keeping You Alive In A Natural Disaster Isn’t Its Top Priority
October 02 2024
Californians Facing Sticker Shock, Democrats Failed Economic Agenda Strikes Again
Chipotle Exec Blames Drop in Sales on Inflation
ECONOMICS 101: Raise the minimum wage to $20 minimum + sky-high inflation = restaurant price hikes passed to consumers = Sales ⬇️
In Kamala's home turf, California, fast food companies are hiking prices due to Gavin Newsom's $20 minimum wage, which drives up costs that are then passed on to the consumers—point in case: beloved Chiptole.
Let's Taco'bout the Failed Democrat Economic Agenda:
- Chipotle raised their prices in the state by 7% 'to offset California's new higher minimum wage regulations for fast-food workers, which raised the mandated hourly rate from $16 to $20 per hour.
- California-based fast-food restaurants have had to raise the price of menu items in response to the $20-an-hour minimum wage law that went into effect in April.
- As a result of these price hikes: Chipotle's year over year weekly foot traffic growth in California has lagged behind the company's national average by more than 5%.
- Chipotle President Jack Hartung blames inflation for the drop in sales- but make no mistake: inflation, price hikes, and raising the minimum wage are all symptoms of Kamalanomics and the economic crisis.
In an interview with Chipotle President Jack Hartung, CNBC's Jim Cramer pushed back that Chipotle may have "finally hit a point of resistance."
Read More Here:
NY Post: Chipotle exec blames sales slump in Calif. on inflation — not state’s $20 minimum wage
CNBC: Chipotle CSO Jack Hartung says there’s ‘macro resistance’ to inflation from California consumers
NY Post:How California fast food restaurants raised menu prices in response to $20 minimum wage
ABC:Some California restaurants face stark realities, burdens after minimum wage increase
NY Post: California’s $20 minimum wage led to fast food price hikes, lower foot traffic, study shows
October 02 2024
President Trump Will Deliver Peace Through Strength, Kamala Harris Delivers Wars through Weakness
The Iranian terror regime’s attacks on Israel yesterday are a direct response to the global instability under the Biden-Harris Administration. Under Trump, Iran was bankrupted and on the run, sadly at every turn, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have emboldened Iran. We stand with Israel and need a leader in the White House that will deliver peace through strength.
What they are saying:
Former U.N. Amb. Nikki Haley:Israel ‘does not trust’ the Biden-Harris Administration… Under Trump there were no wars.
Former U.S. Secretary of State & CIA Director: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have emboldened our enemies, destroyed our deterrence, and given tens of billions in sanctions relief to Iran. There's no defending this failed foreign policy.
Rep. Maria Salazar: Biden & Harris have emboldened Iran. They unfroze $16 Billion for Iran. They enriched Iran, and Iran has fueled terrorists all over the world. Trump sent a message: Don’t mess with the White House. This Admin sends a very different message: Walk all over the White House!
Rep. Kevin Hern:President Trump brought Iran to its knees. Now, under the weak and failed Biden-Harris leadership, Israel—our greatest ally—is fighting for survival. This crisis is a direct result of a White House that projects weakness, emboldening our enemies. We need peace through strength.
Rep. Nicole Malliotakis:It’s “unacceptable” but Biden-Harris funded it by reversing Trump’s maximum pressure, waiving sanctions & releasing billions to the Ayatollah. Iran was economically crippled by Trump & enriched by Biden-Harris. This war would have never started if he was in office.
Rep. Jim Banks: Donald Trump crushed Iran with sanctions and brought stability to the Middle East.
Rep. Michael Waltz: Israel has notched incredible successes against Hezbollah and Hamas, but those victories are only tactical as long as Iran is still flush with cash. Biden & Harris need to ditch their policy of appeasement and go BACK to Trump’s maximum pressure!
Sen. Roger Marshall: Under President Donald Trump, Iran was bankrupt and on the run.
The Biden-Harris Administration has weakened sanctions, unfroze billions of dollars in Iranian assets, and restarted negotiations on the dangerous nuclear deal. At every turn, they have strengthened Iran.
Sen. Tommy Tuberville: Remember: Iran was BROKE & Israel was SAFE under President Trump. Now, our enemies have been emboldened, and our ally is under attack. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have been WEAKER on the Iranian terrorist regime than ANY other admin in our history.
Sen. Markwayne Mullin: 1. Weakness invites aggression. 2. Iran only respects strength.
3. Under President Trump, American foreign policy put deterrence over appeasement, and we were safer for it.
Sen. John Barrasso: We need to make sure Israel has everything they need – not just to defend themselves, but to defeat their enemy… the world is a lot more dangerous now under Biden-Harris than it was when you were working in the White House with President Trump. President Trump, in terms of Iran, had a full pressure component, now we have full appeasement by the Democrats.
Sen. Steve Daines: Biden & Harris reversed President Trump’s maximum pressure campaign on Iran, attempted to pay the Iranian regime $6 billion in a prisoner swap & allowed UN sanctions on Iran’s drones & ballistic missiles to expire. Many of these same missiles were likely fired at Israel today.
Sen. Chuck Grassley: Stand w Israel not Iranian terrorists who are attacking Israel After 3.5 yrs of freeing up $$ + weakening sanctions on Iran this admin has emboldened Tehran Today's actions are the result of weak & dangerous Biden-Harris policies.
Sen. Joni Ernst: Just two weeks ago, Kamala Harris said she supported withholding these same munitions from our ally. By caving to the left, her words in action would have kept Israel from the tools they used to take out an Iran-backed terrorist leader. She has failed to stand with Israel
Read more on the Iranian terrorist attacks against Israel, and the Biden-Harris foreign policy failures:
- President Trump’s statement on the Iranian Terror Regime’s Attack on Israel: HERE
- NY Post: Trump says US ‘very close to a global catastrophe’ after Iran missiles strike Israel: ‘World War III’
- Free Beacon: Biden-Harris Admin Waives Sanctions on Iran’s Terror-Spreading State Broadcaster as Tehran Plots Israel Attack
- Washington Times: Trump blames 'nonexistent' Biden-Harris leadership for emboldening Iran to attack Israel
October 02 2024
J.D. Vance DOMINATES the Debate, Exposes Tim Walz’s Radical Record
In last night's knockout debate performance, JD Vance promised a prosperous and bright future for America. He exposed Walz’s radical leftist record and reminded the American people that a vote for Walz-Harris is a vote for four more years of a nation in decline.
What They Are Saying:
Elected Officials
Gov. Greg Abbott: “JD Vance is the CLEAR winner of tonight’s debate. Kamala Harris picked the most liberal running mate she could in Tim Walz. It’s the most dangerous ticket in our nation’s history. If you think 4 years of Harris-Biden was bad, that's nothing compared to 4 years of Harris-Walz.”
Gov. Kristi Noem: “Fantastic job from JD Vance tonight! Tim Walz is such a failed leader that his people are fleeing to South Dakota by the thousands. He failed to defend his extremist liberal record. Trump-Vance is the ticket that will restore our nation’s values.”
Speaker Mike Johnson: “Senator @JDVance won this debate hands down, because he had answers, solutions, and polices that would help restore the American Dream for all. That restoration will start when we elect President @realDonaldTrump and grow our House majority.”
Majority Leader, Steve Scalise: “There’s no question that JD Vance won tonight’s debate, exposing the radical Harris-Walz agenda and Tim Walz’s record of lies and liberal extremism. There is no denying that Americans were better off by every metric under President Trump’s Administration than under the Biden-Harris Administration. Tim Walz had no answers for how Americans are better under Kamala Harris, because they aren't.”
GOP Majority Whip, Tom Emmer: “@JDVance just DEMOLISHED Tim Walz on the debate stage. He stayed focused on the issues Americans care about, laid out President Trump’s America First agenda, and exposed how radical a Harris-Walz administration would be. Vance won this debate by a LANDSLIDE.”
House GOP Conference Chairwoman, Rep. Elise Stefanik: “Senator Vance spoke directly to the American people, told his extraordinary personal story, and touched on the most important issues to voters as Tim Walz stumbled over Kamala Harris’ failed record.”
Senate GOP Conference Chairman, Sen. John Barrasso: “Tim Walz is a far left politician who opposes secure borders, American energy, and cutting federal spending that is bankrupting our country. I’m proud of JD’s debate performance. He will be a powerful fighter for the issues Wyoming families care about most.”
Sen. Katie Britt: “Tonight @JDVance showed every struggling American family hope. My friend answered questions with clear, concise plans on how President Trump will restore economic prosperity, bring back peace through strength & stop the deadly crisis at the border. Let’s save the American Dream.”
Sen. Mike Lee: “’m just going to say it—@JDVance is giving a next-level debate performance tonight. Walz wasn’t prepared for how smart JD is.”
Sen. Roger Marshall: “JD Vance was a true class act - he won tonight's debate by a landslide.”
Sen. Markwayne Mullin: “An ‘opportunity economy’ built on “vibes” isn’t what America needs. Lower costs, affordable groceries, safer streets, secure border, U.S. energy security. Kamala Harris has failed to act for 3.5 years, and wants a promotion. The American people aren’t buying it.”
Sen. Steve Daines: “Tonight’s debate was a clear win for @realDonaldTrump and @JDVance
and their vision for America.”
Sen. Marsha Blackburn: What we saw tonight is that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are too liberal to lead the country.
Sen. Jim Risch: “Great performance by @JDVance! We need this leadership for America.”
Sen. Ted Cruz: “JD Vance did a fantastic job comparing and contrasting Donald Trump and Kamala Harris’s records. Under Trump, we had peace and prosperity. Under Kamala, we’ve had wars breaking out across the world and record inflation.”
Sen. Tom Cotton: “@JDVance won big and demonstrated why he was a fantastic pick by President Trump. He skillfully contrasted Trump's record of peace and prosperity with Kamala's record of disaster.”
Sen. Tommy Tuberville: “Congratulations to my good friend JD Vance on an outstanding debate performance.”
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna: “Tim Walz is a left-wing RADICAL who has failed in every aspect throughout his tenure as governor of Minnesota. The media has been working overtime to cover up his corrupt track record.”
Rep. Brian Mast: “Tim Walz brushes off lies as being a ‘knucklehead.’ The moderators help him by minimizing them as ‘discrepancies.’ There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING "knucklehead" about Stolen Valor, @Tim_Walz. You are disgraceful and unfit to lead.”
Rep. Bryon Donalds: “Kamala's been in politics for 20yrs & hides from her indefensible record. JD Vance is not a career politician. JD Vance has real-world experience. JD Vance is a LEADER.
And JD Vance will be our next VP.”
Rep. Darrell Issa: “Most lopsided vice presidential debate ever. JD Vance was on his game. Tim Walz was nervous, uninformed, and didn’t explain why he lies all the time.”
Rep. Ronny Jackson: “JD HAS DONE THE IMPOSSIBLE!! He has broken the back of a SPINELESS, progressive, liberal embarrassment to this country. GO AWAY TAMPON TIM!”
Rep. Troy Nehls: “JD Vance did an outstanding job tonight. Can’t say the same for Tim Walz.”
Policy Leaders and Advocacy Organizations
Vivek Ramaswamy: “Very proud of JD for a stellar performance tonight. And my condolences to Tim Walz - it was unkind for them to put him in this position.”
Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and Founder of the American Cornerstone Institute, Ben Carson: “One thing is clear tonight, the future of our party is VERY bright…The world and our country are in chaos because we are leaderless. Donald Trump and JD Vance would fix that fundamental problem day one. It’s that simple. Let’s go win this.”
Former Secretary of State and Chairman of the American Values PAC, Mike Pompeo: “J.D. Vance is right. Under Kamala's leadership, everything has gotten more expensive, and middle class families have been hit the hardest. The best way to change this is to elect President Trump.”
CEO of the American First Policy Institute, Brooke Rollins: “We are seeing something historic this evening: JD Vance is turning in one of the most dominating debate performances in nearly half a century. Rarely have we seen such mastery of fact and discourse in the years since Ronald Reagan took down Mondale, another Minnesota leftist.”
CEO of the Jobs Creators Network, Alfred Ortiz: “There is no better indication of Kamala Harris’s bad judgment than her choice of Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate. Walz is the most anti-small business governor in the nation, and he is on the record supporting socialism. As governor, Walz implemented and oversaw one of the strictest Covid lockdown policies in the nation, which shuttered countless businesses.”
Founder and President of Turning Point USA, Charlie Kirk: “That was one of the most lopsided victories in vice presidential debate history. Despite nearly all of the questions being slanted against him, JD graciously and firmly dominated, successfully prosecuting the case against Walz AND Kamala. He is the perfect compliment to Trump.”
Media and Commentators:
New York Times: “Vance’s Dominant Debate Performance Show Why He’s Trump’s Running Mate”
Politico: “Vibe check: JD Vance is doing really well tonight”
CNN’s Abby Phillip: “JD Vance came to this debate to land a bunch of punches... and he did…Tim Walz DID NOT seem prepared for it."
Fox News’ Bret Baier: “[Tim Walz] really had a tough moment when he was asked about why he said he was in Hong Kong for the Tiananmen Square protest when he was actually really in Nebraska. He said sometimes he just says things and he’s a knucklehead.”
Fox News’ Laura Ingraham: “For those who have questioned Trump’s choice of Vance, they can now see what Trump saw. A smart articulate effective advocate for American families and the middle class.”
CNN’s Scott Jennings: “I'll say this for Walz, he has perfected a look of sheer terror and complete bafflement all at the same time.”
Fox News’ Kayleigh McEnany: “One of the biggest indictments on the judgment of Kamala Harris is choosing Tim Walz over the highly popular Governor of Pennsylvania Josh Shapiro.”
The Federalist Editor In Chief Mollie Hemmingway: “Anyone watching this debate now knows that the media claims about Vance were lies, as was their adoring coverage of Walz. Brazen, brazen lies.”
Megyn Kelly: “I don’t remember a better debate performance than the one JDV is delivering tonight.”
CNN’s John King: “The two issues driving the campaign right now are…the economy…and immigration…on those two issues Vance carried it.”
Clay Travis, Outkick: “JD Vance absolutely destroyed Tim Walz.”
Meghan McCain: “Now I see why they aren’t letting Walz do one on one interviews”
Chris Cuomo on News Nation: “At one point, Vance wanted to correct something about how Haitians got into this country — and he was RIGHT — and the moderators wouldn't let him correct it.”
ABC’s John Karl: “Walz did seem unsteady and, frankly, what I saw in Walz is somebody who has not faced questions on a national stage. In contrast, JD Vance was VERY smooth.”
Fox News Contributor Ari Fleischer: “It’s refreshing to hear Vance making the case for working class Americans. The GOP is a very different party than it was 20 years ago.”
October 02 2024
Tiananmen Tim: Tim Walz is Cozy with China
Tim Walz is Cozy with China
Tim Walz calls his visits to China some of the 'best things he's ever done.' That says it all about Kamala Harris' running mate, who has visited China 30 times. Will Tim Walz denounce the CCP and their maligned interest and influence on the U.S.? Doubt it, there seems to be no low that he won't go to appease the Chinese- and when asked he doubles down.
In fact, RIGHT NOW, Tim Walz is under a federal congressional investigation for his ties to Communist China.
Americans deserve to know that the most radical Democrat presidential ticket in U.S. history is bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party.
- Tim Walz taught at China's state-run Macau Polytechnic University until at least 2007
- Whistleblower allegations reveal that a DHS Microsoft Teams group chat Walz is a part of titled "Nation State Threat — National Functional Team" contains critical information about Walz's ties to the Chinese Communist Party.
- Walz has visited China THIRTY TIMES.
- Tim Walz has admitted that he does not “fall into the category that China necessarily needs to be an adversarial relationship.”
- Walz got married on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre because Walz "wanted to have a date he'll always remember." If that weren't bad enough, the couple then HONEYMOONED in China.
- Walz has PRAISED THE CHINA'S COMMUNIST SYSTEM. In 1991, Walz described the Communist way of life in a newspaper, saying: "It means that everyone is the same and everyone shares. The doctor and the construction worker make the same. The Chinese government and the place they work for provide housing and 14 kg or about 30 pounds of rice per month. They get food and housing."
- Tim Walz has stated that he “applauds the accomplishments of the Chinese people and recognizes that some in the Chinese Government advocate for greater rule of law,” despite being knowledgeable of communist China’s human right violations.
- In his own words, Walz described his time living in China saying, "No matter how long I live, I will never be treated that well again."
- Walz and his wife co-founded a China tourism company that organized trips for students.
- In 2019, while Governor of Minnesota, Walz spoke alongside the President of the Chinese People’s Friendship Association.
Bottom Line: Tim Walz is a puppet of the Chinese Communist Party.The fact that Tim Walz's close ties to the CCP aren't disqualifying in Kamala's eyes speaks directly to her poor judgment and failed record that has opened our borders, tanked our economy, destroyed our communities, and led to global instability. We need a leader in the White House who is beholden to the American people, not the CCP.
Read more here:
October 01 2024
Ahead of VP Debate Battleground States Agree Walz Socialist Agenda Wrong for America
Tonight, viewers will witness a pivotal moment on the debate stage, showcasing a stark contrast in policy visions for our nation. On one side, we have radical progressive Tim Walz— a "Bernie Sanders in flannel" whose progressive agenda will only worsen the crises our country is facing right now.
In contrast, Trump-Vance offers a bold vision focused on putting American families first. They will deliver a strong economy, focus on safety and security, and secure our borders.
Tonight's debate will highlight two visions for America: one that puts its people first and the other that puts the federal government and progressive ideologies ahead of all else. The future of our country is what's at stake; Americans can't afford to send the most radical socialist ticket in U.S. history to the White House.
With days left until election day, we must vote for a strong economy, safe communities, and a secure border. To do that, we have to send tested and proven leaders to the White House—Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance.
Ahead of tonight’s debate, here’s what to expect:
MICHIGAN- Congresswoman Lisa McClain (R-MI)
“As he did as Minnesota Governor, [Walz] will make his Electric Vehicle mandate nationwide. At a time when families are struggling to make ends meet, Tim Walz will double down just like he did as Governor, requiring Americans to drive unaffordable electric cars that cost on average $56,575, which is more than the average salary in Michigan.” - Congresswoman Lisa McClain The Detroit News: Americans can't afford more of Walz's record
ARIZONA- Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (R-AZ)
“As we grapple with skyrocketing inflation, depleting savings accounts, soaring interest rates, and wages unable to keep pace with the financial ruins the Biden-Harris agenda has left us in, Tim Walz is right- we cannot afford four more years of Democrat failed policies. We've heard time and time again that Kamala is from a middle-class family. However, she continues to be oblivious to the consequences of her failed economic policies that impact our families at the grocery store, gas stations, and electricity bills.” - Congresswoman, Debbie Lesko Peoria Independent: Arizonians Agree: We Cannot Afford Four More Years of This
NORTH CAROLINA - Congressman Richard Hudson (R-NC)
“In North Carolina and across our country, families are worried about rising crime. This is a direct result of radical policies, like cashless bail, that allow violent offenders to be released back onto our streets, jeopardizing Americans’ safety.” - Congressman Richard Hudson (R-NC) Laurinburg Exchange: In North Carolina and across our country, families are worried about rising crime.
WISCONSIN- Kaelan Dorr Fmr Trump Administration and Trump 2020, 2016 Alum.
“Americans can't afford to send the most radical socialist ticket in U.S. history to the White House. With days left until election day, we must vote for a strong economy, safety in our communities, and a secure border. To do that, we have to send tested and proven leaders to the White House—Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance.” - Kaelan Dorr, Strategic communications adviser and special projects manager in the Trump administration, chief marketing officer for Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign, Wisconsin Right Now: Wisconsinites Agree We Cannot Afford 4 More Years of This
October 01 2024
We agree with Tim Walz: “We Can’t Afford Four More Years of this”
Tonight, as Tim Walz takes the Stage against J.D. Vance, there will be one thing they will both agree on: “We can’t afford four more years of this.”
Tim Walz was right. Americans CANNOT afford four more years of Kamala Harris’ failed policies especially when paired with progressive extremist Tim Walz, a combination that only exacerbates the economic crisis our country is grappling with.
What they are saying about Walz’s Progressive Economic Agenda:
WSJ: Tim Walz’s Progressive Tax Experiment. The Minnesota economy is no success story on the Governor’s watch.
CNBC:Minnesota has become a prime testing ground for a host of progressive policies and social safety nets
FOX BUSINESS:Minnesota's tax code was the most progressive of all 50 states, with only the District of Columbia having a more progressive tax code.
FOX NEWS: Tim Walz VP pick: 'Bernie Sanders in hunting gear'
AMERICAN EXPERIMENT:How does a state go from having an $18 billion surplus to potentially facing a deficit in a space of less than a year? The answer is reckless spending.
CNN: A look at Walz’s progressive policies as Minnesota’s governor
We cannot afford four more years of Kamalanomics, and we certainly cannot let Tim Walz and his progressive policies anywhere near the White House.
President Trump and VP Vance have an economic agenda that will deliver for the American people. On the debate stage, you will hear two visions for America: Walz’s vision of government spending and control until the economy and the country bottom out and Vance’s vision, a man who still believes in the American dream because he’s lived it, a leader who will put hard-working Americans first and fight to BRING BACK MAGANOMICS.
October 01 2024
Convicted Criminal Deportations DROP by 74% under Border Czar Kamala Harris
🚨BREAKING: The Daily Mail has exposed that Biden-Harris has stalled deportation of illegal aliens, even as border crossings reach record levels. Kamala Harris is not removing convicted criminal aliens, making our communities extremely dangerous.
Under Border Czar Kamala Harris:
- The removal of criminal illegal aliens from the United States has decreased by 74%.
- This news comes as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) revealed last week that there are tens of thousands of illegal, violent, convicted criminals now living among us here on U.S. soil. Including over 425,000 convicted criminals who, instead of being locked up, are living amongst us under Harris' watch.
- More than 10 MILLION migrant encounters at our borders, not including the estimated over 2 million migrants evading capture.
- There were more encounters at the border in 2023 alone than the number of encounters during the entire Trump administration.
- Under President Trump, 32 percent of migrant encounters were removed from the United States. Under Harris, just 3.5 percent of illegal immigrants at the border were removed.
BOTTOM LINE: Kamala Harris' inability to secure our borders has signaled to violent illegal aliens that crossing into the U.S. is a one-way ticket, with no fear of removal or consequences.
October 01 2024
The Not Top Ten: Tim Walz Edition
Top Ten things Kamala doesn’t want you to know about Tim Walz
Kamala HQ wants you to think Tim Walz is a moderate midwest Democrat, but his record proves he’s just as radical as Kamala.Together, they are the most liberal presidential ticket in history.
We present to you the Tim Walz, NOT TOP TEN:
- Tim Walz is a SOCIALIST: In his own words, Walz said "One person's socialism is another person's neighborliness."
- COZY WITH CHINA! Tim Walz has visited Communist China AT LEAST 30 times and is the target of a congressional investigation for his ties to the CCP. The House Oversight Committee has credible concerns: “Walz has longstanding connections to CCP-connected entities and officials that make him susceptible to the Party’s strategy of elite capture, which seeks to co-opt influential figures in elite political, cultural, and academic circles to influence the United States to the benefit of the communist regime and the detriment of Americans.”
- Walz wants to RAISE TAXES on business–this will pummel American workers. Walz told business leaders, “we’re not taxing people–we’re taxing businesses.” He doesn’t understand basic economics. When you tax a business, they pass those costs onto workers and consumers.
- He’s WEAK ON IMMIGRATION: As Minnesota Governor, he gave FREE healthcare and government health insurance to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. He also gave illegals access to free college tuition. Kamala and Walz put illegals before American citizens.
- Not only does Walz give illegals freebies, but he also SUPPORTS SANCTUARY CITIES AND STATES. Kamala-Walz policies will serve as a magnetfor millions more migrants to invade our southern border.
- LIES ABOUT MILITARY SERVICE FOR POLITICAL GAIN. Tim Walz repeatedly lied that he was deployed to Iraq. He has used an incorrect military rank that he never earned for political posturing, and claimed to have served in combat for our country… when in actuality he abandoned his unit when he learned about a deployment to a war zone.
- As Governor, Walz forced public schools to put feminine products in boys bathrooms for transgenders in children's schools- earning him the nickname TAMPON TIM. Walz also championed and signed into law a bill that made Minnesota a sanctuary state for CHILD SEX CHANGES. This law made seeking gender-transition procedures for children a factor for whether a Minnesota court has jurisdiction to make an initial determination in child-custody cases. This was a direct ATTACK ON PARENTAL RIGHTS.
- He supports ABORTION UP UNTIL THE MOMENT OF BIRTH. As Governor, he signed a pro-abortion law that included NO LIMITATIONS on how late during pregnancy a mother may end the life of her unborn baby. To make matters even worse, he then signed a law that removed requirements to save the life of babies that were born alive after botched abortions. He’s so radical on abortion that even Nancy Pelosi told him to tone it down.
- Walz 💚’s GREEN NEW SCAM: As Governor, Walz signed into law a Green New Deal that requires Minnesota to ELIMINATE FOSSIL FUELS and provide 100% clean electricity by 2040.
- Finally, who can forget in 2020, Walz let Minneapolis rioters burn down the city. Ironically, Kamala helped raise money to bail them out of jail. They make quite a team.
September 30 2024
CNN: Kamala on Track for “the Worst Performance in a Generation” with Union Voters
Kamala Harris is polling at the worst level with union voters for a Democrat candidate since 1984. American workers know that President Donald J. Trump will fight for them.
We continue to see union workers abandon the Democrats' failed agenda for the Republican promise to put their families first. For too long union workers have been taken for granted with hollow promises from the Left and they want four more years of MAGANOMICS.
Kamala’s record low performance with union workers comes on the heels of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters announcement that President Trump overwhelmingly won the support of the union’s rank-and-file in an internal poll.
Bottom Line: Trump has made the Republican Party the party of the American worker, and promises to fight for the working class over the elites.
September 30 2024
NEW POLL: Latinos Support for Kamala DROPS to All-Time Low
Trump is polling nearly 20 points better with Latino voters than in 2020.
According to a newly released NBC News/Telemundo/CNBC national poll, President Trump has made major inroads with Latino voters.
The poll revealed 40% of Latino voters support Trump. In 2020, the Democrats had a 33-point lead with Hispanic voters. Now, their lead has been cut down to 14 points–a nearly 20 point swing. Hispanic voters favored Trump on the economy, inflation, and border security.
WATCH NBC Political Correspondent Steve Kornacki break down this poll on Meet the Press.
READ MORE:Kamala Harris’ advantage with Latinos slips to lowest for Dems in four election cycles
- Democrats’ advantage with Latino voters has dwindled to the lowest levels seen in four presidential election cycles under Vice President Kamala Harris, a new poll has found.
- A mélange of polling has indicated Trump is gaining ground among Latino voters, who represent the largest racial or ethnic minority in the US.
- They favored Trump on the economy by four points, tackling inflation by nine points and addressing the border by 13 points.
Bottom Line: Latino voters are fleeing the Democrat Party and supporting President Trump.
September 30 2024
Mainstream Media Fear Tactics Lack Key Fact: Kamala Harris is Putin’s Puppet
The Mainstream Media’s fear-mongering tactics know no limits. This week, Joe Scarborough published a dangerous and patently false article with the byline “The Biden-Harris administration is finally pushing back on Putin's aggression. If Trump wins in November, we’ll go right back to the status quo.”
The facts are quite to the contrary. Vladimir Putin has literally endorsed Kamala for President, she is a Putin Puppet that gave Russia the leniency to invade Ukraine.
REMINDER: ZERO world wars started under President Trump.
There’s a reason why our adversaries: Russia, Iran, and China are working overtime to elect Kamala Harris- it’s in their best interest to have an Appeaser In Chief, Kamala Harris at the helm.
Biden-Harris empowered Putin to invade Ukraine, and their weakness has kept this war going for nearly three years.
Joe, remember under the Biden Harris Administration:
❌ Biden removed sanctions on the Nord Stream II pipeline gifting Putin funds for his war chest ahead of the Ukraine invasion.
❌ Biden-Harris’ weakness on Russia has forced Americans to pay higher prices to buy Putin's oil.
❌ Russia oil reached the highest level in a decade, and waived sanctions of Putin’s Nord Stream II pipeline and lined his pockets to gear up for this war.
❌ Putin secured a five year extension on the New START Nuclear Arms Treaty.
Harris has appeased Putin at every turn, allowing Vladimir to exploit the Biden-Harris weakness. Putin does not fear or respect Kamala Harris.
President Trump will deliver PEACE through STRENGTH, unlike Kamala Harris who has delivered WARS through WEAKNESS.
“I will keep our sons and daughters safe. As we bring security to our streets, we will help bring stability to the world. I was the first President in modern times to start no new wars…Under President Trump, Russia took nothing,”President Trump has promised.
This is President Trump’s top priority and his promise to America- he will not cower to dictators and he understands deterrence NEVER works after the fact.
Read more here: Kamala Harris’ Unserious Foreign Policy Is A National Security Threat
September 28 2024
Fake News of the Week Award: BBC
🏆 The award for Fake News Headline of the Week goes to… BBC
YIKES! On the same day a Federal report revealed that Border Czar Kamala Harris has let hundreds of thousands of illegal criminal migrants run free on U.S. soil - the Mainstream media worked overtime to lessen the blow. And we saw BBC fall in line, doubling again as a stenographer for the Left.
The facts are not on your side, BBC. This week, for their ‘holistic’ approach to propping up Kamala Harris despite her failed policies that have let thousands and thousands of violent criminals currently live in the shadows of our communities, you receive the FAKE NEWS OF THE WEEK AWARD.
Kamala Harris has never been tough on the border, she is the CEO of the worst border crisis in CBP history. She’s lost over 300,000 migrant children whose lives are currently in danger by cartels and human traffickers. She has caught and released suspected terrorists into our country. There is no world where the American people will believe her 20-minute photo-op and word-salad remarks will erase the damage she has done to President Trump’s once safe and secure border.
“It’s time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day,” calling out the Fake News media bias winner of the week is, BBC.
Honorable FAKE NEWS Mentions:
- Fake news scandal: Kamala Harris' campaign posts fake headlines on Google Searches through sponsored and fraudulent ads pointing to Mainstream Media Outlets.
- for running a headline promoting a fake endorsement by a Dem-backed group that created this fake group three months ago… “Harris gets stunning endorsement from group that normally backs Trump”
- MSNBC Claims Latinos For Trump Are 'So Americanized' They 'Tap Into The Nativism'
- ABC Plays Games With FBI Crime Stats, Declares All’s Well on America’s Streets
- ABC's ‘The View’ was 100% negative about Trump following second assassination attempt: study | Fox News
September 27 2024
ICYMI: Political Stunts Won’t Erase the Worst Border Crisis in History, Brought to you by Kamala Harris
After nearly four years of neglect, Border Czar Kamala Harris has organized a publicity stunt at the border 38 days before the election.
This visit comes just hours after a scathing ICE report revealed that tens of thousands of illegal immigrants who are here due to Harris’ open border policies are convicted rapists and murderers, and remain at large on U.S. soil.
ICE’s data showed that over 425,000 convicted criminals who, instead of being incarcerated, are living among us in our communities illegally. Many of these individuals have been convicted of serious and violent crimes, including 62,231 convicted of assault, 14,301 convicted of burglary, 2,521 convicted of kidnapping, and 15,811 convicted of sexual assault.
No amount of gaslighting will change the public's perception and impacts that Harris’ border crisis has had on our nation. Pollingshows that Americans believe Trump will do a better job handling immigration.
ICYMI We Can’t Trust Kamala To Secure The Border:
- “She has allowed millions of unvetted individuals, including terrorists, to flood into our country at unprecedented levels and then insults the American people with a publicity stunt less than 40 days before the election.”
- “As she tries to rewrite history, let us not forget that this is the vice president whose administration has let millions of unvetted people from unknown places into our nation, resulting in violent crimes in our communities and chemical warfare on our young people, with deadly fentanyl trafficked through Mexico and poisoning Americans at a historic rate. Every state is now a border state.”
- “Under her failed leadership, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has had more than 10 million encounters with migrants. But the most concerning part of the Biden-Harris border crisis is that they don’t know how many “gotaways” are here today, living in the shadows having escaped Border Patrol detection.”
- “Across the nation, we are seeing the devastating impacts of this crisis impacting every pocket of the country, through dangerous gang takeovers of American housing complexes to violent attacks on Americans that have left families in shambles and deadly fentanyl pouring through our borders that’s poisoning and killing young Americans.”
- “She has made a career out of bad decisions around our national security, calling Trump’s border wall a waste of taxpayer money, a vanity project, unnecessary, and un-American.”
- “In contrast, as president, Trump built about 450 miles of border wall and implemented strict immigration policies, including the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their claims were processed. Now, he promises to finish the job of securing the border and mass deport millions of illegal aliens.”
Today’s photo shoot in Arizona won't erase the fact that she has publicly advocated for the decriminalization of illegal border crossings and backs taxpayer-funded healthcare coverage for illegal immigrants, including coverage for gender transition surgeries.
Kamala’s plan is amnesty for all illegal migrants - President Donald Trump’s plan is safety and security for all American citizens.
September 27 2024
ICYMI: ICE Data Reveals Kamala let in More than HALF A MILLION CRIMINALS
According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), there are tens of thousands of illegal immigrants living on U.S. soil in communities across the country revealing that there are many rapists and murderers loose on American streets.
The troubling data reveals there are 425,431 convicted criminals who instead of being locked up are living amongst us. Many of these were convicted of heinous crimes.
- 62,231 convicted of assault
- 14,301 convicted of burglary
- 2,521 convicted of kidnapping
- 15,811 convicted of sexual assault
There are another 222,141 illegal aliens with pending criminal charges–including nearly 2,000 homicide charges and nearly 50,000 assault charges.
Border Czar Kamala’s sanctuary city policies protect dangerous criminals. She puts illegal aliens before the safety of American citizens.
September 27 2024
Kamala in Her Own Words: Her Pro-Criminal Anti-Border Wall Record
PHOTO SHOOT FOR POLITICAL POINTS:After almost four years of negligence, Border Czar Kamala Harris has finally decided, for purely political reasons, to visit our broken Southern Border.
But no photo op will right the wrongs she’s done at our borders, and it certainly won’t erase her very public statements siding with illegal gang members like Tren De Aragua, drug cartels and beyond.
In her own words, Kamala has repeatedly said that illegally entering our country is NOT a crime.
Kamala’s radical stance on decriminalizing crossings at the border will only exacerbate the crisis at our southern border.
These are the facts. She has a history of picking illegal aliens over the American people. She took the most secure border in history and destroyed it -ON PURPOSE. Leaving American citizens vulnerable- and costing the lives of many innocent people.
Border Czar Kamala Harris has repeatedly criticized the border wall calling it a waste of taxpayer money, a vanity project, unnecessary, and un-American. In one of her many flip-flops, she nowsupports Trump’s wall. In 2018, Kamala evenCLOSED THE GOVERNMENT down over her refusal to fund Trump’s border wall. Now, she’s promising voters that she will build the wall. Talk about someone who will say anything for a vote…
Any way you look at this crisis, what she has done as the ‘Border Czar’ is WRONG. Kamala Harris’ wide open border has resulted in a rise of violent migrant crime like we have never seen before and resulted in over 325,000 migrant children who have been trafficked by cartels and human smugglers and are now lost here in the interior of our country.
There’s no justification for what she has done at our border, and her rhetoric won’t fool anyone.
MAKE NO MISTAKE: Kamala Harris inherited a secure border and she has spent the last four years destroying President Trump's successful policies and facilitating an INVASION of MILLIONS of unvetted migrants here now on U.S. soil. She has done more for the violent human traffickers than the families she represents. Her pro-criminal record and open border policies have made every single state a border state. It’s time to fire Border Czar Kamala!
September 27 2024
WSJ: Harris’s Economic Plan Is Bidenomics II
“More spending, more taxes, more regulation, more government.”
ICYMI: The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board just pulled the curtains back on Kamala Harris’ ‘holistic approach’ to addressing the economy- and you may have heard of it.
“If you loved Bidenomics, she’s your candidate,”the WSJ Editorial said. Taking a page from none other than Joe Biden’s playbook, Kamala Harris’ plan appears to be plagiarized pushing Bidenomics part two.
“Higher taxes to make “corporations and the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share.”
- Harris endorses the $5 trillion tax hikes in Biden’s budget
- Her ‘plan’ includes a 25% tax on the unrealized capital gains on top earners.
- She calls these “commonsense tax reforms,” even though they’d be the biggest tax hike in history.
“New and bigger entitlements.”
- Harris wants to revive Build Back Better, a “plan that failed in the Democratic Senate to support entitlements for child care, preschool, long-term care and paid leave. No costs attached, but figure it in the trillions.”
Income redistribution branded as ‘tax cuts’
- Revival of the March 2021 Covid bill’s $3,600 child tax credit, a new $6,000 credit for families with newborns, and tripling the earned income tax credit for childless adults.
- She calls all these “tax cuts,” but they are income redistribution through the tax code and welfare since they go to people who don’t pay taxes.
Taxpayer-Funded Housing Subsidies
- Her government subsidies would be conditioned on rules that require localities to “cut red tape” and developers to employ “innovative building and construction techniques.” This is a euphemism for putting the feds in control of local zoning and building codes. Will new homes have to come with solar panels as they must in California?
- She also proposes a $25,000 grant for first-time homebuyers, which would fuel increased demand and higher prices.
- Her proposal to use the tax code to impose nationwide rent control, though she expressly threatens to use antitrust action against landlords who “dramatically raise rents.”
More student loan forgiveness. (Yikes!!)
More government control of healthcare.
- She’d expand and make permanent the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) sweetened ObamaCare subsidies, which are set to expire in 2025.
- ObamaCare plans are tightly regulated, which has reduced choice and competition. She wants to do the same to employer plans in part by imposing a $2,000 cap on their out-of-pocket drug costs. The result will be higher premiums.
- She also proposes to “accelerate” the IRA’s Medicare drug price controls, which will slow bio-pharmaceutical innovation. [driving up costs of prescription drugs]
Price controls.
- She will “revitalize competition” by “investigating and prosecuting price-fixing” and passing “the first-ever federal ban on price gouging” for groceries. This means Elizabeth Warren acolytes in her Administration will dictate egg prices in Racine, Wis.
She promises to “prevent misclassification of employees, and override so-called ‘right-to-work’ laws that prevent workers from freely organizing.”
- Where’s the media misinformation police? State right-to-work laws give workers a choice of whether to belong to unions. Her labor model is California, which has banned most freelance work.
More green-energy largesse.
- More subsidies for solar panels and EVs on top of the $1.2 trillion already in the IRA pipeline.
Sound familiar? We cannot afford four more years of Bidenomics which has driven our economy into a steep decline, we must bring back MAGANOMICS.
September 26 2024
Six Weeks to Go: $70 Million Ad Buy in the Race’s Final Weeks
➔ With just under six weeks to go, one thing is clear: President Trump and JD Vance have the structural and political advantage to win the Electoral College on Election Day. Regardless of the national media narrative, President Trump is in an incredibly strong position to be elected.
➔ Despite her best efforts, Kamala’s campaign is in fact quite burdened by what has been. The radical Harris record of open borders, a broken economy, and criminals roaming our communities is crushing her among swing voters.
➔ In 42 separate statewide surveys (6 rounds in 7 battleground states) conducted by MAGA Inc.
since Joe Biden was dumped by his party and replaced in a backroom deal to anoint Kamala
Harris, President Trump has led or tied in 40 of them and trailed twice in Wisconsin by 1 point or
◆ Trump has never trailed in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Michigan or
Georgia in any MAGA Inc. polling since Harris was named the nominee - including our
last round which concluded a full week after the debate.
◆ That alone would give President Trump a minimum of 302 Electoral Votes in the Electoral College - far more than required to win the White House.
➔ MAGA Inc. is building on President Trump’s momentum and is now set to spend at least $100 million on streaming, digital, broadcast television, and other critical persuasion efforts in the final 6 weeks of the campaign - an increase of nearly $70 million in the final phase of the campaign.
➔ Our final push will fortify the buys already in place in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona on
broadcast. We will add broadcast, cable and satellite in North Carolina for the final weeks. We
will also be expanding streaming and digital platforms in our target states. This is in addition to
other partner SuperPacs who are helping reinforce President Trump’s position across other
battleground states through broadcast, digital and streaming.
Talking to Persuadable Voters Where It Matters
As we have written in prior memos, this race will come down to a small group of persuadable voters across the battleground states. MAGA Inc. has invested significantly in identifying, modeling and talking to those voters since immediately after the primary ended. Despite the Democrats’ historic bait and switch, those efforts are paying off.
➔ Among the universe of voters who are seeing ads about President Trump on streaming, Trump is leading on average by 6-7 points more than he is on the overall ballot - a key indicator of the effectiveness of our messaging to persuadable streaming voters.
➔ Swing voters are increasingly seeing Kamala as too liberal to lead. In our surveys, more than half of voters see her as very liberal in the battleground states.
➔ Tim Walz is finally speaking for swing voters - “we can’t afford four more years of this”.
MAGA Inc. is capitalizing on President Trump's momentum in the campaign's final phase. As part of our final push, MAGA Inc. is:
- Expanding our streaming advertising for our persuadable universe in our target states.
- Adding to our broadcast buys in Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina and Arizona and expanding unique viewing opportunities with maximum reach on live sports, including the NFL, NCAAF, and MLB/World Series.
- Delivering full advertising buys on NFL Sunday Ticket through YouTube TV, in addition to targeted YouTube advertising to men ages 18-44 and other critical demographic groups in all key battleground states.
Our Message
But Ms. Harris still has some critical vulnerabilities heading into the fall, most
notably that far more voters see her as too liberal than view Mr. Trump as too
conservative.” The New York Times, Sept. 19, 2024
As we have previously written, Kamala Harris started as somewhat of a blank slate with Presidential voters, who “might vote for a liberal, but not a lunatic.” Despite two months of Harris and Democrats trying to redefine Kamala Harris into a completely new candidate, voters are seeing through these obvious lies and now know she is really too liberal and too radical to lead.
Our most recent ad focuses on her radical effort to free rapists and murderers as part of her support of extreme liberal Defund The Police groups.
Our next spot continues telling the story of Kamala’s history as a weak, liberal prosecutor who went easy on hardened criminals.
➔ Day One
Despite the most chaotic presidential election cycle in history, President Trump continues to be remarkably resilient and durable in his appeal to the American people, who are clearly tired of open borders, a broken economy and weakness on the world stage. MAGA Inc is building on President Trump’s record of leadership and spending at least $100 million in the last 6 weeks of the campaign to deliver a win for the American people.
September 26 2024
Kamala Harris Kills the American Dream, Then Brags About It
“Gone is the day of everyone thinking they could actually live the American Dream," Kamala Harris.
In a taped interview with MSNBC Kamala Harris said the quiet part out loud- that under her failed leadership- she has destroyed any hope of living the American Dream. Killing the American Dream and then bragging about it on national television- that was Kamala Harris’ strategy this evening. But don’t worry, she comes from a middle class family…
“Home ownership for too many people in our country now is elusive,” Kamala Harris said to MSNBC.
- Home prices are UP over 50% under the Biden-Harris agenda.
- Harris has proposed up to $25,000 tax-payer funded subsidy for first-time buyers which economists warn will only further inflate home prices.
- Mortgage rates are 2.5 higher under Biden-Harris.
- She plans to push a $40 billion taxpayer funded slush fund to build 3 million more house.
- Housing prices for the nation's top 20 metro areas rose 5.4% over the last year — a RECORD jump.
- The cost of homeownership is the highest in three decades under Biden-Kamala.
"Well if you are... hard working... if you... have... uh... the dreams and the ambitions and the aspirations of what I believe you do, you're in my plan,"Kamala Harris said to MSNBC.
Her plan for you is:
- MAXED OUT credit cards.
- Higher taxeson families who make between $50,000 to $100,000 by nearly 16 percent.
- Skyrocketing inflation that outpaces wages and costs Americans over 28,000 on average under the Biden-Harris Administration.
- Groceries that cost you over 21 percent MORE.
- SKYROCKETING Rent at more than 22 percent.
- Your energy and electricity bill UP 30 percent since Harris and Biden took office.
- Car insurance bills are up by 54 percent under Harris and Biden.
September 25 2024
💳 MAXED OUT: U.S.Credit Card Debt Reaches Historic High.
ICYMI: Kamalanomics has caused record inflation, stagnant wages, and soaring housing prices, forcing Americans to rely on credit lines at a rate we’ve never seen before.
Look no further than the historic credit card debt crisis to see the impacts of the Biden-Harris failed economic agenda.
CBS News highlights the credit card crisis by sharing newly released data that Americans have hit $1.14 TRILLION in credit card debt. Maxing out their limits to keep up with crippling inflation, interest rate hikes, and insurance cost increases brought to you by a person who has bragged about these economic conditions and is now asking for a promotion in November, Kamala Harris.
- “Credit card debt is SURGING nationwide– with revolving debt growing at a troubling annual rate of 9.4%”
- “Credit card debt nationwidehit a RECORD HIGH of $1.14 TRILLION”
- “20% of credit card users are MAXED OUT.”
- “Average credit card interest rates are at a RECORD HIGH of nearly 23%.”
- “Many cardholders are seeing their balances grow faster than they can pay them down.”
Over the past four years, American workers and families have been forced into massive credit card debt just to keep up with runaway inflation and the economic hardships created by the Biden-Harris administration. Now, many are struggling to make ends meet, with maxed-out cards and shrinking disposable incomes, pushing countless families into devastating debt.
BOTTOM LINE: Americans are ready for MAGANOMICS to come to the rescue.
Read the full CBS News article here.
September 25 2024
MAKE DIAPERS AFFORDABLE AGAIN: Baby Essentials Skyrocket Due to Crippling Inflation
National average for a pack of diapers is up 32% since 2019
Nationwide parents are up against hard times as families struggle to afford essential baby supplies- with a bounty out on baby diapers!
Nothing is off limits from Kamala Harris’ rampant inflation crisis continuing to hit American families where it hurts most- essential supplies. Today, Fox Business highlighted how inflation has drastically increased the cost of diapers–making it hard for parents to afford products babies use daily like baby food, diapers, and car seats.
Today, across the board families are paying more to care for their babies needs.
- The average price for a pack of diapers is up 32% since 2019
- Parents struggle to afford basic baby needs as diaper prices continue to rise: The average price for a package of disposable diaperswas $16.54 in 2019, according to NIQ data on U.S. sales of disposable diapers. Now, the average price is $21.90.
- Diapers for a child can cost families up to $1,200 a year.
- One in four parents reported having to miss work or school because they didn’t have enough diapers.
- "An infant can use eight to 10 diapers per day. So, the need is significant, and they're incredibly expensive,” said Baby’s Bounty CEO Kelly Maxwell.
BOTTOM LINE: Parents cannot afford four more years of Kamala Harris- we need to bring back MAGANOMICS and make diapers affordable AGAIN!
Read the full Fox Business article here.
September 24 2024
ICYMI: Ahead of the Release of a “More Detailed Economic Plan” Wharton Business School Slams Kamala Harris’ Economy Claims
YIKES: A fact check by the Wharton Business School embarrasses Kamala Harris. The business school publicly shot down her false claim that she would strengthen the economy and that the Wharton School of Business ‘supports her economic plan’.
In response, the business school quickly shot down Harris’ claim, acknowledging the only presidential candidate who has a proven record of improving our economy and delivering for the American people is President Donald J. Trump.
"We did not find a positive impact on the economy from her plan in any future year. The Trump plan does increase GDP for a few years but lowers by the end of the 10-year budget window," a spokesperson for the University of Pennsylvania's Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM) said.
Finally, a fact check with facts, that highlights the realities that hardworking Americans are feeling.
This comes shortly before Kamala is set to “weave together various economic proposals into a broader, thematic message.” on Wednesday. YIKES!
And today's Consumer Confidence report spoke directly to these same concerns- finding that consumer confidence sharply declined in September across most income groups, with many worried about jobs, business conditions, and inflation remaining top of mind. Inflation is a hidden tax on all Americans. Due to Kamala Harris and Joe Biden’s failed leadership and gross mismanagement of the economy, inflation has skyrocketed, reaching some of the highest levels in DECADES, costing families an average of over $28,000 extra under this Administration.
ICYMI: CNBC Analysis of the Consumer Confidence Report:
- “Consumers’ view on the economy tumbled in September, falling by the largest level in more than three years as fears grew about jobs and business conditions.”
- “…with the biggest fall [on consumer confidence] coming among those aged 35-54 and earning less than $50,000.”
- “The last time the confidence index dropped more came as inflation was just beginning a climb to what ultimately was the highest level in more than 40 years.”
- “The proportion of consumers anticipating a recession over the next 12 months remained low but there was a slight uptick in the percentage of consumers believing the economy was already in recession,”- Dana M. Peterson, Chief Economist at The Conference Board
It’s clear: Kamalanomics has resulted in serious economic hardships for families nationwide. As Americans continue to MAKE LESS and PAY MORE, Americans are demanding relief from Biden-Harris failures that have pushed the American dream to the brink of extinction.
September 24 2024
A Vote for Kamala Is A Vote For Higher Taxes
In sharp contrast, President Trump’s tax plan will lower taxes for middle class families and put more money back into Americans wallets
Today, President Trump is in Savannah, GA delivering remarks on his vision for our country's tax code. Spoiler alert: it includes lowering taxes across the board and tariffs on countries like China that have ripped us off for DECADES.
The Trump Tax plan will always put American families and America first.
Trump’s Tax Promises:
- Trump's tax cut plan to increase American jobs by well over a million
- INCREASE the CHILD TAX CREDIT to $5,000 per child
- Lower the Corporate tax rate to 15% to UNLEASH economic growth
- Extend the Trump Tax cuts that put MORE MONEY in middle class Americans wallets
- Put tariffs in place that will bolster American manufacturing and create FAIR TRADE
Meanwhile, IRS endorsed Comrade Kamala’s tax collector campaign promises to:
- Repeal the Trump Tax cut. This would raise taxes on families who make between $50,000 to $100,000 by about 16 percent.
- Raise taxes on Small Businesses to 43%. That’s nearly 20 percentage points higher than what businesses are taxed in Communist China.
- Inflationary $25,000 tax credit to first-time homebuyers. This will worsen the housing affordability crisis, making home prices skyrocket even more.
- Kamala Harris’s tax proposal would raise the top tax rate on capital gains to over 38 percent.
Bottom Line: As President Trump said, "Kamala Harris is the candidate of the tax collectors and the Washington bureaucrats. I am the candidate of the American worker— and I always will be."
September 23 2024
Kamala Harris Boycott’s Catholic Charity Dinner, Continuing Her Anti-Catholic Campaign
ICYMI: This weekend, Kamala Harris sent a clear message with her announcement that she will not attend the annual Al Smith charity dinner, hosted by the Archbishop of New York.
Skipping the Al Smith Charity Dinner, a longstanding tradition benefiting Catholic Charities, shows her priorities lie elsewhere. A clear poke in the eye to Catholic voters, and a risky move when recent polls indicate Kamala Harris is trailing President Donald J. Trump by nearly ten points among Catholic voters.
This is the first time since 1984 that a presidential candidate has refused the invitation. Harris's absence is more than just a scheduling conflict—it highlights a deeper problem. Her radical policies clash with core Catholic beliefs, and her history of bigoted rhetoric and Catholicphobic opinions further alienates Catholic voters- and she knows it.
Her Record Speaks for itself: Bigoted Kamala Harris and her long history of faith-based discrimination
- Kamala Harris has repeatedly attacked the Knights of Columbus, the largest Catholic fraternal organization with over 2 million members and $1.5 billion raised for charity in the past decade.
- Kamala led a bigoted anti-catholic campaign against Brian Buescher's nomination to the U.S. District Court for Nebraska, citing his ties to the Knights of Columbus.
- Not only was this public attack on Catholicism wrong- it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
- Kamala Harris doesn't think any person whose religious views are in conflict with her personal ideologies are fit to serve public office… In short, Kamala Harris does not believe in the Constitution.
- She sponsored legislation aimed at shutting down charitable Catholic organizations like the Little Sisters of the Poor for refusing to conform to radical leftist beliefs on gender identity.
- Harris supported the Equality Act, which would force religious institutions, including churches, to compromise their core beliefs or lose their religious rights.
- As California attorney general, she got a law passed requiring pro-life pregnancy centers to "promote abortion,"—many of which are Catholic or Christian—undermining their faith-based mission.
- In 2015, Kamala Harris used her power as California attorney general to put six Catholic hospitals out of business.
It's no wonder Harris is avoiding the dinner—her views stand in direct opposition to the very values the event and its attendees hold dear.
Read more HERE.
September 22 2024
BREAKING: As if you couldn’t laugh any harder at the list of inconsequential and horrible endorsements for Kamala Harris, the IRS Workers Union has come out in support of their ringleader’s “candidacy.”
That’s right, her team is touting the support of an agency that is under fire for disproportionately auditing Black Americans under Comrade Kamala.
Under her and Joe Biden:
- The agency has expanded, hiring over 87,000 new IRS agents to spy on American taxpayers. In fact, under Kamala Harris’ tenure the IRS has hired more staff than the Pentagon, State Department, Border Patrol, and FBI COMBINED.
- 90% of the revenue generated from the additional audits performed by this army will come from American taxpayers making less than $200,000 a year.
- The IRS has disproportionately audited Americans who have claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit, something that exists to help low- to moderate-income workers and families.
Kamala has promised to bankroll the IRS, by instituting policies that will raise taxes on the American people - and in return, they’ve pledged their support.
The IRS Workers Union joins a long list of terrible endorsements that expose Kamala Harris for who she is: a weak, failed, dangerously liberal candidate:
- Vladimir Putin
- IRAN (!!)
- War Loving Dick Cheney
- Historic Loser, Liz Cheney
- Radical CA Governor, Gavin Newsom
- Crazy Nancy Pelosi
- NY Governor Kathy Hochul
- Adam ‘Shifty’ Schiff
- Squad Ring Leader, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
- Disgraced Squad Member, Cori Bush
- Sen. Elizabeth Warren
- Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson
BOTTOM LINE: This endorsement, and the Harris campaign’s effort to elevate it, illustrate exactly how desperate and out of touch she is.
Read more: HERE
September 21 2024
Fake News of the Week Award: CNN Brian Stelter
🏆 The award for Fake News Headline of the Week goes to… Brian Stelter (a regular Fake News contributor) for this doozy of ‘analysis’ in CNN this week.
At every moment in time, and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and that this will always be FAKE NEWS, Brian.
The facts are not on your side. Kamala Harris has done three interviews, with her sidekick Tim Walz helping carry her weight, bringing their total interviews as a ticket to 7 in the past 60 days. Meanwhile, President Trump and JD Vance have done over 70 interviews.
Can we check on Brian to make sure he didn’t fall out of the ‘coconut tree?’
Honorable FAKE NEWS Mentions:
- In close second, NBC News with a report calling the second assassination attempt on President Trump a “golf club incident.”
- WATCH: A CNN reporter tries to gaslight a Trump supporter that he shouldn't be concerned about inflation because he owns a boat, saying“if you can afford a boat, you’re not hurting so bad, right? Because a boat costs a lot of money and it’s a lot of upkeep.” The interview ended badly… for her.
- New York Timesblames Trump for second assassination attempt–it was caused by “anger stirred by him”
- WATCH: ABC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN all used twisted rhetoric blaming Trump for the second assassination attempt on his life.
- WATCH: MSNBC claims Kamala will intimidate Vladimir Putin because she’s an ‘inspirational biracial woman.’
ABC News DID NOT COVER the Iranian election interference hack executed on the Trump campaign. Where’s the wall-to-wall coverage of the investigation into Iranian election interference? Seems the media only cared about the fake Russia HOAX.
March 05 2023
MAGA Inc. Sunday Note
The CPAC Straw Poll made it clear that President Trump is the choice of conservatives to lead the Republican Party in 2024.
President Trump won the straw poll with 62 percent support -- more than triple Ron DeSantis’ share of the vote (20 percent). As Politico reported, “No Republican departed CPAC with more glory than former President Donald Trump.”
President Trump has a bond with conservatives because he stood up on their behalf against entrenched Washington interests. They want him back in the White House to finish the job. As President Trump told the crowd at CPAC Saturday, “We are going to complete the mission. We are going to see this battle through to ultimate victory. We are going to make America great again."
Taylor Budowich
Head of MAGA Inc.
Coverage of CPAC:
Politico: “Trump ties a ribbon on the most MAGA CPAC yet”
New York Post: “Trump wins CPAC straw poll as Republican 2024 frontrunner in a landslide”
Washington Times: “Trump trounces competitors in annual CPAC poll of presidential candidates”
Newsmax: Trump to CPAC: In the 'Battle of Our Lives' to Rescue US, Party
Human Events: I AM YOUR RETRIBUTION: Donald Trump delivers vintage America First CPAC speech
Highlights from President Trump’s CPAC address:
"In 2016, I declared, 'I am your voice.' Today I add: I am your warrior, I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution,” Trump declared.
President Trump made it clear that he is the only choice to fight back against the Deep State because he will not back down.
Trump: “At the end of the day anyone else will be intimidated, bought off, blackmailed, or ripped to shreds. I alone will never retreat."
Trump: “Our enemies are lunatics and maniacs. They cannot stand that they do not own me... and they will never ever control me, and they will never ever, therefore, control you!"
Trump outlined his policies for a second term that will save America.
President Trump: “We are never going back to a party that wants to give unlimited money to fight foreign wars that are endless wars, that are stupid wars."
President Trump reiterated his support for baby bonuses to start a new baby boom.
The speech also focused on cleaning up the mess Biden has caused at the border. President Trump called for the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.
Trump: “When I am back in the White House, the very first reconciliation bill I sign will be for a massive increase in border patrol, and a colossal increase in the number of ICE deportation officers.”
President Trump outlined his plan to keep China financially accountable for the pandemic it unleashed.
And as our trade deficit hits an all-time high under Joe Biden, President Trump reminded CPAC that he “smashed the false idols of the free trade fanatics."
Praise for President Trump’s CPAC address:
Charlie Kirk: “Epic speech from President Trump. A bold vision for the future, vintage America First, law and order, election integrity, and ending the endless wars. ‘I am your retribution.’ MAGA 2024”
Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX): “GREAT SPEECH by President Trump. He is the LEADER of our conservative movement and the LEADER of the Republican Party. TRUMP 2024!!”
Kari Lake: “Only ONE President has taken on the establishment in Washington. That President is Donald J. Trump. I can’t wait for him to get back into the White House to do it again!”
Darren Beattie: “Trump's CPAC speech one of the all time greats, certainly in top 10”
February 19 2023
MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, February 19, 2023
I hope you are having a great Presidents' Day Weekend with the ones you love.
President Trump continues to tower over the Republican field. Several polls this week show Trump with a double-digit lead over the field.
President Trump’s continued dominance over the field is because Republicans recognize that there is no “Trumpism without Trump.” Gavin Wax Mario explains this in a piece in Townhall this weekend that I recommend you read.
“The personal, emotional relationship between Trump and his base cannot be understated. Without Trump as the candidate in 2024, at least a million of his supporters will stay home and refuse to vote Republican. They hate the system, know how they are being screwed, and rightly believe that most politicians in both major parties should be given the boot. They only trust one candidate: Trump,” Gavin writes.
“These voters are the forgotten men and women of this country; they put Trump in office in 2016, and losing them will assure losses in any election moving forward. If Trumpism disappears, the Republican Party will fall back into the Bush-era neoconservatism of old.”
We’re already seeing an attempt to revert to the failed Bush-era policies with the candidacy of Nikki Haley. While Haley claims to represent a “new generation,” the reality is she's just another career politician who is only in it for herself. She should listen to her own comments from the 2020 Republican convention, “Donald Trump has always put America first, and he has earned four more years as president.”
Taylor Budowich
Head of MAGA Inc.
As President Trump demonstrates true crisis leadership with his visit to East Palestine, OH, the Biden administration faces intense criticism for its mishandling of the situation:
- In stark comparison to the Biden administration’s failure to provide information, testing, and support following the February 2nd train derailment and subsequent toxic chemical fire, President Trump announced that he would be visiting East Palestine: “The people of East Palestine need help. I’ll see you on Wednesday.”
- After President Trump announced he would be visiting East Palestine, and two weeks after the initial derailment and fire, the Biden administration reversed its decision and decided they would, in fact, provide FEMA support to the impacted community.
- Residents of East Palestine are voicing their frustration with the Biden administration’s weeks-delayed response and complete lack of communication.
- Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg didn’t even publicly address the disaster until ten days after the train derailed and caught fire, releasing hazardous and toxic chemicals like vinyl chloride into the soil, air, and water.
- Federal officials continue to claim that testing “has not detected any levels of health concern in the community,” even as residents complain of headaches, throat irritation, and skin rashes. EPA Administrator Michael Regan insists the “water is safe.” He should take Senator JD Vance’s advice and drink it.
- Peter DeCarlo, Associate Professor of Environmental Health at Johns Hopkins University, told Martha Raddatz on ABC’s This Week that “we just don’t have the information we need to understand what chemicals may be present. The monitoring equipment that [the EPA is] using to determine things that are safe doesn’t give us chemical specificity, it doesn’t tell us what chemicals are present, it just says they’re below some level.”
- “There’s plenty of chemicals,” DeCarlo continued, “that can be created from that fire that can be toxic at much lower levels.”
Americans continue to suffer under the Biden economy
- Household debt hits a record high.
- CNN: “Total US household debt hit a record $16.9 trillion during the fourth quarter, an increase of $394 billion, or 2.4%, from the prior three-month period, according to the Fed’s latest Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit… Credit card balances increased nearly 6.6% to $986 billion during the quarter, the highest quarterly growth on record, according to New York Fed data that goes back to 1999. Year over year, credit card balances grew 15.2%.”
- Americans are falling behind on their car payments.
- WSJ: “Some 9.3% of auto loans extended to people with low credit scores were 30 or more days behind on payments at the end of last year, the highest share since 2010, according to an analysis by Moody’s Analytics.”
February 12 2023
MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, February 12, 2023
Happy Sunday,
In the week following Joe Biden’s jumbled State of the Union address, the White House continues its attempt to sell the lie that Americans are better off under Biden than under President Trump.
It is a lie that even the mainstream media cannot stomach. A whopping 71% of Americans believe that the country is on the wrong track. Additional polling from last week confirms America’s profound dissatisfaction with Joe Biden’s leadership—his own party doesn’t want him.
Biden’s failure as Commander-in-Chief continues to coalesce around our nation’s response to Chinese incursions into our airspace. Following the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, this latest insult to our national sovereignty is additonal proof to our enemies that it is acceptable to challenge America with Biden in charge. President Trump understood that projecting American strength was paramount to promoting peace and cooperation. We desperately need that leadership again.
Taylor Budowich
MAGA, Inc.
The Biden administration continues to lie about the State of Our Union:
- There is no talking point that exists to convince Americans that they are imagining the economic hardship they face, despite spin from the Biden White House.
- Nearly two-thirds of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
- A recent ABC/Washington Post poll found that 41 percent of Americans “say they are not as well off since Biden became president…the highest level since Post-ABC polling first asked the question in 1986.”
- A CBS/YouGov poll shows 62 percent of Americans expect the economy to decline next year.
- President Trump: "Over the past two years, under Biden, millions and millions of illegal aliens from 160 different countries have stormed across our southern border. Drug cartels are now raking in billions of dollars from smuggling poison to kill our people and to kill our children. Savage killers, rapists and violent criminals are being released from jail to continue their crime wave. And under Biden, the murder rate has reached the highest in the history of our country. Biden and the radical Democrats have wasted trillions of dollars and caused the worst inflation in half a century."
- Sarah Huckabee Sanders, providing the Republican response to the SOTU: “President Biden inherited the fastest economic recovery on record, the most secure border in history, cheap, abundant and home-grown energy, fast-rising wages, a rebuilt military, and a world that was stable and at peace. But over the last two years, Democrats destroyed it all.”
President Trump this week outlined an Agenda47 plan to both restore American energy independence and get inflation under control:
- President Trump will revoke all unnecessary federal regulation that restricts domestic energy production, remove the U.S. from the flawed and pro-China Paris Climate Agreement, and swiftly approve new energy infrastructure projects.
- Biden’s war on American energy levied a tax on everything we purchase—higher energy prices mean higher costs in transportation and in food production.
- Nine in ten U.S. voters support increasing domestic energy production.
Biden’s response to Chinese incursions of our airspace undermines America’s strength on the world’s stage:
- On ABC’s This Week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer attempted to defend the Biden administration’s response to allowing a Chinese spy craft unprecedented surveillance of our nation’s interior.
- Chuck Schumer: “The first balloon, there was a much different rationale, which I think was the appropriate rationale. We got enormous intelligence information from surveilling the balloon as it went over the United States."
- George Stephanopoulos: “But didn’t the Chinese get enormous intelligence as well?"
- Chuck Schumer: “Well, they could have been getting that anyway."
- The Biden administration disbanded an anti-Chinese espionage program started by President Trump, paving the way for these unacceptable incursions.
February 05 2023
MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, February 5, 2023
MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, February 5, 2023
Joe Biden will deliver his third State of the Union this week.
Biden’s speech on Tuesday will be full of spin claiming that he is a success, but if you ask Americans, they do not think the state of the union is positive. A CBS poll shows that 68 percent of Americans believe things are going “badly” in America today.
Will Tuesday’s speech just be full of canned applause lines or will Biden address any of the nation’s problems?
Will Biden address the drug overdose crisis sweeping the nation? Maine, for example, set a drug overdose death record in 2022 – it beat the previous record set in 2021. Biden has failed to secure the border and protect American communities.
Will Biden call for peace in Ukraine as President Trump has done? The war continues to slog on with no end in sight, as we inch closer to nuclear war.
Finally, will Biden offer any relief to Americans at the pump? Doubtful. Gas prices remain higher than they were a year ago. Under President Trump, America became the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world. Joe Biden, instead, turns to autocrats like Venezuela’s Nicholas Maduro for oil and encourages Americans to buy electric Hummers that cost more than $87,000.
Taylor Budowich
Head of MAGA Inc.
Despite the best efforts of Democrats and their allies in the media, Americans recognize Biden is failing:
- Many are viewing Biden’s State of the Union address on Tuesday as the opening salvo of his 2024 re-election campaign—one that even Democrats don’t want.
- A new NBC poll found that “two-thirds of voters have reservations or are very uncomfortable with the idea of Biden running for a second term.”
- A recent ABC/Washington Post poll found that “among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents…58 percent say they would prefer someone other than Biden as their nominee in 2024.”
- Sec. Pete Buttigieg painted a falsely positive image of the economy on CNN’s State of the Union. Buttigieg claimed that “usually, when employment is that low, inflation is going up. Right now, inflation is going down along with unemployment.”
- Inflation was still at 6.5 percent in December 2022, outstripping any increases in Americans’ wages. In that same month, the annual increase in wages was only 4.6 percent. Wages grew at an even slower rate in January 2023, at 4.4 percent compared to a year ago.
- No matter what Biden and his surrogates may say, the economic reality facing many Americans today is painful and bleak.
- A recent ABC/Washington Post poll found that 41 percent of Americans “say they are not as well off since Biden became president…the highest level since Post-ABC polling first asked the question in 1986.”
- A CBS/YouGov poll found that 62 percent of Americans expect the economy next year to be in decline.
Biden lets Chinese surveillance balloon traverse the whole nation
- Sen. Marco Rubio, vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told CNN that a spy balloon flying over these many American states is “unprecedented.” Sen. Rubio added, "It's not a coincidence this happens leading up to the State of the Union address...It's not just the balloon, it's the message they're trying to send the world, that we can do whatever we want and America can't stop us."
- Two former national security advisers to President Trump – John Bolton and Robert O’Brien – both told Fox News that they are unaware of anything like this happening during their time in the Trump administration.
- Forget the balloon, tens of millions of Americans carry around a Chinese surveillance app on their phone – TikTok. President Trump called for TikTok to be banned in 2020. He was right. Biden revoked this executive order and yet even Democrats now acknowledge that Trump was correct that TikTok has no place in America.
January 29 2023
MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, January 29, 2023
MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, January 29, 2023
Good Evening!
President Trump kicked off the 2024 Republican primary with visits to New Hampshire and South Carolina. Trump spoke at the New Hampshire Republican Party’s annual meeting and unveiled his South Carolina leadership team, before stopping for ice cream and meeting supporters.
Trump’s speeches were well received, with talk radio legend Michael Savage praising President Trump’s South Carolina speech as “electrifying.” Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene wrote that Trump “sounds amazing” and is “fired up.”
What struck me most was a line President Trump delivered in New Hampshire. He said, "I'm more angry now and more committed now than I ever was." It was powerful, it was authentic, and it's the kind of fire that will propel President Trump back to the White House.
Our nation is suffering because of the failures and incompetence of career politicians who are putting their own interests ahead of the interests of America. This is what drove President Trump to run in 2016 and it's the same fire that's fueling his campaign today.
He has never been stronger, and we are ALL more confident and committed than ever before --- 2024 can't come soon enough!
Taylor Budowich
President Trump delivers policy-focused speeches in New Hampshire and South Carolina:
- Trump attacked Biden’s incompetence that has put us on the “brink of World War 3 in Ukraine.” Trump called for a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine.
- Biden has dismantled the effective immigration policies President Trump put in place and Trump vowed in New Hampshire that “within hours of my inauguration, we will restore every border security measure of the Trump presidency."
- President Trump recognizes the importance of not only border security, but interior enforcement. He said in South Carolina that we “have to remove a lot of people very, very fast” as murderers and rapists have illegally crossed our border.
- President Trump is determined to combat the influence of the Chinese Communist Party and told the crowd in Manchester, NH that his administration will “force China to sell any current holdings in the United States that puts our national security at risk."
- Politico reported that the "loudest applause lines during Trump’s speech in NH" included his plan to eliminate federal funding for schools that push critical race theory or left-wing gender ideology.
- Trump said in South Carolina that “we’re going to defeat the cult of gender ideology, and reaffirm that God created two genders called men and women.”
President Trump is rolling out a forward-thinking and bold series of policy platforms to restore America once again to greatness:
- In his plan to save American education, President Trump announced that he will:
- Adopting merit pay and abolishing tenure for K-12 teachers
- Enshrining a parental bill of rights that promotes curriculum transparency and school choice
- Greatly reducing bloated school administrative positions
- Allowing the direct election of school principals by parents
- Cut federal funding to any school that promotes radical critical race theory, gender ideology or any form of inappropriate content
- Identify and fire “the radical zealots and Marxists in the Department of Education” that are poisoning our school systems
- Direct a civil rights investigation with the Department of Education into race-based discrimination in schools
- Vigorously pursue any potential freedom of religion violations
- Incentivize states and school districts to adopt pro-parent and student reforms with preferential funding for:
- Fentanyl, meth, and heroin are pouring across our completely open southern border that is controlled by the Mexican drug cartels. The vicious, inhumane cartels have declared war on the men and women of America, and the death toll is rising to over 100,000 victims a year. President Trump announced that once he is back in the White House, he will wage war against the cartels and end their terrible rein over our southern border.
- While cities like Washington, D.C. are passing bills that release hundreds of violent criminals back onto the streets, patriots are being held as political prisoners. D.C.’s new bill slashes penalties for carjackings, robberies and for felons committing gun crimes. It also makes violent criminals eligible for release. President Trump called on Congress to send a resolution to Joe Biden’s desk rejecting this weak-on-crime bill. America needs a president who will stand for law and order.
- President Trump announced his plan to destroy the insidious influence of the Chinese Communist Party within the United States by enacting “aggressive new restrictions on Chinese ownership of any vital infrastructure in the United States, including energy, technology, telecommunications, farmland, natural resources, medical supplies, and other strategic national assets.”
- President Trump will order the construction of a missile defense shield to protect our nation from nuclear and hypersonic weaponry. He understands that unmatched American strength will promote global peace.
January 22 2023
MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, January 22, 2023
MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, January 22, 2023
Good Evening!
President Trump continues to dominate the polls while Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents spirals out of control. The FBI searched Biden’s Wilmington home on Friday and found additional classified documents. CBS reports that the Justice Department is considering more searches.
Biden’s presidency is in crisis and America is suffering because of it.
Reuters polling shows Biden’s approval rating is near the lowest of his term. Americans are tired of Biden’s inept administration that fails to deliver relief from inflation and stop the invasion across our southern border. America's enemies continue to reap the benefits of Biden's pathetic presidency.
President Trump, meanwhile, continues to roll out his bold and prosperous agenda for America's future. This past week, Trump released his plan to limit the Chinese Communist Party’s influence in our country. Additionally, Trump urged Republicans to focus budget cuts on wasteful programs, while protecting Social Security.
Finally, the media is desperate to divide the Republican Party, however, their attempts to sow division will fail. President Trump, who leads every recent poll by significant margins, will be the Republican nominee and he will unite America around his proven record of leadership and putting America first.
Taylor Budowich
FBI search uncovers more classified documents at Biden’s home:
- FBI agents conducted a search of Joe Biden’s Delaware home on Friday and found even more improperly handled classified documents.
- The White House has not been transparent about the Biden’s mishandling of classified documents.
- This is a serious issue for Joe Biden. As the Article III Project’s Mike Davis wrote at Newsweek, “Biden compromised our national security through his carelessness and brazen law-breaking.”
- Davis noted: “As a matter of clarity, let's contrast Biden's theft of classified documents with Trump's lawful handling of presidential records. As the commander-in-chief under our Constitution, the president of the United States has the absolute power to declassify records as he sees fit. In addition, under the Presidential Records Act, a departing president can take a personal copy of any of his presidential records—classified or not. The vice president is afforded neither of these privileges.”
- Polling shows a majority of Americans believe Biden was inappropriate in his handling of documents.
- Hunter Biden—currently under his own federal investigation over his taxes and overseas business dealings—listed the Wilmington address where many of the documents were found has his permanent residence. He potentially had access to this classified information, while being in business with America's adversaries.
President Trump continues to dominate in polling:
- Poll after poll continues to show that President Trump is Republicans’ top choice for the 2024 nomination.
- Harvard-Harris poll -- Donald Trump: 48 percent, Ron DeSantis: 28 percent, Mike Pence: 7 percent, Nikki Haley: 3 percent
- YouGov -- Donald Trump: 46 percent, Ron DeSantis: 27 percent, Mike Pence: 6 percent, Nikki Haley: 3 percent
- Morning Consult – Donald Trump: 48 percent, Ron DeSantis: 31 percent, Mike Pence: 8 percent, Liz Cheney: 3 percent, Nikki Haley: 2 percent
- President Trump is also besting Biden in head-to-head polling. The Harvard-Harris poll has Trump at 46 percent and Biden trailing at 41 percent.
- Breitbart’s coverage of the poll noted that “Former President Donald Trump has opened a clear lead over President Joe Biden.”
Terrorists continue to cross Biden’s open border as Trump urges Republicans to target the depletion of our social safety net by illegal immigrants, and not Social Security:
- Fox News’ Bill Melugin reported Sunday that there is a surge of terrorists crossing the border. There already have been 38 individuals on the terror watch list caught crossing the border since October. For comparison, in Fiscal Year 2019 – there were 0 terror watch list suspects caught crossing the border.
- Biden has failed to secure our border and criminals from across the globe are attempting to cross. Biden just set another embarrassing record with nearly 252,000 illegal immigrant encounters on the border in December. Breitbart reported that "this represents the largest single-month report in U.S. history.”
- President Trump not only understands that border security, like a wall, is necessary to repel criminal immigration, but that we must also remove the “pull” factors that bring criminal immigrants here. In a video last week, Trump urged Republicans not to cut Social Security and instead focus on the “the mass releases of illegal aliens that are depleting our social safety net and destroying our country.”
January 15 2023
MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, January 15, 2023
MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, January 15, 2023
Good evening!
Biden’s mishandling of classified documents finally has many of his allies in the press admitting what has been obvious to us all. Biden is incompetent and puts our national security at risk. Not only did Biden have no authority as vice president to declassify documents, but he kept them in the same Wilmington home that Hunter Biden resided in. That means national security secrets were stored in the residence of a business partner of the Chinese Communist Party.
Taylor Budowich
Even more classified documents have been found at Joe Biden’s home and office after he removed them the Obama administration:
- White House lawyers admitted on Saturday that a fourth batch of classified documents had been found at Biden’s private home and office.
- This discovery followed White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's announcement to reporters that "lawyers had finished searching for classified documents."
- The classified documents were discovered in a closet at the University of Pennsylvania's Biden Center in D.C., and at Biden’s home in Wilmington.
- Hunter Biden—currently under his own federal investigation over his taxes and overseas business dealings—listed the Wilmington address where many of the documents were found has his permanent residence. He potentially had access to this classified information.
- The Department of Justice has known about the documents since before the 2022 election, and only now has Merrick Garland bothered to inform the public and appoint a special counsel.
- Joe Biden downplayed the seriousness of his alleged crime, insisting that it was fine because some documents were locked in his garage next to his Corvette: “It’s not like it’s sitting out in the street.”
Unlike President Trump, Biden’s handling of classified documents is likely against the law:
- Biden was the vice president when he left office with classified documents that he brought to his China-funded think tank and home garage. Unlike presidents, vice presidents have no authority to declassify documents. This discrepancy shows the FBI’s double standard in how they’ve handled the respective cases.
- House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said on CNN’s State of the Union: "My concern is how there’s such a discrepancy in how former Pres. Trump was treated — by raiding Mar-a-Lago, by getting the security cameras, by taking pictures of documents on the floor, by going through Melania’s closet — versus Joe Biden."
- Unlike President Trump, Biden did not keep documents in a secure location. Mar-a-Lago has Secret Service protection. Vice presidents only keep Secret Service protection for six months after leaving office, meaning that for over 2 years his Wilmington home did not receive such protection. Even CNN’s Jake Tapper acknowledged Sunday that Biden’s Wilmington Corvette garage is not an ideal place to keep our nation’s secrets.
- "That does not look like what a secure location would be,” Tapper said on State of the Union.
Even Joe Biden’s allies are admitting he was reckless with documents and has not been transparent:
- CBS News' Ed O'Keefe said on Face the Nation that the Biden White House "clearly had a problem this week...especially because you have a president who made campaign and day one promises of transparency, and they weren't kept here."
- ABC’s Jonathan Karl said, “The White House says it is committed to transparency, but the first batch of documents was discovered on November 2nd, just days before the midterm elections, and the public didn't learn of it until this week — and only after reporters started asking."
- Biden is still refusing to tell the public who has visited his Wilmington home.
- Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff said on ABC’s This Week that it is possible Biden jeopardized national security with his handling of classified documents.
- Even the Associated Press is acknowledging this reveals Biden is incompetent. “But an excruciating week of awkward disclosures and the appointment of a special counsel to investigate classified records found at his Delaware home and a former office dating to his time as vice president is beginning to strain his claim to competence.”
January 08 2023
MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, January 8, 2023
MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, January 8, 2023
Good evening!
After a week of spirited debate, House Republicans are ready to start the 118th Congress. Thanks to President Trump, Republicans united to back Speaker Kevin McCarthy.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden is finally visiting the border. His visit to the border this week is not about what he will witness, but instead, what he won’t.
In the days leading up to his visit, law enforcement and local officials scrambled to clear out migrant camps and beautify the streets—a practice that’s common for third world dictatorial nations, not America.
In 2009, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s wife, Suzanne, visited the new campus of The American University in Cairo. In the weeks leading up to her visit, streets were swept, the homeless were relocated, palm trees and shrubs were planted, and curbs were painted. Through her eyes, Egypt was beautiful and well kept. Yet, the reality was Egypt was burning, she just wasn’t allowed to see it.
Joe Biden’s visit to America’s southern border is no different. Instead of facing down our nation’s immigration crisis that his policies have created, he is ignoring it.
Taylor Budowich
Biden’s border policies embolden the cartels, while Trump has a plan to fight them:
- The Mexican drug cartels are causing havoc in America and in Mexico. The drugs they traffic kill tens of thousands of Americans and fund their bloody war against the Mexican government.
- Instead of combatting the cartels, Biden has empowered them. The head of the Border Patrol Union called Biden the “cartels’ best friend” and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott told Biden in a letter, “your open-border policies have emboldened the cartels, who grow wealthy by trafficking deadly fentanyl and even human beings.”
- President Trump, on the other hand, has released a bold plan to combat the violent drug cartels. President Trump wants to unleash the U.S. military on the cartels and designate them as foreign terrorist organizations. He promises to destroy the cartels just like he dismantled ISIS.
- Congressman Michael Waltz praised President Trump’s plan on Sunday Morning Futures, saying, “President Trump just rolled out a plan to go after the cartels and I think he is absolutely right."
President Trump Finalizes Speaker Deal:
- Kevin McCarthy was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives for the 118th Congress, thanks to President Trump’s intervention.
- In the minutes following the vote, several GOP insiders took to Twitter to reveal that President Trump played a crucial role in closing the deal that included key concessions to ensure that the American People are, once again, running the People’s House.
- The newly-elected Speaker thanked President Trump for his help after the vote, adding that “I don’t think anybody should doubt his influence.”
- In the hours that followed the vote, central figures on both sides of the deal confirmed that President Trump’s involvement was vital to crossing the finish line.
- Rep. Jim Jordan: “This doesn’t get done without the support and leadership of President Trump.”
- Rep. Byron Donalds: “[Trump] has played a good part in this.”
- Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: “[Trump’s] role was huge…America is about to see the most conservative Republican Speaker of the House that they have seen in decades.”
- "The 'Speaker' selection process," President Trump stated, "as crazy as it may seem, has made it all much bigger and more important than if done the more conventional way."
- President Trump’s leadership once again succeeded in ensuring that the concerns of the American people are not forgotten—both the Republican Party and our nation are stronger today because of this deal.
Biden finally visits the border, and migrant camps are finally cleared:
- Biden has finally decided to visit the southern border. The crisis, apparently, can no longer be ignored. However, Biden will not face reality. The Washington Examiner noted: “Days before President Joe Biden visited El Paso, Texas, this afternoon, local and federal authorities began clearing out migrant encampments.”
- One local reporter said, "One woman did tell us that yes, she has seen city employees out here cleaning the area in preparation for President Biden's visit."
- The border is a disaster because Biden rolled back President Trump’s successful policies. As Congressman Jim Jordan noted on Fox News Sunday, “The numbers during President Trump were so good on the border." There are many other facts you should know about.
December 18 2022
MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, December 18, 2022
MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, December 18, 2022
Good evening,
Border communities are preparing for absolute chaos at the border this week, while Biden twiddles his thumbs and ignores the impending crisis.
The end of Title 42 on Wednesday could mean an estimated 18,000 illegal immigrants will cross the border every single day. This deluge will overwhelm border towns.
President Donald Trump instituted the use of Title 42 to keep Americans safe, and unfortunately radical liberals have succeeded in ending the program. President Trump was dedicated to securing the border. CNN’s Jake Tapper said on State of the Union that for “whatever reason” the border is worse now under Biden than Trump – that “reason” is Trump is no longer in office, something MAGA Inc. is committed to correcting.
The information below will prepare you to counter the leftist lies about the border this week.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas with the ones you love.
Taylor Budowich
Democratic senator hopes Americans just don’t care about the border crisis:
- Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown said on Meet the Press that he doesn’t hear “a lot about immigration from voters except from people on the far-right.”
- Polling shows that immigration is a top concern for voters. The most recent Gallup polling shows that 60 percent of Americans "personally worry about illegal immigration."
- The border affects voters of all political persuasions as the drug crisis does not discriminate. The Washington Post recently reported: “From 2019 to 2021, fatal overdoses surged 94 percent, and an estimated 196 Americans are now dying each day from the drug — the equivalent of a fully loaded Boeing 757-200 crashing and killing everyone on board."
- President Trump has always prioritized securing the border and protecting Americans. An open border means jobs taken away from Americans, more crime, and more overdoses.
This week we will see a border surge unlike anything before:
- Border expert Todd Bensman likens the coming surge to a Category 5 hurricane.
- Bensman: “Still, this pandemonium of 7,000-9,000 illegal crossers caught every single day, 200,000-plus every single month for two years straight, is just a Category 3 hurricane on the mass migration-scale. A Category 5 is barreling down on the United States with the scheduled December 21 lifting of 'Title 42,' the one last real impediment to a next-level crisis far beyond, not just the American experience, but that of every nation in the developed world.”
- Estimates for the number of illegal immigrants crossing daily post-Title 42 range from 14,000 to 18,000 a day. That could mean up to 6.4 million illegal immigrants crossing in a year. This would completely overwhelm our nation’s hospitals, schools, and communities.
- Border crossings have surged under Biden’s weak policies. Fox News Sunday highlighted that border crossings in October 2022 were up 411 percent from October 2019.
At least some Democrats acknowledge this is a crisis, while the White House claims Biden has done the “necessary work”:
- California Gov. Gavin Newsom has said the system “will break” after Title 42 ends and that there “is no question in my mind we are not prepared.”
- Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar said that the Biden administration is not “listening” to Border Patrol agents and border communities.
- The White House, meanwhile, does not live in reality. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted this week that Biden has “done the work” necessary to secure the border. This is a laughable lie. Biden has incentivized illegal immigration by ending deportations based on immigration status.
- President Trump stands up for border communities and Border Patrol agents. Even Democrat border mayors have acknowledged that Trump secured the border.
December 11 2022
MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, December 11, 2022
MAGA Inc. News Roundup for Sunday, December 11, 2022
Good evening,
This weekend, Democrats from the White House and Congress attempted to downplay the worst prisoner release deal in modern history. Administration officials and Biden’s lackeys regurgitated talking points on the Sunday shows and tried to convince Americans that this prisoner swap would not incentivize our country’s enemies.
As our southern border remains open and unsecure, RINOs in Congress propose mass amnesty. It seems as if Washington politicians will do anything to avoid reinstating President Trump’s border solutions. The American people, as always, will pay the price for D.C.’s disinterest.
Unsurprisingly, the legacy mainstream media continues to ignore the shocking revelations from Twitter’s internal document release. The files show how liberal activists at the social media giant suppressed President Trump and his supporters to influence the 2020 election.
The information below will arm you in defense of what will surely be another week of liberal media gaslighting.
Taylor Budowich
Biden’s weakness undermines American strength on the global stage as the “Merchant of Death” gets swapped for a basketball player:
- Viktor Bout, also known as Russia’s “Merchant of Death,” was released in exchange for Brittney Griner, an American basketball player who was arrested for drug possession while living and working in Russia.
- Bout was serving a 25-year sentence after being convicted of conspiring to kill Americans and providing weapons, including anti-aircraft missiles, to groups including terrorist organizations.
- Preet Bharara, the Democrat who prosecuted Bout during the Obama administration, acknowledged to Meet the Press that the trade was "asymmetric" and that Bout is a "dangerous man."
- Administration officials John Kirby (National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications) and Roger Carstens (Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs), who were both involved with the prisoner swap, danced around questions about whether this trade incentivizes bad actors to use Americans as bargaining chips.
- Adam Schiff implied to CBS that Putin deliberately released Brittney Griner over Whelan to “roil America,” while also admitting that this swap incentivizes hostage taking—did Joe Biden take Putin’s bait?
- Joe Biden abandoned imprisoned marine Paul Whelan:
- John Kirby on ABC’s This Week said that he only realized “last week” that there was “no chance” to release Whelan.
- Roger Carstens on CNN’s State Of The Union said that there “was no opportunity” to bring Whelan home.
- Whelan himself has said that he does not "understand” why he has not been freed.
- Families of hostages currently detained in Iran joined CBS’ Face The Nation on Sunday to express their frustration with the Biden administration:
- Hannah Shargi, daughter of imprisoned American Emad Shargi, stated that Biden has not met with “hostage families.” She noted that she lives in Washington, D.C., and is willing to meet at any time.
- Ariana Shargi expressed that Joe Biden has “no good reason not to meet with us…We’re Americans.”
- They also voiced their disappointment that White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre did not know about their family’s case when asked.
- During his time in office, President Trump freed 56 hostages and detainees from more than 24 countries without surrendering American security—that is what peace through strength looks like.
- President Trump has the expertise and a proven playbook to protect innocent American lives both at home and abroad. We cannot afford Biden’s weak leadership when our national security is at stake.
Joe Biden and his RINO allies propose mass amnesty as our southern border remains completely open:
- Border crossings already surged to record highs because of Joe Biden—as the end of Title 42 approaches, border communities are preparing for the worst. Amnesty will reward millions of illegal immigrants for breaking the law and encourage more to cross.
- Arizona Sen. Krysten Sinema told CNN's Jake Tapper that the federal government is failing to secure the border.
- Even as 2.6 million unknown migrants are expected in 2023, Biden is deporting 71 percent fewer criminal illegal immigrants than President Trump.
- Under President Trump, our border was as secure as it has ever been.
- President Trump built over 400 miles of the world’s most advanced border wall and illegal crossings plummeted over 87 percent where the wall was completed.
- He instituted the Migrant Protection Protocols, or the “Remain in Mexico” policy, to safely return asylum seekers to Mexico while they await hearings in the United States.
- President Trump also ended the dangerous practice of “Catch-and-Release,” which let untold numbers of illegal immigrants to disappear into our nation’s interior.
- President Trump must return to the White House to re-implement his border strategy before more American lives are put at risk by terrorists, traffickers, and the cartels.
Liberal media remains silent on the shocking discoveries revealed in internal Twitter documents:
- CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS once again devoted zero airtime this week to the bombshell revelations coming from Twitter.
- The documents prove that liberal activists at Twitter censored and suppressed the sitting President of the United States of America to influence an election. This is an unacceptable attack on the voice and votes of the American public.
- Files released Friday night show that "executives were looking for any excuse to ban President Donald Trump."
- Elon Musk says it is "unequivocally true" that Twitter employees interfered in the 2020 election and censored President Trump.
- Documents released on Saturday outlined "how Twitter executives twisted the platform’s rules with the intention of blacklisting" President Trump.
- According to the documents, Twitter staff and executives “took extraordinary steps to suppress” the Hunter Biden laptop story as first reported by the New York Post.
- Other emails show Joe Biden’s campaign and the DNC successfully petitioning Twitter staff and executives to remove tweets and suppress accounts.
- Full knowledge of the details of the Hunter Biden scandal would have led nearly 10 percent of Biden voters to abandon him—more than enough to flip the election in the six swing states won by Biden (AZ, GA, MI, NV, PA, and WI).
- 45.1 percent of Biden voters said they were unaware of the corruption scandal surrounding Joe and Hunter Biden.
- One in six Biden voters would have abandoned him if they had known about one or more of eight major news stories suppressed by Big Tech and the mainstream media in the 2020 election.
- In May 2020, President Trump signed the Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship that made it “the policy of the United States to foster clear ground rules promoting free and open debate on the internet.” It ensured that no federal tax dollars financed online platforms that restricted free speech.