June 16 2024

Good afternoon,


In the past week, there have been two stories that exemplify the threat Joe Biden's open border poses to Americans.


On Tuesday, it was revealed that 8 illegal immigrants with ties to ISIS were arrested. All 8 illegal immigrants entered the country under Joe Biden, and were released into the interior by his administration. 


The New York Post reported that one of the illegal immigrants was caught on a wiretap "talking about bombs."


Joe Biden's open border policies have been enabling terrorists. It was just a couple months ago when NBC News reported that the Biden administration released a man on the terror watch list into the country.


Even Democrats are forced to admit that Biden's open border is a national security threat. On Fox News Sunday, Democrat Rep. Jim Himes said, "The fact that there are lots of people who are here on an undocumented basis is a threat."


And former CIA Director Michael Morell, a Biden ally, wrote in Foreign Affairs that "with U.S. Customs and Border Protection reporting close to 200,000 encounters with migrants at this border each month so far in 2024, and with thousands of people each week crossing the border undetected, the government will need to take additional action—including the use of national emergency authorities—to ensure that terrorists are not exploiting this overwhelmed channel to enter the country."


Biden is not planning any sort of action to lock down the border. Instead, he is reportedly planning on giving amnesty to illegal immigrants, which will just encourage more illegals to cross our border. 


And terrorism isn't the only threat due to Biden's open border. On Saturday, police in Harford County, Maryland announced that they had arrested Victor Martinez-Hernandez for the murder of Rachel Morin, a Maryland mother of five.


Harford County Sheriff Jeff Gahler said that Martinez-Hernandez illegally crossed in February 2023. At one point during his press conference, Gahler said he had a message for "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue," and remarked: "We are 1,800 miles away from the southern border and the American citizens are not safe because of failed immigration policies. This is the second time in just two years that an innocent Harford County woman has lost her life to a criminal in our country illegally."


Taylor Budowich, 
CEO, Make America Great Again Inc.


USA TODAY: Joe Biden is struggling with black voters



  • USA Today: "The president has suffered significant losses among Black voters who supported him in 2020. Seventy-six percent of those surveyed in each state said they voted for Biden four years ago. Now, his support has fallen 20 percentage points in Pennsylvania (to 56%) and 22 points in Michigan (to 54%). Exit polls in 2020 showed Biden received 92% of the Black vote in each state, making his decline now even more precipitous. The top reason volunteered by respondents in the survey was discontent with the job he's done in the White House, followed by worries about his age and mental acuity."


  • On Saturday, President Trump held a roundtable at a black church in Detroit. Axios reported that there were loud cheers when President Trump spoke out against "left-wing gender ideology."


Washington Post: "President Biden has a polling problem, and he needs to admit it."



  • The Washington Post editorial board: "President Biden has a polling problem, and he needs to admit it. The president trails presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump by an average of around 1 percentage point, according to the site FiveThirtyEight, which aggregates and weights dozens of polls. Mr. Biden’s approval rating hovers around 38 percent — one of the lowest for a sitting president in decades. The picture is worse in swing states, with Mr. Biden trailing in five of the six that he won in 2020. In a recent New York Times-Siena College survey, Mr. Trump was leading Mr. Biden by 12 percent in Nevada and 10 percent in Georgia."
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