June 26 2024

It's debate week and Joe Biden's failing economic record remains unchallenged by his allies in the legacy media.


Will CNN ask Joe Biden about how he has failed Georgia during Thursday's debate in Atlanta? Prices in Georgia have risen by an unaffordable 21.4% since Biden took office, forcing Georgians to spend an additional $12,676 every year just to make ends meet. In total, Bidenflation has robbed the average Georgia household of $25,293.


  • Since January 2021:
    • A gallon of unleaded gasoline is over 55% more expensive.
    • Hotels cost nearly 54% more.
    • Car insurance payments are nearly 52% higher.
    • A car or truck lease costs over 46% more.
    • Auto repair costs nearly 41% more.
    • Egg prices are up over 40%.
    • Plane tickets are nearly 40% more expensive.
    • Tickets to sporting events cost 34% more.
    • Electricity bills are 29% higher.
    • Baby food and formula is 28% more expensive.
    • Public transportation costs over 27% more.
    • Pet food costs 23% more.
    • Dining out is 22% more expensive.
    • Grocery costs are up over 21%.
    • Rent is up 21%.


  • When adjusted for inflation, average weekly earnings for Americans dropped by nearly 4% under Joe Biden. Under President Trump, they grew by over 8%.




  • The amount of credit card debt held by Americans is up nearly 42%since January 20, 2021. 


  • The number of Americans who are seriously delinquent on their credit card payments is at its highest level since 2010.


  • The percentage of Americans who have become seriously delinquent on their auto loan payments has soared nearly 73% since Biden took office.


  • The American Dream of owning a home has become a nightmare, thanks to Joe Biden:

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