June 30 2024

Good afternoon,


Joe Biden's staff, high-profile supporters, and voters all agree that Joe Biden is unfit to be president.


Two Axios articles this weekend reveal that Joe Biden is only fully functional between the hours of 10 A.M. and 4 P.M., and that White House aides aren’t sure whether Biden can“fulfill a second term.”


Even Never Trumper Bill Kristol, a high profile Biden supporter in 2020, said on ABC's This Week that “You can’t unsee what we've seen. And it was not just a bad debate… He has a health problem. I'm going to put it that way.”


And CBS News found that a whopping 72 percent of voters don’t think Joe Biden is mentally capable of serving as president. 


High-profile liberal pundits are calling for Biden to step down, but the reality is that Democrats are stuck with Joe Biden as their nominee. Do we want the nation to be stuck with an incapable president until 2029?


Joe Biden’s presence in the Oval Office is a national security threat. It’s never been more evident that we need President Donald Trump back in the White House. 

Taylor Budowich

CEO, Make America Great Again Inc. 


Panic from the Biden campaign:

  • The Biden campaign is resorting to calling its worried supporters the "bedwetting brigade." They even sent out polling in a fundraising email that highlighted that Joe Biden and every other Democrat alternative loses to President Trump in head-to-head polling.


  • Biden's team can't help but panic as Biden's supporters now realize the videos of Biden struggling weren't "cheap fakes," but in fact very real. Even Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin acknowledged Sunday that there was a "big problem with Joe Biden's debate performance."


President Trump's historic dominance:


  • President Trump dominated Thursday's debate. CBS found that 56 percent of voters said President Trump won the debate, while just 16 percent said Biden won it.


  • Sen. J.D. Vance said on Fox News Sunday that the debate was a clarifying moment for the nation. "We have two candidates. One who can't do the job and one who has failed to do the job and that's Joe Biden. And Donald Trump, who both could do the job and has already done it successfully."





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