July 10 2024

Joe Biden is going to have a "big boy press conference" tomorrow.


Here are some big boy questions the press should ask:


  • You say that "no one is above the law," but you deport 67 percent fewer criminal illegal immigrants than President Trump did. Why do you put illegal immigrants above the law?


  • Your aides say that you are not fully with it outside of the six-hour time window of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Outside of that time window, ISIS killed 13 Americans in Kabul, Russia invaded Ukraine, and Hamas attacked Israel. Furthermore, you told Democrat governors that you need to stop working at 8 p.m. What happens if there is a nuclear missile fired at 1 a.m. Do you feel confident you could handle that?


  • Will you acknowledge any responsibility for the inflation crisis that is making life difficult for everyday Americans? Nearly 80 percent of Americans say fast food is now a "luxury."


  • Why is your administration trying to force states to allow boys in girls' sports and bathrooms? 


  • Do you regret rescinding President Trump's border policies? Why do you oppose a border wall? 
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